LANS to bring in a two-tier aerators' licensing system 3me
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under attack this week .om the National Guild of ransport Managers.
The scheme was put forrard by the Department of ransport in draft regulations n admission to the road hautge profession, circulated just efore Christmas (CM, Deember 24).
This shelved proposals for .ansport managers' licensing, nd instead suggested a stanard '0' licence, which would How holders to operate on wn-account and hire and award, and a restricted cence for own-account opertors only.
Now the NGTM, in its reply ) the draft, has said that it egards anything that looks ke the old carriers licensing cheme as a retrograde step. And "the latest proposals ould be considered a step in at direction."
It believes that from an perational and road safety oint of view, there is no lifference between the esponsibilities of hire and eward or own-account. This vas a fundamental reason for etaining a single licensing ystem.
The Freight Transport Asociation has also commented In the consultation paper. It Las urged a deferment on the late at which the scheme is lue to become operative, JanLary 1, 1978.
The main point of the twoier plan is that operators who ;ngage in hire and reward vork will need, not only to atisfy the conditions of the '0' icence, but in addition, prove wofessional competence.
Where the operator cannot ;laim professional compe ence he may designate an i;r1ployee, who would also ieed to be of good repute.
Certificates issued by the toyal Society of Arts and ;ained by passing an examin ktion would be the only proof competence. But there will )e special "grandfather rights" or hauliers and transport nanagers already in the busiless.
Individuals will be .xempted, providing they lave been employed in the ndustry prior to January 1, 1975, and employed "without nterruption" since.