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Although it is the large fleet operator who appe;ars to stand to gain most from the artic classification scheme announced this...
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• The Society of Motor Manufa cturers and Traders has now completed its ca tegori zation scheme, which it has put forward this...
• The Government does not propose to bring forward any amendment on the Report stage of the Transport Bill in the House of...
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• The use of headlamps as well as sidelarrips on roads outside - lit areas" (wherein the street lamps are 200 yards or less...
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of half cab by Tony Wilding • Three of the chassis to be exhibited by Fodens Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show will have a new...
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After Lorry Driver of the Year Reg ooze had taken the heavy goods vehicle riving test—in advance of its official intro ction...
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A direct Freightliner service between Scotland and Europe—the Euro-Scot—will be run from Edinburgh, starting on October 7. It...
• Lord Provost John Johnston of Glasgow has vigorously denied any suggestion that Greater Glasgow Transportation Study reports...
• All aspects of international freight transport and handling will be covered at the Ports and Terminals International...
• Metropolitan London began a campaign of • concentrated supervision at specially select • ed locations in the boroughs of...
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• The Minister of Transport, Mr. Richard Marsh, has accepted an invitation to perform the official opening ceremony at the...
• Delegates attending the Commercial Motor Fleet Management Con • ference, and whose concerns are • registered with the RTITB,...
• Among a number of new developments to be shown by the York Trailer Co. Ltd. at Earls Court will be a combination container...
• The Institute of the Furniture Warehousing and Removing Industry, in co-operation with local educational authorities, has...
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• In their report for 1967, just published by HMSO at 5s, HM Inspectors of Explosives record that progress was made during the...
receipt of applications for the Queen's Award to Industry, 1969, is October 31. 1968. Application forms, together with notes of...
• The Selby toll bridge was re-opened for road traffic on August 28, three weeks after its supports were damaged by a lighter....
•• • The pre-tax profits of Transport Develop• ment Group in the half-year to June 30. • 1968, were a record E2,882.977...
on Wednesday, appointed general manager to succeed R. F. Bennett who leaves to take up an appointment with London Transport as...
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says former supporter by Derek Moses • The provocative paper "I wonder ...!" by Mr. Hilditch (CM last week) presented to the...
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• "This law will be an ass", Mr. Arthur Lainson, chairman, told the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association's a.g.m. in London...
• Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister for Employment and Productivity, has stated that she would be prepared to accept the national...
• According to the General Register Office 1966 sample census, of which Part II was published on Wednesday. one in three of the...
• Government commitment to the principle of Passenger Transport Authorities was reiterated by the Minister of State, Ministry...
• The Bradford area passenger officer of the Transport and General Workers Union, Mr. Joe Brogden, lost no time in challenging...
to be set up under the Transport Bill— Tyneside, Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Birmingham—will be established at the...
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• A Glasgow firm, six of whose 11 vehicles were in trouble following an inspection by MoT engineers last June, had a "fair...
• Two B-licence applications to haul solid fuel for Lowell Baldwin Transport were adjourned by Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, the...
• There were allegations of illegal working by tipping vehicles at a city construction site during a public inquiry in...
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• Sutton and Sons (St. Helensl Ltd. has been granted two applications in a written decision given by the North Western LA. Mr....
• The Scottish deputy LA, Mr. L. A. Wells, at Perth this week, suspended for six months from September 15, two vehicles...
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by Paul Brockington • An uprated Gardner 6LW and an uprated 5LW have been announced this week by Gardner Engine (Sales) Ltd.,...
by Tony Wilding • Today the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. announces the introduction of the Perkins V8.510 diesel engine as ar) option...
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• One of the special vehicles which will be seen in the trailer section at Earls Court will be a new ground-level loading...
• A special model introduced by Albion Motors Ltd. for truck-mixer applications will be featured by the concern at the...
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operated fan drive • A cone type clutch actuated by air pressure is a feature of a fan drive, produced by Dynair Ltd., Dunkirk...
