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W HILST we have confidence that an excellent future lies before the heavy-oil engine in connection with its use for commercial...
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TT is to be regretted that much of the blame .1for the unfortunate state Of many small hauliers should be laid at the door of...
T HE manufacturer of commercial • vehicles who wishes to cater for the many classes of user is faced with the problem of how...
N iTRITING recently in a Sunday news-• paper, Sir Max Pemberton, in comparing taxicab fires in New York and London, mentioned...
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'The wheels of wealth wili be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
Special Passenger Vehicle Number of COMMERCIAL MOTOR will be published on Tuesday, February 11th, at the usual price of 3d....
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The directors of the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., have decided to recommend the payment of a dividend of Ti per cent, per...
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The report of Chapman and Sons (Eastbourne), Ltd. the well-known coaching concern Of Eastbourne, for the year 1929 reveals a...
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A Ministry of Transport return which has recently been issued shows that the total number of mechanically propelled vehicles in...
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A Sentinel Machine Tested Under Difficult Weather Conditions : Low Fuel Consumption Despite High Tractive Resistance I N...
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Suggestions of the Corporation for Amendments to the Bill T BE sub-committee which Glasgow Corporation appointed to consider...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent T E report stage of the Road Traffic Bill was entered upon in the House of Lords...
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for DIESEL ENGINES The Benes Device is of Marked Simplicity. It Has No Valves and Operates at a Pressure of 300 Atmospheres...
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D UBING recent years the ShnmsJurid patent link couplings have made . consederable headway in the commercial-motor world. On...
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Details of an Efficient Fire-fighting Appliance of the Foam Type and how it Proved its Value A S is well known, the great...
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F OR the first time some figures have lately been issued by the Irish Free State -Department of Industry and Commerce which...
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How the Task of Distributing Supplies to the Shops and Depots of Boots (the Well-known Concern of Chemists) is Accomplished...
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The works committee of SHIPLEY' Urban District Council has decided to purchase a motor tractor. GLASGOW Corporation has...
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FRENCH TRACTOR SHOW rpllE ninth annual plough and traetqr show .1. at the Porte de Versailles, Paris, seemed to indicate, so...
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Some Useful Seating Plans Which May be Employed in Connection with Three Sizes of 32-seater Longdistance Passenger Vehicle...
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HAULIER and CARRIER An Estimate of the Saving Effected in the Operating Cost of a Vehicle, when the Owner Himself Cares for It...
"I have been asked by a corn-miller to quote prices for the cletrvery of foodstuffs to his customers, who are mostly farmers....
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CONVERTIBLE COACHWORK A MOTORCAR which can function, when required, as a goods-carrying vehicle appeals to a large number of...
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A T the Olympia Show . of -last November appeared the first edition of the Chaser four-wheeler built by Karrier Motors, Ltd.,...
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PASSENGER TRAVEL COACHING CONDITIONS IN MANCHESTER, The Activities of an Association Which Protects the Interests of...
The Corporation Decides to Inaugurate Fast Services to Points on the City Boundry. T HE general manager of the tramways and...
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Details of a Hand and a Mechanically Operated Roof for Passenger Vehicles. T 'E problem of providin g motor coaches, both of...
A Bus Body Built by a Coventry Concern, Which Has Lately Commenced the Construction of Commercial Bodywork. A NIONE who is at...
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A Valuable Site Purchased by an Influential Syndicate for the Purpose of Handling Coaching Traffic at Kings Cross, T HE...
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Subjects Under Discussion: Organization of Hauliers. The Cost of Diesel OIL Running-cost Figures for a 3-ton Six -wheeled...
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E VERY year tyre manufacturers expend a great deal of effort in endeavouring to persuade vehicle users to give to tyres that...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets Egypt Calls for Tenders. MENDERS have...
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THE INJECTION OF FUEL A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications MHE patent of Eugen Thomas and Robert Stuhr, both...