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of Passenger Transport
Details Extracted from the Gazettes Published by Area Traffic Commissioners During the Week
MEE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each case the number of the latest Gazette of Notices and Proceedings to be received is mentioned in brackets.
Northern Scotland (Gazette No. 18)1
The Castle, Inverness, August 4th, 11 a.m. Courthouse, Pante°, August 6th-7th, 11 a.m.
Town Council Chambers, Stornotvo,y, August 10th-11th, 11 a.m.
Southern Scotland (Garotte No. 19): No public sittings in this area will be held Irons August 3rd-28th.)
Northern (Gazette No. 9):
Town Hall, Bishop Auckland, August 6th. lob, 10.30 a.m.
Council Chamber, Itedcar, August 8th, 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Penrith, August 10th, 10.30 am.
Town Hall, Whitehaven, August llth-12th, 10.30 a.ni.
Town Hall, Kendall, August 13th-14th, 17th-18th, 10.30 a.m.
Drill Hall, Southey Street, Keswick, August 19th, 10.50 a.m. Victoria Hall, Grange-over-Sands, August 20th. 10.30 eon.
Yorkshire (Gazette No. 19):
Law Courts, Clifford Street, York, August llth.130h, 10 a.m.
North-Western (Gazette No. 14):
(No forthcoming sittings announced.)
West Midland (Gazette Ho. 18):
Town Ran, Hanley, August 20th and follow ing days (if necessary). Birmingham, August 26th-28t5.
East Midland (Gazette No. 20):
Nottingham, October 6th; Bedford, October 12th; Peterborough, October 19th; Skeg ness, October 26th; Betford, November
azd; Leicester. November 9th; Northerly
ton, November 16th; Cleethorpes, November 23rd; Nottingham, December 8th; Lincoln, December 14th.
Eastern (Gazette No. 19):
Town Hall, Sudbury, August 6th and following days, 11 a.m. Shire Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, August 11th and following days, 11 a.m. (No public sittings in this area for at least four weeks alter August 11th.'
South Wales (Gazette No. 16):
Town Hall, Aberayron, August 1101-13th, 10.30 a.m.
Western (Gazette No. 17):
(No public sittings in this area will be held during August.)
Southern (Gazette 'No. 19):
Bournemouth, September 14th and following days'' Swindon, September 28th; Winchester, October 12th; Southampton, October 26th; Portsmouth, November 9th.
South•Eastern (Gazette NO. 20):
Town Hall, Tunbridge Wells, August 10th14th.
Gaywood House, Wood Street, London, S.W.1, August 17th-22nd. Middlesex, Guildhall, London, 8.W.1, August 24th-28th. (No public sittings in this area will be held from August 29th to September 16th.)
Metropolitan (Gazette No. 20):
(No public sittings in this area will be held from July 31st to August 25th..)
It would appear from Gazette No. 19 of the Traffic Commissioners for the Southern Scotland Area that mystery
tours are popular in Scotland as well as elsewhere in Britain, for a number of applications for licences for such tours has been received. The Commissioners have granted numerous licences, most of these being in respect of stagecarriage services.
The Northern Traffic Commissioners will be extremely busy during the next fortnight or so, for they are holding quite a number of sittings in various parts of their area, and Gazette No. 9 contains long lists of applicants. Firms interested in tours to Blackpool are prominent among the applicants.
The next sitting of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners should be interesting, because the "Objections or Representations" column of Gazette No. 16 for the area is well supported by the names of well-known conipanies, notably the L.N.E. and L.M.S. Railway Companies, the North-Western Road Car Co., Ltd., Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and several municipal authorities. The Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., Sheffield Corporation-and Sheffield Corporation, L.M.S. and L.N.E. Railways joint Omnibus Committee are among the applicants for licences.
Gazette No. 14 of the North-Western Traffic Commissioners shows that only three operators have been granted licences, alt being municipal authorities, namely, Warrington, Todmorden and Blackburn. The Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Go., Ltd., has, it is revealed by Gazette No. 18 of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, been granted a large number of licences in respect of stage-carriage services.
The Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., Peterborough Electric Traction Co., Ltd., and Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., are prominent applicants for licences listed in Gazette No. 19 of the Traffic Commissioners for the Eastern area. The applications of the last-named concern occupy many pages. The proceeflings at Bury St. Edmund's on August 11th and following days should be smooth, for there are no objectors, to the granting of licences.
Gazette No. 16 of the South Wales Commissioners reveals the fact that numerous local undertakings have been granted licences, but chiefly in respect of stage-carriage serliices and tours. The Thames Vahey Traction Co., Ltd., City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd., are well-known concerns which have been granted licences by the Traffic Commissioners for the Southern area.
As in the ease of past issues, Gazette No. 20 of the Traffic Commissioners for the South-Eastern area is a comprehensive publication, and reveals the fact that the forthcoming sittings should be interesting, for there are many objectors to the various application for licences. For instance, the application of Davorian Caching Co.. is opposed by 10 undertakings, including the Southern Railway Co., The East Kent Road Car.
Co.,. Ltd., and the Maidstone and trict Motor Services, Ltd, the -remainder being municipalities. The United Services Transport Co., Ltd., makes a number of applications, some being in respect of services from London to Brighton, Hastings, Torquay, Eastbourne and other popular seaside resorts, in each case there being at least three objectors.
According to Gazette No. 20 of the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner, he has granted numerous licences, notably for services from London to the meth coast, Bognor and Littlehampton being amongst popular resorts sought to be served. Twelve applications have been refused, these being in respect chiefly of services from various parts of London to snorts grounds and dog-racing tracks in the neighbourhood.