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HERE is no doubt in many minds that the T •free wheel, in one form or another, will eventually become a standardized part of...
New' constructional features are to be found in the latest type of all-metal body. Page 855. Our road test article has for its...
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W E cannot congratulate T h e Institute of Public Cleansing on its Press arrangements in connection with the First...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by The roughness of the roads over which it...
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DUBLIN Fire Brigade has ordered a Merryweather turntable fire ladder. Borough of CROYDON has indented for a Dennis...
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W HEN employing fuels other than petrol, such, for instance, as producer gas, in an engine of normal design, it is usually...
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COLLECTION AND CLEANSING Some Facts and Figures Relating to the Cost of Refuse Collection and Street Sweeping by Mechanized...
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I N our issue dated January 6th, when describing the Whitley destination indicator, we mentioned that the Whitley Tool Co.,...
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The Latest Addition to the K-type Range of Heavyduty Goods Models Produced by Karrier Motors, Ltd. MI OR many years the K-type...
—an interesting ramp detail INFORMATION reaches us concern.ling an interesting detail in connection with ramps for horseboxes,...
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More About Rutway Transport. Are Streamlined, Rear-engined Buses Coming? Misleading Statements on Regulations Suggestions...
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How the Appliances and Refuse-coth in Connection with Last Week's Cleansing Impressed the Delega on Vehicles Demonstrated at...
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_Lill RITISH, American and German visitors to France are often inclined to regard that country as lagging far behind the times...
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent THE LONDON PASSENGER TRANSPORT BILL. I N the course of the...
A N interesting discussion took place in the House of Commons on the estimates for the Ministry of Transporr, which were...
W ITH regard to the trunk-road and the five-years programmes, the former envisaged a total expenditure of £21,000,000 for works...
A LLUDING to the fall in the "appalling number of accidents and casualties on the road," Sir Gervais Rentoul said it was clear...
Some Suggestions. IR WILLIAM BRASS said they did Onot know how or why the number of accidents had decreased since the passing...
new trunk roads there should be a double roadway. In making important roads consideration should be given to the banking of...
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HAULIER and CARRIER The Much-discussed Item of Overhead Charges and Its Particular Application to the Difficulties of the...
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ALL-METAL BODIES I N passing from the offices to the Midland Works of the Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage, Wagon and Finance...
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LATEST CURTIS HORSEBOXES THE • designing of, a horsebox body for mounting upon a motor chassis calls for a long experience and...
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An Interesting New De Laval Plant Constructed for the Benefit of Vehicle Users O NEof the troubles which always faces the...
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from COWLEY The Inexpensive Morris 81 0-ctot. Van Put Through Its Paces. A Use All-round Per formance by a Vehicle of...
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10‘TEW provisional regulations concern ing the equipment and use of public service vehicles have just been issued by the...
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of Passenger Transport THE COMMISSIONERS' FORTHCOMING PUBLIC SITTINGS Details Extracted from the Gazettes Published by Area...
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The Railways Willing to Cooperate in this Important Matter T IIE decision of the Northern Area Traffic Commissioners to...
Remarkable Statistical Evidence of the Popularity of Motor Coaches R ECENTLY the Eastern Traffic Commissioners have considered...
Evidence Given to East Midland Commissioners in Connection with the LutonLondon Route I N the past few days there has been a...
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Facts and Figures Embodied in the Latest Report Convey, in our Opinion, an Erroneous Impression as to the Merits of Buses A...
Revealed at a Recent Southern Area Sitting A T the Dorchester sitting of the Southern Area Traffic Commissioners recently the...
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AHEAD Our Bodybuilding Expert Deals with the Windscreen and Front Windows of the Coach and Bus, introducing the Subject of...
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T HE method of mounting steering wheels, which is shown in patent No. 351,379, by Achille Arato, 47 eorso Pratte* Turin, is...