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A GRICULTURE in Great Britain must keep abreast of the times, and to do so it is of the utmost importance that more reliance...
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T HE agreement arrived at between the promoters of the London Passenger Transport Bill and the powerful group of bus companies...
W HEN will manufacturers, bodybuilders and salesmen realize that a few drinks to a driver on delivery of a vehicle or during...
W E are told that .75 lb. per b.h.p. is the net weight of the latest type of aircraft engine. It is a figure which gives one...
being used for the construction of various parts of the modern motor vehicle. Already much upholstery has been converted from...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Hum. Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of 20 motorbuses. BARKING education committee is to purchase a tractor...
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The text hes been issued of a Bill to confirm the provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport, under the Wallasey...
Queen Victoria Street, London, is to be widened at a cost of £250,000. There was a net surplus of £829 on Hull Corporation's...
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Corresoondent The London Passenger Transport Bill. O N resumption of the...
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for Power Units A New Double-acting Engine of Unusual Design. Horizontal Mounting Possible I N the construction of...
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with a LATIL TRACTOR A TRACTOR of quite remarkable design and capabilities for road haulage as well as for arduous...
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F OR some time Tecalemit braketesting installations have been available for four-wheelers. They have been put into service in...
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Appliances which Appeal Directly to the Agriculturist. New Machines and Detail Features of Interest to Our Readers Seen at the...
T IS company is showing its Auto Mowers in 15-in., 18-in, and 30-in, cutting widths. The machines are of simple design and...
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W HAT was prophesied in these columns at the close of last beet-haulage season has now come to pass. Contracts are now being...
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A HORSE O NE of the primary considerations in connection with the transport of a horse over long distances is that it shall be...
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T HE requirements of the farmer and market gardener, so far as commercial motors are concerned, are strictly utilitarian....
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A Suggestion, Put Forward by an Expert, which Deserves Close Consideration by the Tractor Manufacturers By Our Agricultural...
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An Outline of What is Being Done by the Tractor in Agriculture. A Case for the Use of the Com bined Harvester Thresher. Types...
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The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL Moo. [3451] Sir,—We do at times, but not very frequently, have dealings with firms describing...
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von some years past light petrol tractors for hauling mowing machines on golf courses have been produced by the Allan Taylor...
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T BE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their, forthcoming public sittings. In each...
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Another Good Example of the Converted Private House T HERE is no doubt that a private house of large and commodious type lends...
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Reasons Why the Corn missioners Refused to Grant Licences to this Non-operating Authority MOO late for inclusion in our pre./...
In the last week of June the South Wales Traffic Commissioners have instigated three prosecutions at police courts against...
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Some Advice to Contractors who are Considering Entering this Sphere of the Haulage Business Problems of the HAULIER and...
"I am offered a contract to carry 20 churns of milk per day, increasing to 30 churns in the course of about a year's time. The...
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Specialized PISTON SERVICE How the Manufacturer of B.H.B. Pistons is Organizing a Scheme Whereby Replacements of Original...
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T WOyears ago, Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, and the local division of the St. John Ambulance . Brigade collaborated in the...
T HE 30th annual conference of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association was a most interesting and enjoyable affair,...
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T WO new models of essentially modern design have been added to the range of refuse-collection vehicles marketed by...
I N our issue for last week we referred briefly to a motor fuel, safer than ordinary petrol, which has been invented by MM....
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications MILE: name of Daimler-Benz Aktienj_ gesellschaft, of Stuttgart, appears...