What Will It Cost?
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THE prices given below cover a representative cross-section of British-produced commercial-vehicle chassis and cabs, vans, pick-up trucks and passenger carriers.
All figures quoted are the home-market retail prices for vehicles ex works in Great Britain and should not be used, even as a rough guide, to overseas costs. Where a model is produced in several wheelbase lengths, only the shortest has generally been quoted, whilst all prices include finishing in primer paint only.
Internal Combustion
A35 5-cwt.: Van, petrol, £363. 14-ton: Chassis and cab, petrol, £469 10s.; van, petrol, £502 10s.; pick-up, petrol, £502 IN. 101 10.evnl.: Chassis, petrol, £319 10s.; van, petrol, £458. 152 15-ewt.r. Van, petrol, £493; 13-seat Omnicoach, petrol, £644.1-ton: Chassis, petrol, £443, oil, £545; van, petrol, £694, oil, £799. 154-ton: Chassis, petrol, £468, oil, .1513; van, petrol, £7213 lat., oil, £833 10s. 200 forward-control 2-ton: Chassis and cab, petrol, 5685, oil, £817 10s. 304 forward-control 3-Ion: Chassis and cab, petrol, £735. oil, £867 /0s. 404 forward-control 4-ton: Chassis and cab, petrol, £795, oil, £927 lat. 5-ton forward-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £854 111s., oil, 11,098 10s. 702 forward-control 7-ton S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, oil, £1,162. Forward-control prime mover: Chassis and cab, petrol, £836 10s., oil, £1.080 10s. 303 nonnalcontrol 3-ton: Chassis and cab, petrol, £707, oil, £839 las. 4113 normal-control 4-ion S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £773, oil, £905 10s. 5-ton nortmai-control S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol.
£819, nil, £1.063. Normal-control prime mover: Chassis and cab, petrol, £817, oil, £1,061. Taxi: Chassis, oil, £672; complete vehicle, oil, £1,199.
CAS 10-12-ewl.: Chassis, petrol, £345; van, petrol, £445. 15-cwt: Chassis, petrol, £352; van, petrol, £452. CAL, 10-12-cwt.: Chassis, petrol, £360; van, petrol, £470. 15-cart.: Chassis, petrol, £367: van, petrol,. £477. 25-cwt. normal-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £625. oil, .6730; van, petrol, £831, oil £936, pick-up, petrol, £690, oil, £795. 35-rwt. normal-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £657, oil, £762; van, petrol., £861, oil. £968; pick-up, petrol, £722, oil, £827. 3-ton normal-control S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £715. oil, £840. 4-ton normal-control: Chassis and cab. petrol, £765, oil £890. 5-ton normal-control S.W.E.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £840, oil, £1,025. 5-ton normal-control
Chassis and cab, petrol (larger engine), £920. oil, £1,040. 6-ton normal-control S.W.B.: Chassis and cab. petrol, £875, oil., £1,060, 6l4-ton normal-control S.W.B.: Chassis' and cab, petrol, £985, oil, £1,110. 7-ton normal-control S.W.B.. Chassis and cab, petrol. £1.080. oil, £1,205. Normal-control tractor: Chassis and cab, petrol, £790, oil, £975. 4-ton forwardcontrol: Chassis and cab, petrol, £810, oil, £495. 5-ton for yard-control: Chassis and cab, retro!, £853, oil, £1,038. 6-ton forward-control S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £902, oil, £1,092. 7-ton forward-control S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £1,002, oil. £1,127 or with larger oil engine, £1,427. 8-ion forward-control tractor: Chassis and cab, petrol, £912, oil, £1.037, 10-ton forward-control tractor: Chassis and cab, Petrol. £924. oil, £1,144 or with larger engine, £1.349, 12-ton forward-control tractor: Chassis and cab. oil, £1,554. Forward-control 4 a 4, single tyres: Chassis and cab, petrol, £1,260, oil, £1,355. Passenger chassis: Petrol, £984, oil, £1,109.
