Best Match 10 1st Alternative 2nd Alternative \t 3rd Alternative
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As explained by the tables, a choice c combination is possible and this informatio contained on the plate in colour code mean that it is a simple matter to see which of an available alternative trailers it is most eff cient to use.
Load -sensors
The SMMT plates are still retained so th load bonus of the tractive unit and unlade weight of the trailer is still readily availabl for any payload calculations that may b necessary. A recent innovation has been th provision of a diagonal white stripe on th trailer disc which indicates the incorporatio of a load-sensing device. Although not obli gatory, it is felt desirable to couple trailer with load-sensing devices to tractive unit similarly equipped. No corresponding cod is used on the units, at present, the theor: being that the unit remains based at on depot and the specification in this respec is, therefore, generally known.
The system has been in operation sine May 1969 and since its introduction m major modification has been thought neces sary. The scheme has proved easily under standable by the drivers and traffic stall with the minimum amount of instructiol required for familiarization. Large explana tory posters are displayed at all depots and in fact, before the introduction of rh, scheme the staff of four depots were show' the posters and a small 12-page manage ment handbook and asked if there were an points that were not understood, but to th credit of the system, and the poster, m further explanation was necessary.
The colours chosen for the code, with th possible exception of the orange, all contras effectively with the red BRSL livery an+ there appear to be no problems with mud o dirt.
An additional advantage has been foum which was not really predicted before th, system commenced operation. Trailer iden tification is greatly simplified by the colou discs and this means that when trailers ar, being loaded and unloaded at the premises o a customer, one quick phone call establishe which tractive unit to send to pick up an: one trailer.
This scheme, evolved by the BRSI engineering director, Mr W. Batstone, cer tainly seems to work effectively, as I wa able to see during a recent visit to th company's Bromford Lane depot in Birm intim. And although one might equate thi sort of categorization system with the sizi of BRSL there is really no reason why i should not be used on a smaller scale just a effectively for a fleet of mixed artics.