Road Transport in Other Lands
Page 75

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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets
Egypt Calls for Tenders.
MENDERS have lately been invited 1 by the Egyptian Ministry of Public Works for the concession to run motorbuses in Cairo. The concession covers 14 routes in the city, on five of which 14-seater buses are to be used, 30seaters being employed on the remaining nine routes.
The Cedars and Motors of Lebanon.
IN connection with a brief note upon the development of goods traffic by motor between Iraq and Persia and the Mediterranean coast, which we published two or three weeks ago, it is Interesting to learn from H.M. Consul. General at Beyrout that 4,216 motorcars and no fewer than 438 commercial vehicles were registered in the Lebanon from January to October, 1929. In the mdnth of October alone 18 commercial vehicles were registered in Iraq. A confidential report on the market for motor vehicles in Persia, which has been furnished by the British Legation at Teheran, is of value in this connection, and British concerns desirous of receiving a copy should communicate with the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, .S.W.1, quoting reference .A_X.8931.
The Transport of Mecca Pilgrims.
IT is reported fromCairo that during
the past four years no fewer than 1,200 motor vehicles have been imported into Jeddah for the transport of pilgrims to Mecca and Medina.
Bus Competition in Malta.
ON December 31st, 1928, there were 290 motorbuses in Malta, 230 being of American origin. One type of American chassis sells for £220, a locally built body being supplied and fitted for a further £40. Most of these buses are owner-driven, cost of maintenance and operation being kept at a minimum. Fares are about d. per mile. According to the American consul at Valetta, however, a new factor has now
sprung up in the establishment of 'the British Motor Co., under the management of a retired English naval officer and operated with British capital. The company is said to be putting into operation 12 Thornycrofts of the Pullman type, and plans to operate on a regular schedule. Should this company be successful, a large number of privately owned buses will be forced out of competition.
Statistics from Seven Areas.
DURING September last the registrations of commercial vehicles in the
Union of South Africa were as fol
low :—Cape Colony 157, Natal 46, Transvaal 113, Orange Free State 44. In the following month, namely, October, the figures were respectively 231,
44, 140 and 15, the total being 430.
It is stated that there are now 746 motorbuses in operation in Berlin.
As at March 31st last there were 641 'commercial vehicles in Bangkok and 3,468 in the rest of Siam. Twelve commercial motors were registered in Bang kok during November.
• From His Majesty's Consul at St. Michael's we learn that, at the end of November last, there were 83 commercial vehicles and 697 motorcars in the Azores.
• During November last 38 lorries, vans, etc., and 43 buses were put into service in Ceylon.
In a report to Bombay Corporation on the subject of refuse collection, the municipal commissioner states that, as funds permit, motor tractors and trailers are to be added to the fleet of refuse-collection vehicles.
During the three months ended September last 42 motorvans, lorries and
buses, valued at £5,175, were imported into Bulgaria. All but four of the
vehicles were American.
India's Increasing Imports.
THE official survey of India's import trade for the six months ended September last is to hand, and shows that shipments of motorbuses, vans and lorries have advanced from 6,026 to 8,289 vehicles, the value being 132 lakhs of rupees. The largest share was from Canada, this amounting to 5,188 vehicles. The British share rose slightly from 209 to 222 vehicles, whilst the American share advanced to 2,828 vehicles. The average value per vehicle imported was £122, the average values for Canadian, American and British vehicles being respectively £95, £155 and £303.
More Motor Roads in China.
TWO new provincial motor roads. one connecting Chinkiang with Chnjunghsien and the other the Kiangsu section of the Nanking-Hangehow InterProvincial Highway—were recently formolly opened. According to a project of the Hunan Provincial Government, the construction of seven new roads, linking various important centres of the province, will be carried out by the Provincial Department of Reconstruction as soon as possible. The total mileage of the roads is approximately 1,270 miles and the work will occupy four years.
Dutch Imports of Commercial Vehicles.
,IN the seven months ended July last 338 complete commercial motor vehicles, valued at £58,666, were imported into Holland, as compared with only 244 and £56,666 in the corresponding period of 1928. Of commercial chassis the imports amounted to 4,691 in number and £634,416 in value, these figures contrasting with only 2,402 and 1333,334 in the previous year.
Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-three chassis are credited to Belgium, but the majority consists of American vehicles assembled in that country. Of the remainder 379 are credited to Great Britain, 282 to America, 110 to France and 87 to Germany.