Cob 5 cwt.: Van, petrol, £430. Express 6-7-cast.: Van. petrol, £485. Snperpoise Hon: Chassis and cab, petrol, £609: oil, £729; pick-up, petrol. £674; oil. £794. Superpolse 14-ton S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £629. oil. £749. Soperpoise 2-3-ton S.W.R.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £779. Superpolse 3-4-ton &W18.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £829, oil. £1,034. Snperpoise 5-ton S.W.R.: Chassis and cals. petrol. £924. oil. £1.129, or with larger engine. £1,284. Sr:porpoise 6-ton: Chassis and cab, petrol. £959. oil, £1.164. or with larger engine, £1.319. Forward-control 8-ton: Chassis and cab, petrol, £470, oil, £582; van, hinged doors, Petrol. £499. oil. £6111 pick-up. Petrol. £540. oil. £652. Forwardcontrol 1-ton: Chassis and scuttle. petrol, £527, nil, £647: van, Petrol, £737, oil, £857. Forwardcontrol 15-loll: Chassis and scuttle, petrol. £545.
oil, £665; van, petrol, £759, oil. £879. Forwardcontrol 4-ton: Chassis and cab. Petrol, £940. oil, £1,090. Forward-control S-han: Chassis and cab. petrol, £1,090, oil, £1,150, or with Rootes diesel engine, £1.351. Forward-control 6-ton: Chassis arid
cab. petrol, £1,035, oil, £1,185. Forward-control 7-ton: 11-It. 9-in. wheelbase, chassis and cab. petrol, £1,105, oil, £1,455. Forward-control tractor, 10-11ton: Chassis and cab, oil, £1,425. Forward-control tractor, 12-ton: Chassis and cab, oil, £1,510. Avenger Passenger chassis: Oil, £1,580,
900 "Lasko:aster: Petrol, £795, oil, £860. 900 Turbo Taskmaster: Petrol, £1,040., oil, £1,113. 900 Super Turbo Taskmaster: Oil, £1,413. (All prices quoted for D.}3, models cover lightest tyre eouThmem Meted.)
Normal-control 3-ton: Model 264, chassis and cab, petrol. £845; model 264P4, chassis and cab. oil, 6980. 5-ton: Model 203, chassis and cab, petrol, £947; model 201P, chassis and cab, oil, £1,193. 6401St Model 223, chassis and, cab, petrol, £1,052; model 223k, chassis and cab, oil, £1,378 or with larger engine, £1,473. 7-ton: Model 24411, chassis and cab, oil, £1,585; model 2441', Chassil" and cab. oil, £1,680. 10-ton tractor: Model 242AR, chassis and cab, oil, £1,645; model 242 AY, chassis and cab, oil. £1.720. 12-ton tractor: Model 243AR, chassis and cab, oil. £1,752; model 243AY, chassis and cab, oil, £1,827. Forwardcontrol. 5-ton: Model lito, chassis and cab. petrol, £999; model 3103P, chassis arid cab. oil, £1,217, 6-ton: Model 3123, chassis and cab, netrol, £1,086; model 3123P, chassis and cab, oil, £1,280; model 3123R, chassis and cab, oil, £1,417, or with larger oil engine, £1,512, 7-ton: Model 3I44AZ, chassis and cab, ryil, £1,933; model 31448', chassis and cab, oil, £1,718; model 3144R, chassis and cab, nil, £1,623. 10-ton tractor: Model 3I428', chassis and cab, oil, £1,644; model 3142R, chassis and cab, oil, £1,564, 12-ton tractor: Model. 3143AY, chassis and cab, oil, £1,811; model 3I43AR, chassis and cab, oil, £1,731; model
3143AZ, chassis and cab. oil, £1,883. Passenger chassis: Model 3187, petrol, £1,035; model 21872, oil, £1,238; model 3190R, oil, £1,457; model 3190Y, oil, £1,544.
13-ton G.V.W.: Chassis and cab, £2.786. 14-ton G.V.W.: Chassis and cab, £2,876. 17-ton G.V.W. (Twin-steer): Chassis and cab, £3,427. 20-ton G.V.W.: Chassis and cab, £3,549. 24-ton G.V.W.: €3,688. (All Foden prices are for the basic model at each weight.)
