A S the years pass larger and larger quantities of,rubber are
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being used for the construction of various parts of the modern motor vehicle. Already much upholstery has been converted from the type employing coil springs and horse hair to that with pneumatic cushions. In addition, there is now a marked tendency to use sponge rubber in various forms, whilst the same material may 'be employed in moulded honeycombs to form the basis oftseat cushions, and interlaced rubber strips can serve as a flexible foundation for air cushions, both for seats and squabs.
ONE of the most interesting machines at the National Physical Laboratory has been designed to measure the rate of continuous stretch or "creep "of metals at moderately high temperatures and under the influence of prolonged stresses. This mechanism will, record to within one-hundredthmillionth of an inch per hour. Some astonishing results have been obtained. For instance, a load of 5 tons per sq. in. on mild steel at a temperature of only 500 degrees C. will cause the metal to creep continuously and eventually to fail, although to produce failure in a few minutes, under corresponding conditions, requires a stress of 20 tons.
COACH drivers frequently have to contend with passengers who insist upon being accompanied by extraordinary objects of luggage. It is on record • that one man travelled from London to Manchester with a full-sized harp, another brought several large pictures in gilt frames, and yet a third insisted on taking a radio-gramophone, 3 ft. 6 ins. long by 3 ft. high. An actor wished to make the journey with a roll of scenery measuring 28 ft.; the coach in which he proposed to travel was some 6 ins. shorter. TODAY more than 286,000 persons are share holders in General Motors Corporation, and an analysis recently made shows that the strength of the organizatien lies not in the hands of a few large shareholders, but in the poSsession of thrifty individuals in all walks of life and in many countries.
IN the past about 1,000 children Shave taken/part in the Leeds annual children's-day procession, and, because of the licensing provisions it was feared that the procession would have to be cancelled. The organizing committee has written to the Ministry of Transport asking if the Amendment Bill, legalizing the carrying of non-paying passengers in goods vehicles, would be passed in time, and the Ministry has replied that it probably will not, but that, by Section 61 (3) of the Act, if fewer than eight persons be carried in a goods vehicle the licensing provisions would not apply. Leeds, therefore, called for many more lorries!
WE learn from Mr. W. Donaldson Wright, of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, that summonses in respect of noisy vehicles often succeed through ignorance of two lines of defence. R is sound defence to prove that the noise is due to a temporary ei accidental cause and could not have been prevented by the exercise of care. In proceedings against the person in charge of the vehicle, it is good defence to prove that the noise arose through a difficulty in design or construction, or through the negligence of some other person.