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• Not only is double-weighing of vehicles likely to lead to wrong gross weight totals, but the situation can be made worse on...
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• Responsibility for road passenger transport outside London has been handed back to Mr John Peyton, Minister for Transport...
• Mr Allen Heyman QC, acting for Charles Poulter Ltd, told Mr Justice Brightman in the High Court on Monday that the company...
UK asks EEC for transition period • The Government has asked for a five-year transitional period before adopting the Common...
• Hard on the heels of the Road Haulage Association's statement (CM January 22) that road haulage costs had risen by an average...
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• In a message to the staff of National Carriers Ltd, following references by the Prices and Incomes Board to the losses of the...
• Four-day residential courses on the design, construction and use of recovery vehicles are to be held this year by Dial-Holmes...
errors continued from page 48 settled back into the previous rolling condition when the brakes were released. He thinks...
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• From A for Abnormal loads to V for Vehicles, the first edition of the Road Haulage Association's Haulage Manual mblished this...
Your institute, association or club could be meeting during the next seven days. You may not have received notification from...
• Garages carrying out repairs and maintenance on commercial vehicles should be subject to inspection by examiners from the...
• MPs pressed in vain last week for the Government to take speedy action to stop overnight parking by lorries in residential...
• The number of unlicensed, uninsured and dangerous tipping lorries appeared to have been substantially reduced, said Mr Eldon...
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• Proposals for uniform or minimal dimensions for farm equipment and buildings were accepted at a meeting in the National...
• The barriers may be brought down to stop extra heavy foreign lorries entering this countr3. Mr John Peyton, the Minister for...
• In the event of the postal strike continuing into the week beginning February 8 applications for international road haulage...
• A Shell-Mex and BP Ltd driver, Mr W. H. Payne, of Newport, Monmouthshire, was awarded £10,500 damages in the Queen's Bench...
Are you a wide-awake engineer Wil a transport fleet? If so, there may I room for you on the editorial staff Commercial Motor as...
• A hitch-hiker in a Danish-owned tom who was discovered at a French-Germa Customs post to be smuggling pornographi films and...
• Talks between parent holdin: companies of MAN and Bussing are like! to lead to these two German commereiz vehicle...
• One clause of a private Members' Bill now before Parliament would, il implemented, ban any vehicle carryinE...
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• The Management Studies Centre has announced a number of oneand two-day courses some of which are particularly relevant to...
• The product reliability director of Perkins Engines, Mr David Hodkin, is one of four speakers at a conference "Buying value...
In a news item published on page 24 of CM iated January 8, Cory Distribution Services was incorrectly referred to as...
and freight handling by David Lowe Seaforth goes ahead • Despite the financial problems of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board...
• A direct link between Scotland and Paris for part loads and parcel traffic in containers has been established by Containerway...
• After our repeated advice in CM about the correct—and only really safe—means of securing containers on the vehicle, it is...
• A new concept to reduce total air freight costs for exporters has been announced by Tr-Wall containers Ltd. The scheme is...
• Six new 30ft refrigerated containers were recently delivered to Frigoscandia Transport—s division of Europe's largest...
• An International container equipment and services exhibition is to be held at the Palais de la defense, Paris, from May 12 to...
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• Dates and venues for the eliminating centres of the 1971 Lorry Driver of the Year Competition have now been established with...
Safety Department, Central Police Office, Queen Street, Aberdeen AB9 1BA; telephone: 0224 21331, Ext. 257. BELFAST: Saturday...
A. T. Darlington, of A. Darlington (Heswall) Ltd, Gayton, Cheshire. was elected president of the Liverpool branch of the...
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By Derek Moses • Describing the rear-engined Routemaster as the "most advanced double-deck vehicle design ever built", and...
• The Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association has petitioned Parliament against the Isle of Wight County Council Bill in so...
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Law lecturer warns ratepayers' union from a special correspondent • Unless the utmost care and vigilance is exercised by local...
II There was no prospect of increasing the direct Government contribution towards rural bus services grants above 50 per cent,...
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• In an attempt to retain unremunerative )us services Durham County Council and ive local authorities within the county edged...
• Workers in the West Midlands may soon be given half-fare travel vouchers for use on the local PTE's buses for journeys to and...
D Midland Red, the largest provincial bus :ompany in Britain, is facing a financial :risis and will soon be compelled to borrow...
• Lancashire County Council has decided to reprieve—at least for the time being-80 rural bus services which Ribble Motor...
• A spokesman for London Transport confirmed on Monday that the Executive is making intensive investigations into possible ,...
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• The case of Russell of Bathgate Ltd, called before the Scottish LA last week in Edinburgh to show cause under Section 69 of...
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One of the difficulties faced by Traffic ommissioners considering the revocation, ispension or curtailment of a rural coach...
• A Lanarkshire firm had its licence reduced this week by the Scottish LA after evidence had been submitted that GV9s had been...
