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S OME of the finest scientific brains in Britain are engaged in research and development work that is producing ever-improving...
NI.I.R.A. are making a vital and growing contribution to the evolution of the commercial vehicle. The highly detailed research...
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rr HE transferable unit, which may be a simple con tainer, a demountable body, or a road-rail wheeled vehicle, such as that...
M EN react in one of three ways to personal publicity. They cordially dislike it, they profess abhorrence but secretly enjoy...
----By The Hawk I IKE Lord Brabazon of Tara, whose profile appeared in . 1 —A The Commercial Motor on April 15, Jim Phillips,...
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T HE National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers have clashed with the Road Haulage Association over the...
INTENDED to give a door-to-door I collection and delivery service to British exporters of consumer goods to the Continent, a...
£7 7s. advocate's fee, was imposed upon Albert Whitworth, Warrington Road, Rainhill, Lanes, haulier, at Prescot, Lanes, last...
rAN a haulier be prosecuted for failN–• ing to produce records to an official by instructing his clerks not to produce them...
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A N applicant insisted that his case -should be fully heard at Newcastle upon Tyne last week, despite a warning by Mr. G. W....
Men Who Make Transport—Mr. F. J. Speight .. 399 Bridgemaster With Front Entrance 410-411 Grain Bulker Loads Itself .. 411...
n EC M JSE leathercloth was easily damaged in transit, I.C.1., Ltd., the manufacturers, did not like their hauliers to...
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LORD TEYNHAM has retired from the board of the Transport Development Group, Ltd. MR. A. E. GREENLAND has resigned from the...
DROBLEMS involved in the distribu tion of raw materials and finished goods will be discussed at a one-day conference on...
B ECAUSE there were few long-distance hauliers in the Lancaster area, My. J. Shuttleworth, Wellington Road, Bowerham,...
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WHEN industrial concerns entrusted VI' their transport to " shipping and forwarding agents, sub-contracting hauliers received...
O NLY long-distance traffic will use the proposed new central bus station in York. It will not be employed by YorkWest...
A N appeal by the Farsley Omnibus Co., Ltd., Leeds, 2, against the decision of the Yorkshire Traffic Cornmissioners granting...
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111.P.s Press for Amendment of Ticket System to Benefit Lorry Drivers BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A N attempt to get...
B ECAUSE of extenuating circumstances Mr. L. Hall, the West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority, dealt with a complete change of...
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QTRONG opposition was lodged by the k-. 7 British Transport Commission and private operators, at Lytham St. Annes last week,...
W HY could not an extra 00m. be-allocated to roads expenditure as a matter of urgency? The Prime Minister was posed this...
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" IF the people of Great Britain continue to kill and injure themselves and each other as they have done in recent years. the...
PAINT consumption, when spraying copper and steel oil and water pipelines before assembly, has been reduced by 75 per cent. at...
Stockholm Congress: The next congress of the Federation Europeenne de la Manutendon is to he held in Stockholm from June...
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A PPEALS by United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., Northampton, and the British Transport Commission against a decision of the...
E LEVEN stone of human being could never compete with a ton of vehicle, said Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, at the...
from their first Scottish distribution depot on Monday. It is at Bathgate, West Lothian, and is supplied by maximum-capacity...
A TRAFFIC plan for York, described as "an application of established traffic-engineering principles," has been devised by Mr....
!'t/IR. S. C. BOND was on Tuesday re-elected president and chairman of the Traders Road Transport Association. Mr. J. Delicate,...
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'TWO new Rapide electric fork-lift I trucks produced by. Lansin g -Ba g nall, Ltd., Basin g stoke, operate at speeds of up t o...
Blackburn Corporation have ordered 12 Guy Arab clAssis. Guildford Housing Committee are recommended to buy a van. Leamington...
rA A WAY of mechanically cleanin g the rears of double-deck buses has been evolved by Mr. Cecil Wilson, superintendent of the...
1--t A NEW heavy-duty export-type cab was shown at a display or g anized by the Duramin En g ineerin g Co., Ltd., Stone fi eld...
