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* Veiled Authority Can You Picture Minister Of State Stephen
Swingler with a yashmak over his military moustache, his trousers rolled up to the knee and his waist girt about with flimsy chiffon. doing a houri dance as if in humble......
Over The Border With Dundee In The Throes Of This
unhappy municipal labour trouble, it was not the most promising of times for W. L. Russell, general manager, to take on the presidency; but, as Norman Harris remarked when......
Ic Unhappy Holiday
Calking of passenger associations, I am sure (ou will join me in sending condolences and )est wishes to PTA secretary Robert Howlett, 'ho is nursing a compound leg fracture......
L< First Off
)ifferent people have different views about he actual start of mechanical goods transport )y road. Certainly it goes back to the steam raction engine era but I would have......
* Road-railer
Col. Rogers relates how in 1854 Chas. Burrell and Sons, locomotive makers of Thetford, linked up with the optimistically named Boydell Endless Railway Co. The latter produced a......
* Judge In Duplicate
During conversations about the impending change in the chairmanship of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners I had news of Major F. S. Eastwood, occupant of that position for the......
* The Happy Irish
Commercial vehicle users in the Republic of Ireland are happy they do not have to face any Plating and Testing Regulations, I am told by Donald Doody, a director of J. Harris......
* Trade Solidarity
Understandably, road transport's fight against The Bill has received more prominence in CM than the part played by the motor trade—but lest you think that the latter has been......