New equipment and publications
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Retractable twistlock
A retractable container twistlock of an advanced design that involves no spring and will allow instant locking and retractability by its fitted handle is now available, It has been introduced by H.W.P. Engineering Co. Ltd.
It is said to need no maintenance apart from an occasional greasing, and can be fitted into the outriggers of any haulage trailer or rigid vehicle accommodating containers conforming to ISO specifications.
It can be fully retracted to allow bulk containers of varying lengths to be immediately seated flush to a trailer's surface. There is no need to remove and store any intermediate locking portions to provide a smooth surface, and therefore no risk of losing them. It also ensures that the operator has a flush deck available for bulk loads other than containers.
Retractable twistlocks are supplied to manufacturers ready for assembly into the outriggers of new trailers and are available for home and export markets. They are also available already built into outriggers so that existing trailers or rigid vehicles can be easily converted.
Made by: H.W.P. Engineering Co. Ltd,, Lindum Street. Hexthorpe. Doncaster. Yorks.
Tipping trailer
A close-coupled tandem axle trailer with a steel tipping body has been added to the RM Trailers range. The trailer is made in three capacities: 2-ton, 4-ton and 6-ton, the cubic capacity of the body being designed to suit the material to be handled.
Tipping is achieved by means of a two-stage ram, which may be actuated by a hand-pump on the trailer drawbar or by hydraulic take-off from the towing vehicle. The tailboard hinges at the top.
Hollow rectangular section material is used to give strength with lightness for the chassis and body sub-frame. The body panels are reinforced with angle sections. The height of the towing hitch can be arranged to suit various towing vehicles.
Undergear comprises large diameter brake drums, operated by an overrun mechanism and augmented by vacuum or Air Servo (oneor three-line systems). and independent rubber suspensions.
The trailer complies fully with current MoT requirements.
Made by: RM Trailers Ltd.. New Farm Road. Alresford, Hants.
Vehicle care products
The manufacturer of Autobrite and 3-in-One Oil announces the introduction of four more vehicle-care products: Autobrite windscreen cleaner, colour restorer, upholstery cleaner and wax shampoo.
Made by: E. R Howard Ltd., of Ipswich. Price: 8s 6d a pack. I wonder just how many yards of electric cable are replaced every year in vehicle workshops because of bad usage. With the increasing employment of power tools plenty of wander leads are needed in order to take the maximum advantage of them. Great bundles of cable on the workshop floor are both untidy and, of course, dangerous. And, unless some responsible person continually checks wander leads in service in the shop, they will often be used in potentially dangerous states.
However, the Drum Engineering Co., always looking for safer and more tidy equipment for the road tanker has started to import from an associate company. Haar of Germany, a device called the Cable Quick, When I saw one recently it impressed me immediately as the very thing for the workshop, for when paying out a cable from this reel, which the operator carries with him, any abrasion or kinking is unlikely. Neither is there any effort in restoring the cable to the reel when the job is finished. One simply picks it up and walks back to the power point while a spring motor rewinds the cable neatly into place.
The device is light to handle, weighing only 12.5Ib when loaded with 60 yards of cable.
The Cable Quick can be obtained complete with any size of cable on application to the Drum Engineering Co. Ltd., Edward Street Works, Dudley Hill, Bradford, Yorks.
The price will depend on the cable and fittings ordered.
Pallet trucks
Three pallet trucks are announced by Rolatruc rated at 3.000, 5,000 and 6,0001b. load capacities. Speed and ease of lifting are features, just three to five short strokes being sufficient to lift the forks to transport height; the springloaded handle instantly returns to the vertical. where a retaining lock keeps it in the upright position.
The steering and single fork wheels run in enclosed double SKF ball bearings, with thrust ball bearings in the frame for easy steering. ensuring minimum-effort manoeuvrability. If necessary, to reduce the point loading, bogie wheels are available, these running more easily over uneven surfaces.
The lowering mechanism is constructed with both handand foot-controls, and is smoothly regulated to protect fragile loads with alternative fast-lowering when required. The hand-trigger-release mechanism is by means of a rod and chain built into the handle, replacing the conventional cable. The comfortable safety hand-grip has a non-crack Vinyl sheath and incorporates a trigger-action lowering lever.
Vulkallon seals are used throughout the hydraulics and are guaranteed leak-proof. The pressed frame of high tensile special steel is claimed to give 50 per cent higher strength than ordinary structural steel, permitting high load-capacity with a low-truck-weight. Wheels are supplied to choice in Vulkallon, nylon, cast iron or Duthane.
Forks are available in a combination of 21 sizes (three fork widths and seven lengths). Other sizes can be manufactured an request. Made by: Rolatruc Ltd., Stirling Road, Trading Estate, Slough, Bucks.
Price: 3,0001b, £67; 5,000113, 77: 6,0001b, £150.
Sealants for containers
Kelseal Ltd is now offering a range of aircuring sealants which can be used for weatherproofing internal and external joints of all types of freight containers.
One of the most important features of Kelseal sealants specified for food-carrying containers is that they are odourless. Extensive research has been carried out by Kelseal to perfect sealants for the refrigeration industry.
Six sealants are available, divided equally between setting and non-setting compounds. All are for interior or exterior application.
Setting compounds are:— Kelbond air-drying Neoprene, a gun-grade single-part setting sealant, white and with the appearance of tough rubber after curing. It is available in 4 oz tubes, + pint cartridges or in bulk. Kelseal PSR Polysulphide synthetic rubber, a gun-grade two-part curing sealant, grey, packaged in quarts or gallons.
