Men in the News MR. R. E. FRANKLIN has been appointed commercial vehicle sales manager of Carmo (1929), Ltd.
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MR. STANLEY S. DAWES has been elected president of the Institute of the Motor Industry for the 12th Lime.
MR. J. E. PEARSON, Of Charles H. Roe, Ltd., has joined the board of Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd., both members of the A.C.V. Group.
MR. B. rvIcMAtioN, director of Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., has retired. He was appointed a director in 1942 and joined the company in 1934.
MR. W. E. A. WILLIAMS has been appointed technical representative of Suffolk Iron Foundry .(1920), Ltd., for London and south-east England.
MR. H. HALLIWELL, Manchester depot manager of Smiths' Motor Accessories, Ltd., has retired after 23 years with the company. His successor is MR. L. J. MILSON.
MR. W. FARNORTH, secretary of the North Western (Eastern) Area of the Road Haulage Association, has retired. He had been connected with the road transport industry for nearly 50 years.
MR. A, T. WEBSTER, who joined Leyland Motors, Ltd., as a trade apprentice 20 years ago, has been appointed manager of the Australian branch of the company. He was previously executive assistant to the general sales and service manager.
MR. H. W. CRUNDWEI L, formerly vicechairman, has been elected chairman of the Kent Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association. MR. NORMAN H. EILFF has been re-elected chairman of the South Yorkshire Division of the T.R.T.A.. with MR. T. W. PARKER as vice-chairman.
MR. J. DELICATE has been elected chairman of the Coventry Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association. The vicechairmen are MR. J. H. Hotnaoole and MR. G. W. IVIoustiv. MR. R. J. H. NURSER is chairman of the Potteries Area, and MR. A. E. BOOTH and MR. F. R. S-runns. vice-chairmen.
MR. E. BEzArsrr has been elected chairman of the Aylesbury Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association and MR.
W. C. HoRw000 vice-chairman. MR, A. J. FoRsrut is chairman of the Bletchley Sub-area and MR. E. H. LITILEDALE vice-chairman. Chairman of the Southern Area is MR. J. H. G. BARBER and the vice-chairman MR. J. RAWLINGS.
MR. C. P. HARTREY, advertisement manager of The Commercial Motor, has been elected a member of the executive committee of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund. Other members are: MR. E. BROWN. MRS. DORIS CLARK. MR. T. CORDERY, MR. W. G. GROTE, MR. A. HIRST, MR. J. R. T. GIBSON JARVIE, MR, R. E. MAUDE. MR. G. SELWYN SMITH. MR. A. TAYLOR, MR. W. L. THOMPSON and MR. G. J. Wnitams.
c2 MR. RONALD A. FEARNLEY on Monday completed 25 years as general manager of Coventry Transport Department.
MR. B. H. NEAL has succeeded MR. N. R. NEAL as chairman of R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd. Mr, N. R. Neal remains a director.
MR, G. M. BURNETT, Aberdeen district manager of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), •Ltd., has completed 30 years' service with the company.
MR. P. G. TALBOT has become sales executive of Stewart and Ardern, Ltd. MR. W. C. K1RKALDY is now area sales supervisor, and MR. S. G. GRAHAM has joined the fleet sales section.
MR. R. J. RAMSOEN and MR. P. J. GREAVFS, directors of the North Central Wagon and Finance Co., Ltd., have been appointed joint managing directors. MR. DUNCAN MCINTOSH., previously secretary of the company, has been appointed deputy managing director. and MR. J. C. lvliorKEroN Snarru is now a director. MR. A. E. KEELER has become secretary.
WHAT is stated to be the first production road roller in this country to be fitted with a torque converter has been delivered by Thomas Green and Son, Ltd., Leeds, to Eddison Plant, Ltd., Belton, Grantham. Known as the Eddimatic Torque Ranger, the vehicle was built to Eddison Plant's own design and incorporates many unusual features.
The new roller, which is the result of several years' development, is powered by a Ford four-cylindered oil engine and has a Brockhouse 1334/169 torque converter in place of the usual gearbox. Advantages include greatly increased flexibility and control, infinitely variable speeds up to 5 m,p.h., and exceptional hill-climbing ability. Another unusual feature is the use of a detachable plastic cab fitted with laminated safety glass and sliding doors.
It is expected that this roller will he used on one of the large national road programmes.
QNE-PIECE plastics bus seats have been developed by the American Seating Co., Grand Rapids. 2. Michigan, U.S.A.. and have been adopted in G.M.C. buses operated by the New York City Transit Authority. These contoured lightweight units are spring mounted for maximum comfort and have been ordered principally to stop seating damage caused by vandalism.