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The extension of the grace period on the introduction the eight-hour day says much for the ability of our negotiators in...
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EEC DELAYS lOURS LAW LLOWING a dramatic nbdown by the French nsport minister at last ek's EEC Council of transt ministers in...
HE Small Firms Employment ubsidy is to be extended by - iree months to March 31, D78. Under this scheme small rms in Special...
the whole questior of road haulage rates by th( Prices Commission. And this week Rom Haulage Association direct° . general...
TOYOTA are to announce new 2 and 3-ton range of cor mercial vehicles to the U market during 1978. Recently Colt announc( that...
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A NEW directive from Ireland's Ministry for Tourism and Transport means that hauliers setting up in Ireland after this year...
FIAT-engined Magirus :lub-of-Four lorry flown by a hartered cargo plane to the inked States has marked the tart of an...
BRITISH hauliers engaged in international journeys suffer from a badly organised permit quota system. And the system needs...
WEST MIDLANDS haull now look certain to go ah with their agreement w Alan Law's Transport i General Workers Union ii for a 15...
THE refusal by lorry drivers to use tachographs is claimed to be the reason why 55 workers will lose their jobs at a Dundee...
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)MMENTING on his recent, ccessful second attempt at itaining three-year Lasing-in period for Britain the drivers' hours EEC...
CRANE FRUEHAUF'S board has recommended its shareholders to accept a new bid for the company from the Inchcape group. The new...
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F.GGETTS Transport Ltd, 'oolpit, was called before the !puty Eastern LA, Gerald idner, last week, following 13 . ohibitions and...
MAGISTRATES who had inflicted fines of £3,900, on Bannon and Ward Transport Ltd, Dewsbur for 78 drivers, hours and records...
X TRANSIT TAX is to be inrodueed by the Austrian 3overnment on July 1 next mar. And the move is being bit:erly opposed by the...
AN EBBW VALE haulier has successfully applied for additional vehicles lobe added to his licence in view of the inpending...
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HAULS Rising traffic A NEW operational office has been opened in Birmingham by Anchor Global Transport Ltd to deal with...
A RULING by the Department of Employment that four drivers, who were employed by a company which had acquired the vehicles they...
A PLEA for an immediate start to work on the designation of heavy lorry routes for Lothian Region has been rejected. A meeting...
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PAPERS read at a conference held in July at the Cranfield Institute of Technology on the "Design, construction and operation of...
BRIGHTON coach operator Lennard C. R. Berry, trading as East Sussex Coach Hire, who already surrendered four of his five public...
VIOLENCE on buses in the Strathclyde region of Scotland is rising. Over 103 incidents involving violence or assaults on bus...
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VIAJOR POLICY document Tared by Lothian officials is criticised last week for its ppalling" dismissal of lightpid transit —...
Dennis teamwork TEAMWORK by the busi sid( of Hestair Dennis wa: rewarded last week when Joht Smith, managing dire tor handed...
HREE special coach parking ieters installed during the pring on Victoria mbankment are to be made ermanent. The meters, which...
LONDON Transport has asked the Greater London Council for approval to install 1,300 two-way radio sets at an estimated cost of...
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k NEW RANGE of light vans ind pick-ups has been introluced to the British market by liercedes-Benz (UK) Ltd. Announced for the...
BY JANUARY next year ERF will be fitting its new non-reactive bogie which is claimed not only to improve braking performance,...
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revealed exclusively in CM ugust 19) Quinton Hazell utomotive Ltd has been orking on an energy sorbing under-run bumper hich is...
FODENS this week announce their Haulmaster (see CM Road Test, Page 44 (and Fleet models. Just a few weeks ago 1 had the...
'0 OVERCOME the problems of raven Tasker (Andover) Ltd ha Ay-loaders. This new facility means that I is possible to raise the...
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(Id THE first Turin commercial notor show since Italy )ermitted higher gross :ombination weights, nactically all exhibitors of...
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(yarning: watch he Japanese. • • by Brian Chalmers-Hur IIS MONTH Japanese heavy mmercial vehicle sales in e UK exceeded...
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The Fleetmaster on show will a a sleeper-cab version with a olls-Royce 290L engine. This 3rticular model breaks with )(fen...
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ELVIN HALL, Glasgow, where the Scottish Motor Show iens next Friday, is easy to get to by bus, coach and train. It is served...
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• • ODENS TODAY announce • their new range of tractive units: they are the it.ilmaster, intended for eration at 32 tons...
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u can drive the vehicle that )ke CM'S road test fuel isumption record at Kelvin II next week. The actual DAF 00 hooked up to...
to disappear. I hear that Derek Good is winding up Pioneer Transport at Bear in Devon and transferring the haulage fleet to his...
The conference season is almost over — only the BAR autumn conference on November 15 remains. So it was possibly appropriate...
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needed more lined, experienced and , nscientious recruits, but ere seems to be little terest shown by employers opening their...
The facts are that in the last 12 months seven members of the executive staff at head office have left. Three members retired...
I have only just noted Bryan Ball's comments (Dear Sir, September 30) on diesel half-tracks, bulldozers, etc. The diesel...
view that "unnecessary regulations could bring the law in general into contempt", is an invitation to the industry to set down...
I refer to the article concerning" 'Lethal' tag" for retreads (CM October 7 On behalf of my company, Ondura Ltd, I wish to draw...
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WAGES negotiations should again take place at national level and involve a Statutory Joint Industrial Council or at least a...
DEPRECIATION allowances on vehicles are about to be permitted to take account of inflationary effects on vehicle prices,...
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rOM BURT, one of two lyndicate chairmen dealing with the licensing question, old the conference that nembers are looking for...
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impacity EHICLE manufacturers rare criticised by operators Pho are considering the orits of British as against )reign vehicles...
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EUROPEAN Commission 3fficials have no power to prant any further extension if time for Britain to ntroduce the eight-hour...
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ilE DO NOT LIKE foreigners to dictate how we should tgulate our activities. Although the Government may oprove the principle of...
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F1-111.1 having a chat with an n,n-account operator we A onto the subject of Isting repairs. Repair costs e one of the...