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T HE recent Liberal win at Torrington, albeit by only a small number of votes, may possibly be looked upon by some people as...
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p UBLICATION of the new Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness) Regulations has in no way abated the hostility of the...
Inspiration from England T HE All-England Lorry Driver of the Year Competition has created interest throughout the world, as...
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That two-tier roads might help towards transport without tears. That these might be shed, however, by those who would have to...
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F INES totalling £225 were imposed on David A. Lawson (Thrums), Ltd., Hillhead, Kirriemuir, at Forfar Sheriff Court, after they...
F IFTY Leyland Comet chassis, similar to 81 'which the company had ordered at the end of 1957, are to he delivered to...
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A FTER examining drivers' records of the Reader Group it appeared that, although large quantities of fruit were being left...
A LTHOUGH production and sales were slightly higher than ever before, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., last year suffered a temporary...
F IRST 20 loads on the Continental delivery service introduced by Evan Cook's Depositories, Ltd., 134 Queen's Road, London,...
- A N appeal by R. L. Williamson and Sons, Ltd., hauliers, against refusal of planning permission for a garage in Carleton New...
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MR. STANLEY S. DAWES has been elected president of the Institute of the Motor Industry for the 12th Lime. MR. J. E. PEARSON,...
0 "policy is complete denationalization of British Road Services and free enterprise within the transport industry," Mr. W. R....
per cent. of the cost of refuse collection and disposal was attributable to transport and 53 per cent. to labour. Respective...
I T was expected that if the finance and general purposes committee of the Transport and General Workers' Union, at their...
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L EVESTOCK hauliers in Angus and East Perthshire have decided not to carry cattle for sale at marts in Dundee, Forfar,...
W HEN Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., opposed Sansom Bros. (Sheffield), Ltd., before the Yorkshire Traffic Cornmissioners last...
this summer by the London Transport Executive to attract more passengers at off-peak hours. Cheap day returns on Green Line...
supplied to the Northern Rhodesian Public Works Department for road construction work. Steel dumper bodies with scow ends and...
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TWO applications for the conversion of C-hiring margins into B and A licences—both for the transport of eggs—were refused last...
D ECISION was reserved by the North Western Traffic Commissioners in Manchester last week when Lancashire United Transport,...
T 0 enable prospective customers to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of the transmission units manufactured and...
A T Terrington St. Clement last week. James William Hurst, of Swarm Inn, Emneth, was fined 11 on each of 10 charges of failing...
F OR some time the District Councils Association of Scotland have been concerned by the alleged shortcomings of transport in...
A SUGGESTION that a number of large R.A.F. storage tanks on the Island of Islay should be used as bulk fuel stores has been put...
rA A SIGN made of plastics material which can be taken off and rolled up when not in use is being suggested by Nottinghamshire...
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• report for last year, the Traders' Road Transport Association comment on the British Transport Commission's attitude towards...
rI PERATORS of a fleet forming part of the Europabus network, Nederlandse Buurtvervoer Maatschappij, Zeist, are to enter a...
A SUBMISSION by Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., that an unremunerative rural stage-carriage service should fake preference...
published by the Western Traffic Commissioners was expressed at the quarterly meeting of Somerset Boroughs arid Urban District...
A S from April 14, the ships of the Transport Ferry Service will be maintaining a schedule of three sailings weekly in each...
Deansgate, Manchester, 3, has been opened by Reed Transport, Ltd., to combine the functions of a sales office of the paper and...
is to be reformed into two districts. Edinburgh District will comprise the present Edinburgh Branch, and the Glasgow District...
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approach was made by British Railways to Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., as the providers of local bus services, to operate a...
T HE decision of Mr. Justice Harrnan in the Chancery Division that the cost of issuing free passes to old-age Pensioners, blind...
WHEN Mr. I. Greenwood applied to YV the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week for a B licence to carry agricultural...
of Transport indicate an increase of 2+ per cent, in the total number of road casualties in 1957, as compared with the previous...
E VERY endeavour will be made by the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society to have their garages registered as testing...
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THERE was an urgent need for car I transporters to carry used cars to and from motor auctions and dealers' premises in Great...
F ORM1DABLE increases in costs had . created a position in which the company were in danger of pricing themselves out of the...
VV applied to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority for a B licence for a cattle vehicle, the case was adjourned For the...
P LEADING guilty' to 10 offences at Selby last week, Fred Parrott, Thorpe Willoughby, Yorks, was fined a total of £50 for...
H OLIDAY tours activities by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., this season will include a seven-day tour through the Vale of...
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I T is not intended to restore the power of magistrates to disqualify drivers who do not stop after an accident. This was...
WHEN Mr. L. S. Barley applied to wv Mr. J. R. Lindsay, North Weitern Deputy Licensing Authority, last week for a B licence for...
A FINE of £6 was imposed upon F. H. Cooper and T. W. Hart, Ltd., Chesterfield Road, Sheffield, last week for having a vehicle...
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T HE Minister of Transport has made a grant of more than £185,000 to West Riding County Council towards the cost, estimated at...
S UBSTANTIAL orders were being placed with the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.. for the Trader range of vehicles, said Sir Patrick...
F ORTY per cent, of the route mileage and 72 per cent, of the routes operated by the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co.,...
BECAUSE the railways had already 1 -. 0 spent enormous sums on unremunerative routes, they could not he .expected to support...
handled by Pease Transport, Ltd., and Silver Roadways, Ltd., in the year ended September 28, 1957, said Mr. Ian D. Lyle,...
W HEN Judge Abraham Flint made an order at Nottingham County Court for the winding-up of S. and S. Transport, Ltd„ Cedar Road,...
A SUCCESSFUL application was made last week by Fry and Sons (Motor Engineers), Ltd., Wells, to the Western Traffic...
TEN Guy Warrior lightweight underfioor-engined chassis have been ordered by Uniao de Transportadores para Importacao C...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. S INCE the original normal-control Bedford Duple Vista 29-seat . coach, and its equivalent bus...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk 1 INTR. recently Peter Slater has to west-country hauliers I./ been merely a name frequently...
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By a Special Correspondent How a Major London Depot of British Road Services is Organized So that Big Tonnages of Various...
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A SWEDISH Volvo 39538 6 x 4 oilfields vehicle has been supplied to the National Supply Co., Ltd., London. E.C.1, by Scottorn,...
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Ton Raised in 6 Sec. CAPABLE of raising over ton to a • -•• height of 9 ft. 24 in. in about 6 sec,, a new, front-end bucket...
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W HEN the Saturday football edition of the Yorkshire Evening Press is printed, a few minutes' delay in delivery makes a...
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A S announced in The Commercial Motor last week, revised Conditions of Fitness Regulations have now been issued and are...
T HE National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses have drawn up terms and conditions of subcontracting. An advisory...
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T HE largest vehicle to be built by Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., Oldham. Lanes, has just been completed, and is powered by an...
A FTER pleading guilty to 89 hours and records" offences at Lambeth last week, Tuborg Lager (Great Britain), Ltd.. Mandrell...
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The Views of Bodybuilders on the Effects on Design of Air Suspension I N contrast to the design of the integral hull...
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Political Commentary JANUS I N their original campaign against the Transport Act. 1947, hauliers worked to death the metaphor...
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Does Hire Purchase Lead to Rate-cutting? Ignorance of Operating Costs Rather than Hire Purchase is Chief Cause of Many...
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IN a talk to senior staff of his depart.' ment, Mr. A. A. M. Durrant, chief mechanical engineer (road services), London...
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are 'placing an ever increasing burden on conventional rubber and cord tyres, Especially is this so in tyres used on heavy...