4th February 1977, Page 27
4th February 1977
Page 27

Page 27, 4th February 1977
Nfc 'errors' Over French Connection
'RITICISM of the managelent of the National Freight orporation's abortive French Tterprise came from NFC 'airman Sir Dan Pettit last eek in evidence to a House of ommons select......
Call To Aise Toll
)LLS on the two Mersey umels are not excessive, 'ansport Under Secretary hn Horam told the ComDns when speaking on Mery County Council's request r an increased charge. The......
Trial Of 7 Drivers
CHARGES brought by the Eastern Licensing Authority, against seven drivers employed by Turners (Soham) Ltd, concerning the obliteration of entries in their records and failing to......