Thames 5-cast.: Van, petrol, £338. Thames 7-cwt.: Van, petrol, £365. Thames 10-12-cast,: Chassis, petrol, £364; chassis and cab, petrol, £419; van, petrol, £459. Thames 15-cat.: Chassis, petrol, £374; chassis and cab, petrol, £429; van, petrol, £469; 12-sear bus, petrol, £640. Thames 30-cwt.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £604, oil, £704. Thames 2-ton (dual rear tyres); Chassis and cab, petrol, £624, oil, £724; van, petrol, £865, oil, £965. .Thames 3-ton S.W.R.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £645, oil, .6.769. Thames 4-ton S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £707, oil, £822. Thames tractor unit: Chassis and cab, petrol, £701, oil, .6816. Trader 30-cwt.: Chassis and cab, petrol. £675, oil, £775, Trader 2-ton: Chassis and cab, petrol, £700, oil, £800. Trader 3-ton S.W.B.: Chassis and cab. petrol, £728, oil, £843. Trader 4-ton S.W.R.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £805 16-cylinder engine, 1860), oil. 6920 (6-cylinder engine; £995). Trader 5-ton S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, perml, £845 (6-cylinder engine, MD), oil, £960 (6-cylinder engine, £1,035). 'Trader 5-Ion tipper: Chassis and cab, petrol, £885, oil, £1,020 Trader 7-ton S.W-11,-: Chassis and cab, petrol, £1,037, oil, £1,172; tipper chassis and cab, petrol, £1.022, oil, £1,157. Trader tractor wait: Chassis and cab, petrol, £924 10s., oil, £1,059 10s. Trader 30-tail, low-frame: Chassis and cab, petrol, £687 10s., oil, 4787 10s, Trader 2-ton low-frame: Chassis and cab, petrol, £712 10s., oil, £812 10s. Trader 3-ton S.W.B. low-frame: Chassis and cab, Petrol, £740 10s., oil, £855 Ills. Trader 4-ton S.W.B. low-frame: Chassis anti cab, petrol, £817 10s„ oil, £932 10s. Trader 5-ton S.W.B. lowframe: Chassis and cab, petrol, £857 10s., oil, £972 10s. Trader Passenger: Chassis, petrol, £1,040, oil, £1,175.
Tempo 1500: Chassis and cab, £759; Superettach 14-scater, £1,595.
1-ton forward-control: Van, petrol. £737, oil, £857. Bantam 2-3-Ion S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, Petrol, £730, oil, £859. Rant= 2-ton tipper: Chassis and cab, petrol, £730, oil, £850. Bantam tractor: Chassis and cab with J coupling, petrol, £774, oil, £894; chassis and cab with BK coupling, petrol, £7911, oil, £910. Gamecock 3-4-tonner: 11-ft, 9-in, wheelbase, chassis and cab. petrol, £950. oil, £1,090 (with Rooms diesel engine, '11,295). 12.-seat bast Chassis and scuttle, petrol, £558 5s., oil, £673.
31-ton: Van, £379 10s.; pick-up, £373 34-ton: Van, £528; pick-up, .6516 lat.
dB 10-cast.: Chassis, petrol, £319 lat.; van, petrol, £458. .12. 15-cwk: Chassis and cab, petrol, £433; van, petrol, £493; pick-up, petrol, £493; Minibus 13-seater, petrol, £644, 1-ton forwardcontrol: Chassis, petrol, £459, oil, £564; van, petrol, £710, oil, £815, 154-ton LDS forward. control: Chassis, petrol, £489 10s„ oil, £594 1054 van, petrol, £750, oil, £855. 154-ton IG forwardcontrols Chassis and cab, petrol, £629, oil, £734. 2-ton FG'forward-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £685, oil, £817 10s. 3-ton FG forward-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £735, oil, £867 10s. 4-ton PG Forward-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £795, oil, £927 1.0s. 5-lion forward-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £854 30s., oil, £1,098 10s. 7-ton forward-control S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, oil, £1.162. Forward-control prime mover: Chassis and cab, petrol, E836 10s., oil, £1,080 ills. 3-ton normal-control: Chassis and cab, petrol, £707, ail, £839 10s. 4-ton normal-control S.W.B.: Chassis. and cab, petrol, £773, oil, £905 ION. 5-ton normal-control S.W.B.: Chassis and cab, petrol, £819, oil, £1,063. Normakcontrol prime mover: Chassis and cab, petrol, £817, oil, £1,061,
Land-Rover: Regular pick-tip, petrol, £650, oil, £740; Lung pick-up in basic finish, petrol, £730, Oil, £829; Regular station wagon, petrol, £1,070 I4s. 2d. (including purchase tax), oil, £1,198 4s. 2d. (including tax); Long station wagon, petrol, £1,240 14s. 24. (including tax).
