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B.T.C. Likely to Seek Relief from Central Charges to Offset Mounting Deficits T HERE a r e increasing Signs that the British...
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Why Not 30 m.p.h. Now? D RIVING back to London from the excellently organized Exide Service Convention at Bournemouth, a...
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That extremes of temperature in summer and winter are the "acid test" for P.S.V. ventilation. From a reader the warning: When...
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D ETERM1NED efforts were being made this week by the National Road Transport Federation to defeat a proposal by the Government...
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T HE application of Manchester Transport Department to pay its drivers and Conductors 2d. an hour more than the rate a g reed...
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MR. P. B. - FUNKS has resigned from his position as works director of Scottorn Ltd. MR. D. 0. GIBSON is to become a general...
A T their next meeting on July 25, the National Executive Committee of the Road Haulage Association will examine the question...
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F OLLOWING representations by the I newly formed Road Transport Association, in Ireland, South Cork and West Cork Road...
A 32-TON goose-neck semi-trailer has rA been built by Cranes (Dereharn), Ltd., Dereham, Norfolk, for use with the wheeled...
NiTOTORISTS who gave lifts to people IVA on country bus routes were criticized by Mr. S. W. Nelson, chairman of the Western...
IN appeal decisions announced last I week, the Minister of Transport upheld the appellant's contention that there was no...
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lUTOUNTED on an A.E.C. 11.3-litre In chassis and Cranes trailer, a selfcontained mobile column has been provided by the...
WIDE agreetnent has been reached IT on international standards for vehicle lightin g. Delegates from Belgium, Britain,...
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A LTHOUGH income from fares kincreased by £11,193 to £481,738, West Bromwich Transport Department's gross profit during the...
/ - 1 , A REPORT stressing the vital need for a fly-over or viaduct to relieve traffic congestion in Hammersmith, and showing...
G OLD-F1LM glass windscreens have ‘.-Z been fitted to heavy-duty lorries which will operate at sub-zero temperatures in Canada...
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A NEW facility for exporters which "should materially help to relieve road congestion at the docks" has been started by...
THE Passenger Vehicle Operators Association have objected to a move by Ramsgate Borough Council seeking the Minister of...
A FTER. hearing evidence at an inquest at Rugby, last week, into the deaths of six . passengers involved in a coach accident,...
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"Review Penalties," Lord Chancellor Warns Courts : Test Scheme Attacked BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A FURTHER...
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Fewer Buses: Unless the staffing position improves, Middlesbrough Transport Committee have warned, it may be necessary to...
THE road express carrier system of I Atlas Air Services, Ltd., and the Southend—Ostend air service of Air Charter, Ltd., have...
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(-NNE-MAN loading of farm tractors %-./ and other vehicles from ground level is provided by the built-in loading ramp produced...
mainly 1-1 ■ by commercial houses to whose travelling representatives cars and light vans are allotted, the service of the...
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A HIGH-TOP ambulance conversion unit, based on a Bedford l0-12-cwt. chassis, is being produced in large numbers by Kenex...
, WHILST rayon is employed for the YV cords Of the majority of tyres, the use of nylon is increasing rapidly, particularly in...
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T HREE difficult tests of skill faced the 203 entrants in the Coventry eliminating round of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
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)ouble-deck Bus Chassis )ffered with Semiutomatic Transmission ;ystem, Smaller Engine nd Simplified Suspenfon : Ease of Driving...
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Simms Experts Answer Operators' Questions on OillEngines : New Quiet-running Pump Coupling M UCH of interest to users of Simms...
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Ways in which Guy, Seddon,. Midland "Red" and Bristol are Using Plastics to Facilitate Production and Save Expense and Weight...
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T HE head of the business who lived among his workpeople, probably in the place ' of his birth, has latterly become something...
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I SEE that your contributor S.T.R., who prefers the I guise of anonymity, has been making something in the nature of an attack...
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R ADIO and television have an uncanny attraction for the investigator. A whole industry has sprung up, which, if they could...
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A SSIGNMENTS of lorries bought from British Road Services are reported from nine areas this week. Yorkshire bas the distinction...
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Although a Country Haulier's Overheads May Be Lower Than Average,• Bad Roads and the Negotiation of Soft Ground . ,Add Heavily...
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1 .- N N Monday, United Lubricants, Ltd., Comleys Wharf, Townmead Road, London, S.W.6, introduced a new product known as...
DRESSING in vain for the relief of I duty on oil fuel used by road passenger transport undertakings, Mr. Ernest Davies, during...
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A UTOMAT1C transmissions allow the clutch and gear lever to be dispensed with, but two pedals still remain, the throttle and...