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Steam, Petrol and Electric Vehicles Compete for the Awards in the Annual Event Organized by the Area Committee of the C.M.U.A. Full List of Awards.
NO fewer than 160 vehicles partici'toted in ' the sixth annual motor parade organized by the Liverpool Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association. In all 39 different companies supported the parade, the total entry of vehicles being about 130 petrol machines and about 30 steam wagons. Of this total close on 50 vehicles of all types, from the light Morris-Cowley to the large capacity sixwheelers, represented the petrol-distributing companies, the most prominent vehicles in this category being those of Dennis, Thornycroft, Daimler, Albion and Vulcan manufacture: The AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd., alone paraded 30 spick-and-span vehicles.
For the competitions, however, 83 were entered, and an analysis which we made revealed the fact that 22 were steamers, 59 patrols and 2 electrics.
In all motor parades held nowadays the judges comment on the difficulty of placing well-tended machines in their order of merit, but there was a decided ring of sincerity in the plaint of the judges at the Liverpool parade. Ties were more common than at any other previous parade.
Although Fairrie and Co., Ltd., again took pride of place in the steam classes with a fleet of Leylands and retained for another year the Sentinel Cup; their petrol fleet, which looked as well as ever, did not figure so prominently in the final awards. No,t that there had been any deterioration in the condition of this well-known prize-winning fleet, but other competitors had displayed determination to approach, and, if possible, surpass. the high standard which Messrs. Fairrie's petrol vehicles had attained. Consequently, Joseph Crosfield and Sons, Ltd., the soap manufacturers of Warrington, lifted the Thornycroft Cup with a fleet of Thornycrofts. This, we believe, is the first occasion on which the Thornycroft Cup has been won by a Thornycroft fleet. As is well known, Messrs. Crosfield's vehicles form a hardworking fleet, and sometimes cover btg daily mileages; some time ago we published data concerning their performances. The Fairrie Silver Cup, awarded to the haulage contractor owning the best steam wagon, was won for the second time by William Harper and Sons, Ltd., the vehicle being a Leyland.
Although only three six-wheelerstwo Scammells and a Thornycroftmade up the class for vehicles of this type, which was an entirely new one, there were probably seven or eight sixwheelers taking part in the procession. Only two electric vehicles were entered and these came from St. Helens.
The judges took the following points into consideration in the allocation of marks :-7(1) Steering and front
axle; (2) brakes and back axle ; (3) steam wagons—engine and boiler, petrol lorries—transmission, electric vehicles— battery control and transmission; (4) body and general appearance ; (5) work for presentation. Bonus marks were given in respect of the age of the vehicles:
The following were the judges:— Messrs. F. G. Bristow. M.Inst.T., VC.I.S. (general secretary, C.M.U.A.); C. le M. Gosselin, M.Inat.T. (H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Preston) ; D. Morgan, MJust.T. (Bleachers' Association, Ltd„ Manchester) ; D. Brindle (H. Viney and Co., Preston) ; T. Molyneux, 1V1.13.11., M.T.Mech.E. (City Engineers' Department, Liverpool) ; John T. Lawton, M.Inst.T. (John T. Lawton, Ltd., Manchester) ; T. Lawrenson, Bootle.
The complete list of prize-winners is as follows:—
Cup 'WINNERS, Sentinel Silver Cup.—Presented in 1920 by the Sentinel Waggon Works (1020), Ltd.. to be held for 12 months: by the owner of the best fleet of three steam vehicles of any make: Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (Leylands).
Itornyerof I Silver Cup.—Presented in 1920 by J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., to be held for 12 Months by the owner of the best fleet of three petrol vehicles of any make: Joseph Crosfield and Sons, Ltd. (Thornycrofts). Fairrie Silver Cup.—Presented in 1924 by Fairrie and Co., Ltd.,-to be held for 12 months by the haulage contractor owning the best steam vehicle of any make; William Harper and Sons, Ltd. (Leyland).
Steam Vehicle Fleets.—(1), Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (three Leylands), 351 points ; (2), Macfie and Sons, Ltd. (three Leylands), 292 points ; (3), Wm. Harper and Sons, Ltd. (three Leylands), 287 points.
Petrol Vehicle Fleets.—(1), -Joseph Crosfield and Sons, Ltd. (three Thornycrofts), 274 points ; (2), S.P.D., Ltd. (three MandsIays), 268 points ; (3). aarlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. ,(Ford, Leyland and A.E.C.), 267 points.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1920.—(1), Wm. Harper and Sons, Ltd., Leyland (driver and assistant, Jas. Gibbons and F. Carroll), 100 points ; (2), WM. Harper and Sons, Ltd., Leyland (H. Evans and E. Murphy), 99 points ; (3), Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd., Sentinel (H. Hailer and A. Elliott), 95 points.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1924.—(1), Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd., Sentinel (0, Austin and E. Halsall), 92 points.
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1920.—(1), S.P.D., Ltd., Maudslay (W. E. Tamr and R. Devine), 107 points ; (2), Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd., Ford (W. Lee), 96 points ; (3), S.P.D., Ltd., Maudslay (G. Brown and W. Lobin), 91 points.
Single Petrol Vehicles, 194—(1), Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd., Daimler (J. H. Sanderson), 82 points.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1920.—(1), Fairrie and Co., Ltd., Leyland (S. Redmond and M. Gillard), 122 points ; (2), Fairrie and Co., Ltd., Leyland (E. Pazzar and E. Reeves), 121 points; (3), Fairrie and Co., Ltd., Leyland (W. Evans and W. Moulson), 108 points. Single Steam Vehicles, 1924.—(1), Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd., Sentinel (J. Berry and A. Price), 94 points.
Single Petrol Vehielet,1920.—(1), W. and R. Jacob and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd., Leyland (J. Woodside and J. Moss, Junr.), 97 points ; (2), Fairrie and Co., Ltd., Karrier (G. Smith and W. Blessdale), 94 points ; (3), Joseph Crosfield, and Sons, Ltd., Thornycroft (J. McLean and J. Ellis), 94 points.
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1924.—(1), Greene% Whitley and Co., Ltd., Leyland (J. Ashton and W. Almond), 83 points ; (2), Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd., Leyland (Ft. Greenall and J. Rowson), 82 points ; (3), Dominion Express Co. of Canada, Thornycroft (H. Clarke), 82 points.
Petrol Vehicle Fleets, Non-member.-(1), British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (three Dennis), 248 points.
Single Petrol Vehicles, Non-member. —(1), National Benzole Co., Ltd., Albion (N, K. Wood and C. Godfrey), 94 points ; (2), Central Commercial Motors, Ford (W. Lewis), 92 points ; (3), British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Dennis (T. Hough), 88 points.
Sioc-wheeled Vehicles.—(1), AngloAmeriCan Oil Co., Ltd., Scammell (W. Higginson and H. Brett), 95 points.
Electric Vehieles.—(1), Greenall, 'Whitley and Co., Ltd., Walker (James Gore add Jas. Houghton). 102 points.