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Ipswich Buying Trolley-buses.
Tbe electric supply and tramways committee of the Ipswich Town Council has recently reported that, the Corporation Act havin g been passed, the corporation is now in a position......
Flour-carrying By Foden.
The Foden 6-ton steam wagon which Is illustrated on this pa g e constitutes one of four vehicles which are bein g supplied to the order of W. Vernon and Sons, Ltd., flour......
A Railway Company's Sweeper.
For street-cleansing purposes, the type of road sprinkler, sweeper and collector made by Karrier Motors, Ltd., of Huddersfield, has already achieved considerable popularity, but......
Fire-fighting Motors In Germany.
A return lately issued shows that there are now 174 fire-fi g htin g motor vehicles in service in Berlin, as a g ainst only 107 at this period two years a g o.......
Night Buses For Dancers. Althou G H In London Certain...
services have been runnin g for some time past, there are few places outside the Metropolis where such services are in existence. If, however, the proposal of Mr. R. Stuart......
Robey Wagons For Coal Transport. It Is Interesting To Learn
that Messrs. Charrin g ton, of Kin g 's Cross, N., one of the leading companies of coal merchants in London, who already have ten Robey steam wagons in their service, have......