8/M/fit Chassis and cab, £2,008. S/G/6: Chassis and cab, £2,194. 5/151/7: Chassis and cab, £2,143. 8/G/7: Chassis and cab, £2,500. Sa.,17: Chassis and cab, £2,259. SIMJS: Chassis and cab, £2,348. 81(218: Chassis and cab, £2,655. S/1.,/8: Chassis and cab, £2,414. 5/A/S: Chassis arid cab, £2,700. 5/31/10: Chassis and cab, 12.514. S/L/9-101 Chassis and cab, £2,560. S/A/G-10: Chassis and cab, £2,866. S7G/9-.10: Chassis and cab, £3,143. 8/A114 six-wheeler: Chassis and cab, £3,508.
5-cwt.: Van or truck, £349. Regent Four 10-cast.: Van, £435.
25-evil.: Chassis and cab, £785: van, £930. .30-cwt.: Chassis and cab, £805; van, £950. Malt 7 L.W.B. 3-ton: Chassis and alb, £1,105. Mark 7196 (1): Chassis and cab, £1,160. Mark 16 5-ton: Chassis and cab, £1,500. Mark A, L.W.B.: Chassis and cab, £1,490. Mark SLR LW-B.: Chassis and cab, £1,630. Mark 8 (T): Chassis and cab, £1,520. 7-tonner L.W.111.1 Chassis and cab, Leyland engine, £1,683; chassis and cab/ Perkins engine, £1,505. Tractor 15-ton G.V.W.: Chassis and cab, £1,525. Tractor 16-ton G.V.W.: Chassis and cab, £1,7613. 10-tonner L.W.B.: Chassis and cab, £2,200 SD-4 (T) 24-ton G.V.W.: Chassis and cab, 6LW engine, £3,050. Mark 15/7/Y1' 15-ton G.V.W.
six-wheeler: Chassis ana cab, £2,198. Mark 15/10/TA 17-Lou G.V.VV.. six-wheeler: Chassis and cab, £2,752. Model SD-64 Chassis and cab, £3,320. Model DD-6: Chassis and cab, £3,550. Model TS-6: Chassis and cab, £3304. Model SD-8: Chassis and cab, £3,600. Model DD-8: Chassis and cab, £3,760. Passenger-ZS...eat.: Chassis. £670, 30-ewt.: Chassis, £690. Mark 7P: Chassis, £1,015. Mark TPK: Chassis, £1,035. Mark 16: Chassis, £1,105. Mark 17: 16-ft. 44n.-wheelbase chassis, £1,575. Mark 19 Pennine: Chassis, £1,950.
6-ewt. Van, petrol, £411; pick-up, petrol; £405„ Atlas 10-12-msta Van, hinged doors, petrol, £475; pick-up, petrol, £465.
20-cwt.: Chassis and cab, £747 11)s.; van, £897 10s.; Personnel wagon, 12-I4-seater, £1,045. 25.ewt.: Chassis and cab, £775; van, £935; rural bus, £1,240.
Battery Electric
Pony: Chassis with 161-amp.-hr. batteries and suitable charger, £597 5s.
Model E.B. pedestrian-controlleil: Chassis svith charger and 108-amp,-br. battery, £399 45. 25-mt. Electruic Rider: Chassis complete with charger and 168-amp:hr. battery, £582 17S. 6d.
14-cwi.t Chassis with batteries and VVestinghouse charger, £812 12s. 1-too: Chassis with batteries and Westinghouse charger, £1,013 las. 30-girt.: Chassis with batteries and Westinghouse charger, £1,131 5s; 2-ton: Chassis with batteries and Westinghouse charger, £1,352 19s. SS 11.20-cwar Chassis with standard batteries and Westinghouse charger, £684 19s, Suburbanite 25-ewar Chassis with standard batteries and charger, £725 17s. 6el. Suburbanite 1-ton: Chassis with standard batteries and charger. £873 Is. Commuter 15-cwt.: Chassis with standard batteries and charger, £981 7s. 96. Commuter 1-tons Chassis with standard batteries and charger, £1,060 6s. Comnsater•30-ertt.: Chassis with standard batteries and charger, £1,220 2s.