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.025 Fines on Scottish Operators

4th April 1958, Page 34
4th April 1958
Page 34
Page 34, 4th April 1958 — .025 Fines on Scottish Operators
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FINES totalling £225 were imposed on David A. Lawson (Thrums), Ltd., Hillhead, Kirriemuir, at Forfar Sheriff Court, after they admitted two charges of using vehicles outside the terms Of the licences, using an unauthorized .vehicle, permitting excess weight to be carried, and failing to keep records.

Mr. John W. Gibb, prosecuting, said the company were liable to fines totalling £800. In the charge relating to excess weight, a lorry was carrying 5 tons 19 cwt. more than it should have done. With regard to the failure to preserve records, they were required normally to keep them for three months. In this instance they had been asked by registered letter to preserve the records for a further six months and had failed to do so.

Mr. Gibb said that when *Mr. 'David Lawson, a director, was seen by the police in connection with the offences he said: "I do not have time to listen to any more of that nonsense. 1-have other things to do."

Mr. A. Whitehead, defending. said that in the first charge Lawson had provided drivers when they should have supplied only lorries to another concern. The carrying of an excess load had been caused by lack of a weighbridge. where the lorry was loaded. The record-keeping offence occurred because of a misunderstanding.