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4rthur Marenbon
1 "Mr Trailer, alias Arthur Marenbon, is a iodest, quiet man who has spent all his forking life with R. A. Dyson and Co Ltd but rho has done a great deal for the trailer Idustry as a whole. As chairman of. the MMT Trailer Technical Committee he was eeply involved in the introduction of itionalized artic coupling standards, the MMT/SAE scheme which brought interiangeability; later, as first 'chairman of the rticulated Vehicle and Trailer Committee he Dntributed to the standards for coupling sight and clearance, which brought further sxibility of operation. More recently he iaired the working party on the trailer )tegorization scheme.
This is typical of the man who for many :ars has been sales and technical director of yson--but who got into trailers by sheer lance. Back in 1925 he should have gone to iiversity, but finding the waiting frustrating, id having seen many graduates unable to id jobs in those depression years, he added to skip university and go straight into job. As assistant to Dyson's London-based rector, he found his niche right away.
He is diffident about his success, but with s enthusiasm for the industry he would have und success difficult to avoid. Among his any personal "firsts", Arthur can count the incept of a British road/rail transporter, a rerunner of the Kangaroo system.
After the 1939-45 war Arthur travelled tar and far to study trailer and equipment ivelopments, visiting such contrasting aces as American logging camps, oilfields d Middle Eastern sheikdoms.
At 64, when most men are easing back on air business activities, Mr Marenbon is still folved. He is a member of the SMMT tuncil, a member of the Institute of ansport and an Associate of the Industrial ansport Association. But his most active rrent role is as chairman of the working rty looking at the problems and possibilities increasing vehicle gross weights.
Despite his very full business life Arthur has ie for personal enthusiasms. He loves isic (and prefers it "live"), he swims and he a keen amateur photographer who icesses his own film. His favourite subjects young children. When he retires in 18 Inths he wants to spend more time with his nily; his 15-year-old son is an honorary een's Scholar at Westminster School, ile his elder son is awaiting the results of a jree course in marketing.
sked about the future, he had a sage mer: "Well, we've probably seen it all
fore, if we think hard enough." R.C.