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The New Inst. Of T. President.
Colonel Sir Joseph Nall, D.S.O., T.D., M.P., was inducted as president of the Institute of Transport at the first meeting of the season held in London yesterday (Monday). Sir......
A British Empire Exhibition On Tour.
So soon as the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley is brought to a close in October a touring exhibition which is being organized by the SelfsupPorting Empire League is to......
Opposing Speed Limits In Dundee.
The Dundee Town. Council recently made application to the Ministry of Transport for permission to establish a 10-mile speed limit in Seagate, Perth Road, and High Street,......
Unionists And The Road Fund.
The following motion appears in the name of the Right Hon. Sir Robert Sanders, Bart., M.P., as No. 14 on the agenda paper for this week's conference in Brighton of the National......
The 1926 Trojan.
The Trojan has proved such a useful little vehicle, not only as a van, but also as a traveller's car, that it is interesting to note that the new Trojan, selling at £140 on......
Marshall Rollers In Demand.
Many British Manufacturers are finding an increasing demand for their motor-vehicle products and appliances in countries overseas, and an indication of the esteem in which......
The Gas-producer Trials.
The trials of vehicles equipped with gas-producer plant and running on producer gas, which have been promoted by the Automobile Clubs of France and Belgium with the support of......
A Ford Retirement.
We learn that Mr. W. Barnes, who has been associated with the Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., since March, 1910, has relinquished his post as secretary to the company. He......
Price Reductions For Overland Models.
Willys-Overland-Crossley, Ltd., Heaton Chapel, Manchester, inform us that they have just reduced the prices for their range of commercial modeli, and the new figures, which......