PRICES secretary Ro3 Hattersley has ordered an in quiry into
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the whole questior of road haulage rates by th( Prices Commission.
And this week Rom Haulage Association direct°.
general George Newman tol( CM that he welcomed the in vestigation to show just hov low rates are.
"This will give an oppor tunity to show that service are so cheap that operator cannot obtain sufficien revenue to replace vehicle the prices of which have rise: by between 140 and 160 pe cent," said Mr Newman.
He also revealed that th RHA had been considerin, whether to ask for an inquiry A Prices Departmen spokesman said that no part cular region of road haulag pricing was to be examine but the whole question was t be put under the microscope.
The Prices Commission wi be reporting its findings 134 fore May 31 next year, and it finds there are restrictit practices involved in the prio ing of services, these will t referred to the Office of Fa Trading for action.
Under new powers, IV Hattersley can enforce Pri( Commission recommer dations for a year and rene them with Parliamentary al proval for further 12-moni periods.