Men in the News
Page 32

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• MR. J. G. LEGG has been elected a director of J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd.
Ma. P. P. LOVE, M.I.MECH.E., has been appointed technical manager of the Glacier Metal Co., Ltd
MR. H. ALLAN, transport fleet engineer of T. Wall and Sons, Ltd.. has retired after 20 years' service.
MR. R. W. STOREY has been appointed deputy sales manager of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co.. Ltd.. Loughborough.
MR. C. F. RUSSELL has resigned.from the board of Specialloid; Ltd. He is understood to have taken over the Canadian subsidiary company.
• M. PERCY WICK; has been appointed chairman of the newly formed Norwich sub-area of the National Association of Furaiture Warehousemen and Removers.
MR. EMILE E. SOUBRY, a recent chairman of the Anglo-American Oil Co., has been appointed a director of the Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) in the United States.
MR. H. L. GREIG has, for health reasons, retired from the board of William Cory and Son, Ltd., and MR. .HAROLD E. C. Ma.toNtE has been elected •tt director.
MR. H. S. FORD, Chorley works manager of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has been appointed assistant general manager of the company. He will continue to hold his appointment at Charley.
MR. W. H. MARSDEN has been elected chairman of the Yorkshire Centre of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund, in succession to MR. HERBERT GLEDHILL. MR. W. ATK,INSON is now vice-chairman, and MR. E. WEBSTER has been re-elected honorary secretary and treasurer, MR. E. AUSTYN REYNOLDS, MR. J. H. CATLING and MR. W. H, BOWMAN have been appointed executive directors of T. I. Aluminium, Ltd., a new company which has been formed to co-ordinate the administrative, research and marketing organizations of Reynolds Light Alloys, Ltd.. Reynolds Rolling Mills, and the South Wales Aluminium Co.. Ltd.
MR. H. R. CAULFIELD-GILES, M.fistsr.T., has been re-elected chairman of the Traders' Traffic Conference for the ninth successive year. MR. C. E JORDAN, of T.I. Group Services, Ltd., has succeeded MR. H. CURRINGTON, of the Sheepbridge Co., Ltd., as vice-chairman. Mr. Currington was chairman for 19 years and vicechairman for eight years. MR, J. Attsoae has been re-elected honorary reasu rer.
MR. C. LAWRIE. general sales manager of the Vacuum Oil Co;. Ltd.. has been appointed a director.
MR. A. H. L. THO6IPSON, publicity manager of Fodens, Ltd., is seriously ill and may he away from duty for a long time.
SIR WILLIAM. Rooms and SIR PERCY LISTER are among members of the Institute of Directors who have been elected to the new council of that body. The Institute has 40 members. MR. F. STARR, garage and works superintendent of the Nottingham Co-operative Society, has been appointed transport manager of the Bristol Co-operative Society. He is senior lecturer at Nottingham College.
A well-experienced engineer is open to take charge of a commercial-vehicle service department.' He was apprenticed with Albion Motors, Ltd., and has been chief' engineer to a number of bus and haulage concerns. Letters should be addressed "Chief Engineer," care of the Editor.
MR. C. W. REEVE, C.B.E., chairman of Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., has been re-elected a director. SIR KENNETH I. CROSSLEY, Bt., J.P. MR. W. 'HUBBLE, M.I.MECH.E., MR. 0. D. SMITH, and MR. ROBERT F. FRYARS, F.C.I.S., who joined the board after the annual general meeting of 1947, have also been re-elected directors.
MR. T. E. WEATHERHOGG; (chairman), MR. T. E. WEATHERHOGG, JUNR. (managing director), and M. A. B. DAVIDSON (secretary and traffic manager) have been appointed 'to the board of Allen Ways, Ltd the k wellknown Birmingham coach operator. Mr: Weatherhogg, Senr, and Mr. Weatherhogg, Junr., are, proprietors of Messrs. E. Weatherhogg and Son, hauliers, • of South Yardley, Birmingham. For the. past nine years Mr. Davidson has been Birmingham area manager of John Morton and Son, Ltd., Coventry.
MR. F. D. FITZ-GERALD, F.C.I.S., secretary of the Traders' Road Transport Association, has, because of the pressure of his duties in that capacity, asked to be relieved from the position of acting secretary to the National Road Transport Federation, which post he accepted temporarily when MR. G. W. QUICK SMITH, LL.B., F.C.I.S., was appointed secretary and legal adviser to the Road Transport Executive. MR. W. J. N. LAWFORD, of the Federation staff, has, therefore, been appointed acting secretary of the N.R.T.F. from January 1.
MR, W. HAROLD PERRY, governing director of the Perry group of Ford main dealerships, was, at a staff festival held on December 29, presented with his portrait in oils, painted by Mr. Frank 0. Salisbury. This had been subscribed for by all employees of the group. MR. G. V. WHITE traced Mn. Perry's remarkably successful career since, after working with his brother (now LORD PERRY), he had started on his own in 1908, employing two men and a boy and making coachbuilding fittings. Later he devoted himself exclusively to the sale of Ford products, and built up a business which now has some 600 employees and premises at 11 places, ranging from Aylesbury • to Southend-on-Sea. MR. ANTHONY HALL., general sales manager of the Ford concern, referred to his helpful cooperation.