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Fewer Buses: Unless the staffing position improves, Middlesbrough Transport Committee have warned, it may be necessary to curtail bus services during the evenings.
New B.R.S. Depots: New general haulage depots are to be ripened tomorrow by British Road Services at Battersby Lane, Warrington, and Studholmc Street, Liverpool.
Service Equipment: Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., 5 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, have published a new catalogue and price list of their transport service equipment.
Mobile Hardware Shops : Bristol Cooperative Society, Ltd., arc to add two mobile hardware shops to their fleet They will have large tanks for the delivery of paraffin.
Cheaper Lamps: Bus interior lamps and most 24-v. lamps 'in the Mazda, Royal Ediswan, Metrovick Group It and Siemens ranges have been reduced in price by a few pence.
Argentina Importing Coaches: Permission has been given for the importation into Argentina of new coach chassis designed, manufactured and specifically intended for long-distance services.
Hendon Test Results : Of 71 goods vehicles of up to lf tons unladen inspected at the Hendon Vehicle Testing Station in May, 54 required rectification in one or more respects, chiefly headlights and steering.
M.P.T.A. Speaker : Mr. C. T. Hunmidge, general manager, Bradford Transport Department, is to present a paper, "The Cost of Transport," at the annual conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association in September.
Service for Fords: At an extensive sales and service depot covering 30,000 sq. ft., to be opened at 300 Norwood Road, London. S.E.27, by Dagenham Motors, Ltd., all classes ofFord vehicle in the Norwood, Dulwich and Peckham areas will be serviced.
Wages and Hours: The Stationery Office have published "Time Rates of Wages and Hours of Labour," compiled by the Ministry of Labour (9s.). Tables show minimum or standard time rates of wages and normal hours of labour in the more important industries.
f.Snri. Rubber Plant : The International Synthetic Rubber Co„ Ltd., have received permission to build a £5m. synthetic rubber plant at Fawley, Southampton. The project has been undertaken by a group headed by Dunlop, and with whom Goodyear, Firestone and Michelin are associated.
Australia Cuts Imports: Imports into Australia of fully assembled motor vehicles in the quarter from July-September will be halved. Imports of completely knockeddown vehicles will be cut by 30 per cent. Spare parts will not be affected. British exports to Australia may be reduced by 25,000 vehicles in a full year.
Fuel Consumption : Consumption of motor spirit in the first quarter of this year, at 1,405,666 tons, was 64per cent. above the corresponding figure for the first three months of 1955. Commercial users bought slightly less motor spirit than a year ago, but the consumption of oil fuel by road vehicles, at 420,773 tons, was 16 per cent up.
Haulage Guide : The July-December, 1956, edition of the ABC Goods Transport Guide is now available from Iliffc and Sons, Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1, at 3s. 64. or 5s. by post. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of some 1,500 free-enterprise hauliers are given, together with details of approved clearing houses, wharfage facilities and shipping and ferry services.
Trams To Go: Dundee Transport Committee have decided to replace, within three months, their remaining 31 trams by 30 double-deck motorbuses.
Ferodo Film: Fcrodo, Ltd., Chapel-en-leFrith, have made a film describing the development of clutch and brake facings. Copies, 16 mm. and 35 mm., are available
on loan.
B.M.C. Research: "Quest For Perfection" is a new booklet published by the British Motor Corporation, Cowley, Oxford, which describes research and development undertaken in vehicle production.
Surplus Wiped Out : Increases in the costs of oil fuel and tyres would wipe out Sheffield Transport Department's £26,000 surplus of last year, said Cllr. S. Dyson, chairman of the transport committee, last week.
Coding Accounts: Price is. 6cL from the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants, 63 Portland Place, London, W.1, "The Classification and Coding of Accounts," by Dr. J. M. S. Risk, explains the principles underlying the collection of account
ing data. •
Safe Welding : " Health and Safety in Welding "is a forthcoming publication ot the Institute of Welding, 2 Buckingham Palace Gardens, Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W.I. It will be available .to members at 2s. and non-members at 3s. on August 1.
NO LICENCE FOR TRANSFERRED VEHICLES THE Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week refused an A licence for three vehicles purchased by Mr. 11. Cunningham, Cawthorne Basin, near Barnsley, and formerly run by Messrs. C. Townhill and Sons. The owners of this firm had died and the business passed to their womenfolk. Their partnership had to be ended and the vehicles sold because one of the women had married again. Mr. Cunningham was a haulier until his business was nationalized.
The Authority had sympathy for the parties concerned, but bore in mind that former customers had found other transport facilities. British Railways appeared as objectors.