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F OLLOWING the introduction of the Morris forward-control 11-tonner with the an g led-door cab, described in The Commercial...
T HE lar g est parcels-carryin g rivals of British Road Services. in London, N. Francis and Co., Ltd., were taken over by the...
L'DUCATION in road-safety measures, skilfully and assiduously applied to children, was likely to yield g reat dividends. If...
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A.E.C.Park Royal Integral Double decker Available with Front Entrance: 72 Seats and Power operated Doors A VERSION of the...
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M1 AKING its debut at the Mechanical ' Handling Exhibition at Earls Court, London, this week, the DunnSpencer Bulkflo body is...
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A NY national transport policy must have flexibility, said Mr. E. G. Whitaker, transport adviser to the board of Unilever,...
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A T present electrostatic paint application, whereby the object being painted and the paint itself are electrically charged,...
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B ECAUSE the printing dispute last year delayed publication of the 1959 road-test analysis, the " annual " analysis for this...
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LTHOUGH many hauliers do not subscribe to the Licensing Authorities' Applications and Decisions but rely' on being notified by...
G IVEN a third reading in the House of Lords last week, the Mexborough and Swinton Traction Bill provides for the replacement...
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IS WORTHWHILE T HERE are wide variations in the life obtained from a set of tyres. The transport manager of a large fleet of...
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B U ILT especially to carry cable drums but also capable of being used as a mobile crane, a Guy four-wheeler with Marrel...
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A BANDONMENT of the licensing system for goods vehicles was advocated by Mr. D. L. Munby, reader in the economics and organiza...
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p 44 AY the price, make it an attractive business proposition, and I believe wider co-operation will follow." said Mr. P. W....
BECAUSE of "past difficulties" with the Licensing Authority, R. and W. • Febry and Sons, Ltd., Chipping Sodbury, Glos, now...
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I DISAGREE with Mr. W. A. Heymann (April 15) about I ruined tyres through fast travel on the MI motorway. I recently spent 12...
C. and J. Transport (Attentiorough), Ltd, Cap. 13,000. Dirs.: C. L. Parsons and 1. L. Parsons, 91 Long • Lane. Attenborough,...
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C HANGES now taking place among the people responsible for running the road transport industry may transform it before very...
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T HE value of Britain's exports of passenger vehicles is about a tenth of the total for all commercial models, and although it...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E., an A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. F UNDAMENTAL research has no measurable value when related...
D EALING with long-term targets it is appropriate first to appraise current development work relative to heavier industrial oil...
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T IIE National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Wrest Park, Silsoe, is a Government - sponsored body, established in...
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supplied by The Associated Ethyl Co., Ltd., relating to American cars show that power-unit efficiency in ton-miles per gallon...
UORMED in 1943 with the assistance of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the British Internal Combustion...
p ERFOR MANCE curves recently published by The Associated Ethyl Co., Ltd., Berkeley Square, London. W.1, of a li-litre car show...
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ffillERE can be few engine designers' _I. bookshelves in any part of the world that do not include one or more works by Sir...
A Trend of Lasting Significance LTHOUGH the potential impor tance of multi-fuel engine develop ments to road vehicle...
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E VOLVED in the early 1920s by Mr. Harry Weslake to investigate variations in the output of identical motorcycle engines, a...
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D E'VELOPMENTS in air suspension have set a standard of performance that will eventually result in a general demand by...
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TRANSMISSIONS P OSSIBLY more than in any other field, transmission research and development are virtually linked with market...
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Gateway the FUTURE B RITAIN'S Motor Industry Research Association has no real parallel anywhere else in the• world. Since its...
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I N an attempt to legislate on standards of braking efficiency, the Italian Government have drawn up a stringent code similar...
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T HE prices given below cover a representative cross-section of British-produced commercial-vehicle chassis and cabs, vans,...
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Goods and Passenger Vehicles (Excluding Battery Electrics) A.E.C.-A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., Southall, Middx. Cables: Vangastow,...