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T AST week-end's strike of bus and tram opera' 4 tives of the London Transport Executive marks another step along the path of...
Thernyeroft Cylinders IN the fitting of sleeves of the are Honed before 'dry type in cylinders, it is Fitting Sleeves . . ....
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Of Uncle Thom's Cabin in Cardiff. Of holes hastily drilled in thermostat valve heads during the cold spell. Speculation about...
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N EGOTIATIONS are likely to be opened in the near future for the acquisition by fir. British Transport Commission of all the...
-DIE Road Transport Executive J. has announced that as at January 1, between 450 and 500 notices of acquisition had been...
IN the ordinary way the company could have looked forward to many years of successful trading, but the Government has made it...
O WNERS and drivers of all motor vehicles are reminded by the Ministry of Transport that the new regulation under which it is...
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rIECEMBER 31 was the end of LI 35 years in transport for Mr. George Tucker, Heath, Cardiff. At midnight on that date, his 25...
P LANS to provide a bus station for , Halifax have been approved by the passenger transport committee and the civic development...
URNING question of the hour at LP the time of going to press with this issue was whether London's busmen would heed the warning...
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• MR. J. G. LEGG has been elected a director of J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd. Ma. P. P. LOVE, M.I.MECH.E., has been appointed...
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A MONG those who received awards in the New Year Honours List are the following: KNIGHT BACHELOR: Mr, H. L. Guy, C.B.E., D.Sc.,...
T HE Id. and lid. fares on services operated by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., are likely to be restored , within the next...
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Njoi only was management frequently 1 1 slandered by politicians bankrupt of other ideas, but it was also the scapegoat for the...
I F a person be travelling on a bus and his ticket is lying on the floor, an inspector cannot demand that he picks it up and...
be in required to submit details of their businesses under the National Census of Distribution and Other Services. which is to...
Tiwo new roads will reduce, by half, I the present 12-mile journey from Briton Ferry to Swansea. One is the new Jersey Marine...
H OW the pay roll had increased from 10 in January, 1911, when he first started at the Hepolite factory, up to 3,500 at the...
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T EN appointments involving changes in organization were announced on Tuesday by the London Transport Executive. Mr. F. H....
I T is reported that the Isotta Fraschini Co., of Italy, is to take over the works of the Fabrica Nacional de Motores. S.A., in...
S OME 200 members of the Scottish )Centre of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers and guests attended the annual...
F ORMERLY carried on as a partnership, the business of Carless, Capel and Leonard has now been converted into a limited company...
A NEW establishment to deal solely with long-term research And development is' to be set up by Leyland Motors, Ltd., and will...
FIRIVERS of C-licence vehicles have benefited from wage increases of Ild, per hour recently approved by the National Joint...
T HE North-Western (Western) Area Committee of the Road Haulage Association has appointed Mr, Thomas S. Jacks as area secretary...
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TASKMASTER Essentially a Short-haul Tractor for Road and Works Use, the Taskmaster, Subjected to a Strenuous Road Test, Proved...
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T HE Institute of Road Transport Engineers recently held a " Brains Trust" discussion on fleet maintenance and its...
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WADE extension of the activities of Yv the Cores lompair Eireann is recommended in the "Report on Transport in Ireland," which...
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At London Transport's Recruitment and Training Centre at Chiswick, Drivers and Conductors are enrolled at the rate of ISO to...
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WHILST the Dennis Paxit refuse-collection vehicle is VT generally similar to the Oschner model, a number of modifications has...
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By H. M. LAWRENCE, M.A., M .1. M ech. E., F.R.S.A. T HE period since the war has been devoted to a struggle to keep services_...
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Short-wave Radio Link Takes the Place of Land Lines in a New Multiple Telephony Service IT may not be generally known that a I....
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Submitted to Registrar of Companies, and Plans for Others being Developed WHEN the Birmingham Road HaulVV age Group, Ltd.. was...
IT is probable that a new Maudslay Marathon Mark III 20-ft. wheelbase single-decker passenger chassis, an addition to the...
COLLOWING extensive tests under practical operating conditions, County Commercial Cars, Ltd., Fleet, Hants, will shortly be in...
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Braid Group Produces Forward-control Civilian Version of Bedford M.W. Military Chassis and Builds All-metal Body R ECENTLY...
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D ESEARCH is still proceeding in the direction cf steam propulsion, and the latest proposals are embodied in patent No....