Directory of Vehicle Makers
Page 135

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Goods and Passenger Vehicles
(Excluding Battery Electrics)
A.E.C.-A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., Southall, Middx. Cables: Vangastow, Telex, Southall. ALBION.-Albion Motors, Ltd.. Scotstoun, Glasgow, W.4. Cables: Automobile, Glasgow. ATIEINSON.-Atkinson Vehicles. Ltd.. Winery Lane, Walton-le-Dale. near Preston. Cables: Wagons, Preston, ATLANTIC.-Lomount Vehicles and Engineering, Ltd., Colnbrook, Slough, Bucks, AUSTIN.-Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge Works, Birmingham. Cables: Speedily, Telex, Northfield.
BEDFORD.-Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton, Beds, Cables: Carvaux, Telex, Luton.
B.U.T.-British United Traction, Ltd., 96 Piccadilly, London, W.I. Cables: Britrol, London. COMMER.-Commer Cars, Ltd., LUtOn, Beds, Cables: Komerkars, Luton.
DAIMLER.-Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd., Daimler Works, Coventry. Cables: Daimler, Coventry, DAVID BROWN.-Davail Mown Construction Equipment, Ltd., Hanworth Park, Feltham, Middx. Cables: Indtrac. Feltham.
DENNIS.-Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford, Surrey. Cables: Dennis, Guildford.
DODGE.-Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd.. Mortlake Road, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Cables: Dodgetruks. Richmond, Surrey.
DOUGLAS.-Douglas Equipment, Ltd., Kinasditch Lane, Tewkesbury Road. Cheltenham. Cables: Douglas, Cheltenham.
E.R.F.-E.R.F., Ltd., Sun Works, Sandbach, Cheshire, Cables: E.R.F., Sandbach, FODEN.-Poderis. Ltd., Elworth Works, Sandbach. Cheshire, Cables: Fodenway, Sandbach. FORD.-Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Dagenham, Essex. Cables: Fordmotor, Dagenham.
GUY.-Guy Motors. Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. Cables: Gump. Wolverhampton. JENSEN.-Jensen Motors, Ltd., West Brelmwich. Cables: Expert, West Bromwich. KARRIER.-Karrier Motors. Ltd.. Luton, Beds. Cables: Karrikar. Luton.
LAND-ROVER.-Rover Co., Ltd., Meteor Works, Solihull, Birmingham. Cables: Rover. Birmingham. LEYLAND.-Leylancl Motors: Ltd., Leyland. Lancs. Cables: Leymotors, Leyland. MACK.-Mack Trucks (Britain), Ltd., North Street, Barking, Essex. Cables: Mactrucks, Barking. MORRIS.-The Nuffiekl Organiaation, Cowley. Oxford. Cables: Voiturette, Oxford, MORRIS-COMMERCIAL. Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Adderley Park, Birmingham, 8. Cables: Mortrucks, Telex, Birmingham 8.
OPPERMAN MOTOCART.-S. E. Opperman. Ltd., Stuart Works, Stirling Corner. Etoreham Wood. Herts. Cables: Gearcut, Boreham Wood. PASHLEY.-W. R. Pashley, Ltd., Chester Street. Aston, Birmingham, 6. Cables: Came, Birmingham. RELIANT.-Reliaat Engineering Co. (ramworth). Ltd., Watling Street. Twogatcs, Tamworth, Staffs. Cables: Reliant, Tamworth. 336.
1ROWE„-M. G. Rowe (Motors), Doublebois, Ltd., Liskeard, Cornwall, Cables: Rowmo. Liskeard. SCAMMELL.-Scammell Lorries, Ltd„ ToIMO Lane. Watford, Herts. Cables: Twelfton, Watford. SEDDON.-Sedclon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., Oldham, Lancs. Cables. Seddon, Oldham.
S.D.-Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd.. Letchworth. Herts. Cables: Sheldry, Letchworth. STANDARD.-Standard Motor Co., Ltd.. Canley, Coventry, Cables: Flywheel, Coventry. SUNBEAM.-Sunbearn Trolleybus Co., Lid,. Wolverhampton. Cables: Sunbeam, Wolverhampton.