Glasticon 235 Wide Span, a gun-grade singlepart skinning rubberized sealant, grey or ivory, available in +-pint and 1-pint wallets, +-pint and 1/12gal cartridges, and 5gal drums. After curing it appears as a flexible skin over nonsetting mastic.
Non-setting compounds are:— G lasticord 305 butyl rubber-based strip sealant, grey, available in 12in. -diameter reels, each holding about 11Ib of extruded mastic. The material does not harden and remains in its original condition indefinitely.
Glasticon 16.279 single-part rubberized nonsetting gun-grade sealant, grey, packed in 3--pint and 1-pint wallets. +-pint and 1/12-gal cartridges, or in bulk. It does not set, remaining in its original tough condition.
Kelseal 126 butyl rubber-based single-part gun-grade sealant, white, packed in wallets and cartridges. It remains unchanged on exposure.
The illustration shows some methods of application.
Made by: Kelseal Ltd., Vogue House, Hanover Square, London, W1.
Seam jointing
A range of six products designed as a clean and efficient seam-jointing medium for speedy and accurate application to many items in transport is now in use on van-body panels.
The —Insealrange, as it is known, is supplied in roll form, and incorporates a unique feature— A protective interleave applied to the non-adhesive side of the foam material. The interleave stays in position while the material is being applied, thus preventing stretching and allowing speedier, more accurate application. In many instances this also allows the use of an applicator.
Another manufacturing feature singular to Inseal products is the application of the adhesive direct to the foam material. This allows much greater conformability to awkward shapes as well as to small radii and often means the elimination of special die-cut or moulded gaskets. Al) Inseal products provide void-free seals in spite of variations in tolerances of the joints or materials to be sealed.
Their exceptional resilience, coupled with negligible compression set ensures that joints are completely sealed against air, water and dust, and are capable of withstanding continual flexing and of absorbing vibration.
The Inseal range includes materials for spotwelded, hot-rivetted and mechanically fastened joints and are available in a variety of widths, densities, consistent thickness and lengths of up to 200ft.
Made by: Industrial Sealants Ltd.. Theobald Street, Borehamwood, Herts.
Front lift trucks
A new range of front lift trucks for loads between 4,000 and 26,000lb is now in full production at the Leighton Buzzard plant of Lancer Boss. It is to be called the Boss Mark III range.
Each bears a strong family likeness to the other and the five basic models offers a range of 15 trucks which has been extensively preproduction tested, bath under home and overseas operating conditions. The capacities and models are as follows:—Boss P Series PD,4. 4,000lb; PD,5, 5,000Ib: Boss M Series MD.6, 6,000Ib; MD.7, 7,000lb: Boss H Series H118, HD.10, HD.10c, HD.12, HD.14. 8,000lb-14.000lb; Boss C Series CD. 15, CD. 18. CD.20, 15,000lb-20,000lb; Boss B Series B D.20, B D.23. B D.26, 20, 000lb-26, 0001b.
The outstanding feature of the range is the low profile design, which is built around fourand six-cylinder diesel power units. All models are fitted with automatic torque converter transmission and hydraulic power shift gearboxes as standard. This gives greater precision and control, which reduces driver effort and eliminates clutch and gearbox troubles. A new design feature—an inching/brake control system—ensures precise truck movement without affecting lift speeds.
Hydrostatic power steering and powerful brakes ensure safe and easy driving under arduous conditions.
Car-type seating is standard on all models ensuring that drivers remain alert even after working long hours in difficult conditions. A new, exclusively designed loadguard is also standard and this can be converted by the addition of optional panels into an enclosed weatherproof cab.
Redesigned mast sections ensure great strength and reliability and eliminate mast wear and maintenance problems. On the P and M trucks, single lift chains have been used. improving the forward vision by over 50 per cent.
Low pressure, big capacity hydraulic systems, standard on all models, give faster load lift speeds, while an optional. two-speed regenerative lift offers a further increase in lift speeds with partial loads.
Faster, safe working cycles are ensured by an automatic load lowering system which allows high or low lowering speeds of light and heavy loads respectively.
Distortion and twisting of the frame under stress conditions has been eliminated by an entirely new design of envelope type, low profile chassis. It is fabricated from heavy gauge steel plate and incorporates a builtin counterweight. All working parts are fully protected but are immediately accessible for servicing and maintenance by means of swing or hood panels.
The new Mark III range is backed by fully comprehensive service facilities throughout the UK and overseas where distributors will carry a complete range of replacement parts.
Trades directory
The 1968/1969 edition of Ryland's Directory is now available in two volumes. It covers the coal, iron, steel, metal, foundry, engineering and hardware trades and gives classified information in 23 sub-sections. Published by: Ryland's Directory, John Adam House, John Adam Street. Adelphi. London WC2.
Price: £7 7s, for the two volumes.
Lightweight cooling unit
• A Thermo King lightweight cooling unit constructed of aluminium has been announced by the makers, Petters Ltd., Staines, Middlesex, which is known as the TG 10 and weighs only 1301b. It is designed to provide accurate temperature control of perishable foods being carried in lightdelivery vehicles and will be seen at Earls Court fitted to the body of a 35cwt vehicle of this type. The unit is being produced under licence to the Westinghouse company of America.
The temperature-control range provided by the unit is from 35dcg F to 45deg F. The compressor is mounted on the engine and driven by belt and electric clutch. A thermostatically controlled evaporator, provided with forced-air convection, is mounted near the roof, while the condenser can be fitted in the skirt of the vehicle or above the cab. The aluminium and copper coils in the evaporator and condenser sections have a large surface area.