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Cf Rigids Launched
A NEW company, Crane Fruehauf Rigids Limited, was formed this month to co-ordinate, develop, manufacture and market the expanding rigid vehicle body-building activities of the......
Nawdc Seminars
COURSES on effective fleet management for traffic staff are to be held in February, March and April by the National Association of Waste Disposal Contractors. The courses have......
Bakers Warn Of Sackings
A WARNING that bread delivery drivers who refuse to deliver to shops selling bread below 18p a loaf risk being sacked, came from the Bakers Federation this week. Federation......
Cou Lorr Is Reject Outeing
LARGE-SCALE lorry routeir has been ruled out as impra. tical by most local authoritie A comprehensive survey t the Freight Transport AS$4 ciation, which has studie lorry......
Breakclovvti Fees
CHARGES for membership of National Breakdown Recovery Service (Commercial) Ltd, which begins operation in March, have been established as: enrolment £20; annual membership £30;......