THORNTCROFT.-Transport Equipment (Thorny croft). Ltd.,' Thorayeroft House, Smith Square. London, S.W.I. Cables: Thornycroft, London. TROJAN.-TrOian, Ltd.. Purley Way, Croydon. Surrey. Cables: Trojan, Croydon, T.V.W.-Transport Vehicles (Warrington), Ltd., Manchester Road, Woolston. Warrington, Lancs. UNIPOWER.-Universal Power Drives, Ltd., Aintree Road. Perivale, Middx. Cables: Unipower, Phone, London.
W. AND E.-Wales and Edwards. Ltd., Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury. Cables: Morservice, Shrewsbury.
Battery Electric Road Vehicles
AUSTIN ELECTRICAR.-Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles. Ltd., Morrison Works, Garden Street, South Wigston, Leics. Cables: Mortrie, Wigston.
BRUSH.-Brash Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Battery Electric Vehicle Dept., Falcon Works. Loughborough. Cables: Brusheoacb, Loughborough. ELECTRUK.-T. H. Lewis, Ltd., Station Estate, Balmoral Road. Watford, Herts.
GRAISELEY.-Diamond Motors, Ltd., Stanley Street, Blackburn, Lanes, Cables: Blackburn 6485. HARBILT.-Harborough Construction Co.' Ltd., Harbilt Works, Market Harborough, Leics. Cables: Harbilt. Market Harborough.
MANULECTRIC.-Sidney Hole's Electric Vehicles, Wiffidean Works, London Road, Withdean, Brighton, 6.
MORRISON ELECTRICARS.-Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles, Ltd.. Morrison Works, Garden Street. South Wigston, Leics. Cables: Mortric, Wigston.
SMITH'S N.C.B.-Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., Princesway, Team Valley, Gateshead-on-T.vne, II. Cables: Sevee, Gateshead.
TOMLINSON.-Tomlinson (Electric Vehicles), Ltd.. Minster Lovell, Oxford.
VICTOR.-Victor Eleetrics, Ltd.. Burscough Bridge, Ormskirk. W. AND E.-Wales and Edwards. Ltd., Wyle Cop. Shrewsbury. Cables: Morservice, Shrewsbury.
Dump Trucks
A.E.C.-A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., Southall, Middx. Cables: Vartgasti)w, Telex, Southall. ATKINSON.-Ativinson Vehicles, Ltd., Winery Lane, Walton-le-Dale, near Preston. Cables: Wagons, Preston.
AVEIANG-BARFORD.-Areling-Barford, Ltd., Invicta Works, Grantham. Cables: Invicta. Grantham, Telex.
BARFORD (AGRICULTURAL).-Aveling-Barford, Ltd., Invicta Works, Grantham. Cables: frivicht, Grantham. Telex.
CHASESIDE.-Chaseside Engineering Co.. Ltd., Station Works, Hertford, Herts. Cables: Chaseside, Hertford.
DOUGLAS.-Douglas Equipment, Ltd., Kingsditch Lane, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham. Cables; Douglas. Cheltenham.
E.R.E.-E.R.F. Ltd., Sun Works. Sandbach, Cheshire. Cables: E.R.F.. Sandbach.
FODEN.-Fodens, Ltd.. Elworth Works, Sandbach, Cheshire. Cables: Fodenway, Sandbach.
JOHNSON.-C. H. Johnson (Machinery). Ltd., Adswood Road, Stockport, Cheshire. Cables: Machinery Stockport.
LINER.-Liner Concrete Machinery Co., Ltd., 183 Park Road, Gateshead. 8. Cables: Liner, Gateshead.
MOTOR RAIL-Motor Rail, Ltd.. Simplex Works, Redford. Cables: Simplex, Bedford. .