• A new range of axles will be shown at Earls Court for the first time by Eaton Axles Ltd., (Stand 255). It is known as the...
• A Skyworker hydraulic platform, Model 1031, a design extensively employed in the US will be among the exhibits by Austin...
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R etractable twistlock A retractable container twistlock of an advanced design that involves no spring and will allow instant...
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by Handyman Manpower, maintenance and the MoT (8) • No maintenance miracles need be expected when MoT testing begins! So...
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ROBUST BUT LIGHT FOURAND SIX-WHEELERS LYNX and Bison are the names of two model ranges introduced by Leyland Motors Ltd. which...
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Dy A. J. P. Wilding A echE. MIRTE 'ST MONTH I had the opportunity of laden versions of the Lynx rigid and active t nit and the...
I New equipment that will be exhibited at Earls Court by member companies of the Edbro group includes a bucket-loader for...
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by A. J. P. Wilding, MIMechE, MIRTE A COMPLETELY NEW passenger chassis is to be introduced by AEC Ltd. at the Commercial Motor...
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by lain Sherriff, MITA Never before has there been such excitement about the final outcome of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
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Swingler with a yashmak over his military moustache, his trousers rolled up to the knee and his waist girt about with flimsy...
unhappy municipal labour trouble, it was not the most promising of times for W. L. Russell, general manager, to take on the...
Calking of passenger associations, I am sure (ou will join me in sending condolences and )est wishes to PTA secretary Robert...
)ifferent people have different views about he actual start of mechanical goods transport )y road. Certainly it goes back to...
Col. Rogers relates how in 1854 Chas. Burrell and Sons, locomotive makers of Thetford, linked up with the optimistically named...
During conversations about the impending change in the chairmanship of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners I had news of Major...
Commercial vehicle users in the Republic of Ireland are happy they do not have to face any Plating and Testing Regulations, I...
Understandably, road transport's fight against The Bill has received more prominence in CM than the part played by the motor...
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Battery of learned clerks SPECIAL authorizations are concerned with traffic and appeals should therefore go to the Transport...
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BY ASHLEY TAYLOR AMIRTE, Assoc Inst T Resisting aggression ALTHOUGH the contents of the average domestic refuse bin are...
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AN important change by Seammell Lorries Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show will be the introduction of a double-drive version of...
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The 1968 Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court promises to be one of the most interesting since the War. Next week's issue of CM...
A timely review of current speed limit legislation is being made by Mr. Marsh. I welcome his approach by way of obtaining...
Handyman, in his Road and workshop feature in CM July 12, stated in the course of an excellent article: "However, as the WD...
We always have available approximately 1,100 ex-military vehicles, and would say that the most popular vehicle we offer, being...
Your correspondent Mr. J. S. Marston will be interested to know that the Fowler Road Locomotive KD2826 is still with us I It is...
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Towards a four-day week? What are the chances of a four-day week in road transport following the recent rail productivity...
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Specially-designed in-line fuel injection pump with countrywide service availability. Cast-iron cylinder block, extending...
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vehicle inspector or examiner with the Ministry of Transport? I have been trying to contact the Goods Vehicle Centre at...
June 28 you stated that it was not permissible to use a trade licence for the purpose of delivering scrap motor iron from the...
unladen weights is proposed for some of the vehicles limited by quantity and quality licensing under the Transport Bill? 1 have...
don, a model 13/4/354. It has 10.00-20 tyres, 10-stud wheels, heavy-duty springs. Eaton 18802 two-speed rear axle and...
operating experience, and having now come into a small amount of capital. I am wondering whether it would be a good business...
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THE recent formation of the Council of Engineering Institutions was an eye-opener for the many people who considered that it...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI SECTION 67 of the Road Traffic Act 1960 gives power to police constables, authorized in writing...
Thomas Harrison and Sons (Haulage) Ltd. Cap.: £500. Subs.: S. H. Davis, D. Ordish, t /3 Leonard Street, EC2. Sec.: S. H....