• Mr John Else, chairman of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners sitting in Birmingham last week, decided to grant a Midland...
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• Graphs showing the favourable specific fuel consumption (sfc) of a 1000 cc petrol engine installed in a 7cwt van of 2190 lb...
• Scammell Lorries Ltd of Watford Herts, has announced the introduction of ; completely new pressed-steel fifth-whee coupling....
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4rthur Marenbon 1 "Mr Trailer, alias Arthur Marenbon, is a iodest, quiet man who has spent all his forking life with R. A....
by Handyman B enchwise: repair risks (6) IT IS in the 'later stages of servicing and repair that things are most likely to be...
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We welcome letters for publication on transport topics. Address them to Commercial Motor. Dorset House, Stamford Street. London...
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view by the Hawk • Get-you-home service I hear that the red and grey single-deckers of Lancashire United Transport are...
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by David Lowe, MInstTA The operational pros and cons of drawbar outfit versus artic; the problem of obtaining bigger revenues...
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of Operating Costs, somewhere in the region of £250 per week on 1,000 mile weekly running. A total operating cost for that...
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p Enst g ELI 'EN by lain Sherriff, MITA Sherriff, MITA Low-loader work is a crew job and calls for a high degree of...
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7 1 1117 FL(111 L —1 TENRIErliI2 by Ron Cater, AMInstBE REFUSE DISPOSAL COMPANIES, face( by a rise in the volume of the...
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by Tim H oa re Provided the categories and class were complementary when coupling a tractive unit and trailer, the driver...
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As explained by the tables, a choice c combination is possible and this informatio contained on the plate in colour code mean...
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orm -- , 13 1E WELL-KNOWN TRAILER MAKER nice said that the worth of any component )f a semi trailer could be measured by the...
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gREWEW BROW krrow Construction Equipment Ltd, Cowpen toad, Blythe. Northumberland. iPECIAL TILTING TRAILERS designed to...
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Not long the days of wine and roses by Janus W HATEVER HATEVER became of the special relationship between road transport...
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concern as a driver of heavy goods fehicles I took a voluntary hgv driving test vhich involved also taking the medical vhich...
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matters by John Darker AMBI Driver recruitment and training HOW SERIOUS is the driver recruitment problem? Leaders of the...
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)y Les Oldridge, AIRTE, AMIM Dangerous and areless driving (1) N SEPTEMBER 25 1970, in this series, dealt with the most...
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A MARKED DECLINE in the number of management courses both for public haulage and own-account operators has occurred during last...
• Depreciation is a major item of the expenditure in the total cost of operating a commercial vehicle. Taking an extract at...
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portable 12V battery tester as been introduced by Electric 'ower Storage Ltd. It is mainly ltended for use on the garage...
three-in-one releasing fluid has leen developed by E. R. Howard .td which is designed to provide or the quick release of nuts,...
4 materials handling system for ndustrial and agricultural applintions has been developed by 4dams Trailers Ltd. It comprises a...
Chemiseal Plastic Coating is the name given to a protective coating developed by Protective Chemicals and Plastics Ltd which is...
A mobile wash unit has been developed by N. R. Brock Ltd that is powered by a Norton /Villiers F15 auxiliary engine. The unit...
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G. Hunter (London} Ltd has developed a new heavy-duty dock board capable of withstanding a single axle load of 6.6 tons and a...
A combination steam cleaner/hot-pressure washer has been announced by Stewarts Construction Equipment Ltd which is known as the...
A floor coating has been introduced by Spectra Chemicals Ltd that is designed to protect and to put a tough wear-resistant...
In February 1971, Sarasota Engineering (Sales) Ltd will be augmenting its range of vehicle detectors by the introduction of two...
The 107 automatic batte charger made by Richmor Electronics (Markyate) Ltd claimed to obviate the risk overcharging. The...
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'he first ever UHF paging levice to be used in Great iritain is being introduced for tire, by Air Call Ltd of Vauxhall Iridge...
kccording to the Department of imployment and Productivity, as irolonged standing at work is me of the most common .ources of...
side-position/front-direction Idicator has been produced by P. M.G. Thorpe Ltd in addition to a supplementary side-direction...
A penetrating lubricant known as Graphosol, which is specially formulated to break down rust and to lubricate corroded or...
A paint repair system known as Glassolac has been announced by General and Industrial Paints Ltd, that caters for the spot...
by Ron Cater THE SEMI-TRAILER has always been the poor relation of motive units when maintenance time comes round. However,...
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Applied Chemicals Ltd has produced a washer known as the Applied Concorde Mk II that provides four methods of pressure-washing...
Honing heads similar in appearance to spiral-wound cylindrical brushes are now, being imported from America and marketed by...
A wall lashing ring has been developed by J. N. Blair Ltd for refrigerated containers. The body is moulded in glass-filled...
A 2-ton tail-lift has been added to the range of tail-lifts produced by E. J. Ratcliff (Mechanical Engineers) Ltd. It is of the...