MUIR-HILL.-E. Boyden and Co.. Ltd., 'Elsinore
Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, 16. Cables: Mukha]. Manchester,
ROAD MACHINES.-Road Machines (Sales), Ltd.. West Drayton. Middx, Cables: Roadmach, West Drayton. SCAMMELL.-Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Tolpits Lane, Watford, Herts. Cables: Twelfton, Watford. THWAITES.-Thsvaites . Engineering Co.. Ltd., Welsh Road Works, Cubbington, Leamington Spa. Cables: Thwaites, Leamington Spa. WRIGLEY.-Wessex Industries (Poole), Ltd., Dolphin Works, West Street, Poole, Dorset. Cables: Industries, Poole.
Trailers and Semi-trailers
ALPERSON.-Alpergm Products, Ltd., Fordham Road, Newmarket. Cables: Streamlite, Newmarket. BODEN.-Boden Trailers, Ltd., Higginshaw Works, Royton, Oldham, Lancs.
BOYS.-Henry Boys and' Sons, Ltd.. Plea. Walsall, Staffs. Cables: BOYS, Walsall 21131. BRAMBER.-Bramber Engineering Co., Ltd., Springbok Works, Waterloo Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2, Cables: Otocarreont, Norphone. BROCKHOUSE.-J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, West Bromwich, Staffs. Cables: Brockhouse, West Bromwich and Livingstone Street, Clydebank.
B.T.C.-British Trailer Co.. Ltd., Richmond Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, 17. Cables: Trukan Trak, Manchester, CARRIMORE.-Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., North Finchley, London, N.12, Cables: Sixwheels, Finch, London.
CRANES.-Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., Derehana Norfolk. Cables: Crane, Denham.
D.B.-B. Dixon-Bate, Ltd., Chester. Cables: Chester 3500.
DYSON.-R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., Grafton Street. Liverpool. 8. Cables: Ignition. Liverpool. EAGLE.-Eaele Engineering Co.. Ltd., Eagle Works, Warwick. Cables: Eagle, Warwick. EEZION.-Ibbett Engineering Co., Ltd.. Ampthill Road, Kempston Hardwick, Bedford. Cables: Conveyors, Bedford.
FOX.-Fox Trailers. Ltd., Woodend Avenue, ' SPeke, Liverpool. Cables: Foxtail, Liverpool, GLOVER. WEBB AND LIVERSIDGE.-Glover. Webb and Liversidge,„ Ltd., 561 Old Kent Road, London. S.E.1. Cables: Glomova, Sadist, London. HANDS.-Hands (Letchworth), Ltd.. New icknield Way, Letchworth, Herts. Cables: Hands, Letchworth.
LANSING =IRAGNALL-Lansing -Mandl, Ltd., Kingsclere Road, Basingstrike, Hants. Cables: Bagnallic. Basingstoke, LOLODE.-Low Loading Trailer Co., Dean Street, Redford, Cables: Bedford 2248. MERRIWORTH.-Merriworth (Engineering). Ltd., London Road, Stone, Dartford, Kent. MULTIWHEELERS.-Multiwheelers (Commercial Vehicles). Ltd.. Rogeth Green Avenue. South Harrow, Middx. Cables: ivluldwheel. PITT.-Charles Pitt (Barton Stacey), Ltd., Barton Stacey, Hams.
RICE.-Rice Trailers, Ltd., Cosby, Leics. Cables: Rice. Cosby.
ROBERTSFIAW.-M. F. Robertshaw, Ltd., Blenchley, Bucks. Cables: .Robertshaw. Wembley. ROLLALONG.-Rollalong, Ltd., Ringwood, Hants SCAMMELL.-Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Think; Lane, Watford. Herts. Cables: Twelfton. Watford. SCOTTORN.-Scouoru, Ltd., Kingston Road. New Malden. Surrey. Cables: Essenn, New Malden. TASKERS.-Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works, Andover. Cables: Taskers, Anna-Valley.
WARRINGTON WHEEL-Warrington Wheel Co., Ltd., Hawleys Lane. Warrington. WHEATLEY.-F. W. Wheatley (Trailers). Ltd., Wheatley Avenue. Peterborough. Northants. WHITLOCK.-Whitlock Bros.. Ltd., Great Veldham. Essex. Cables: Whitlocks, Great Yeldharn. YORK.-York Trailer Co.. Ltd., St. Mark's Road. Corby. Northants. Cables: Vorktra. CorhY. Northants.