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The London (and Provincial) Passenger Transport Bill.
T HE agreement arrived at between the promoters of the London Passenger Transport Bill and the powerful group of bus companies operating ' - ' 1 1n;k% the surrounding area, if......
Attend To The Comfort Of The Driver.
W HEN will manufacturers, bodybuilders and salesmen realize that a few drinks to a driver on delivery of a vehicle or during demonstrations, will not improve relationship and......
Light Weight May Extend Speed Limit.
W E are told that .75 lb. per b.h.p. is the net weight of the latest type of aircraft engine. It is a figure which gives one food for thought, although at present, as must be......
A S The Years Pass Larger And Larger Quantities Of,rubber...
being used for the construction of various parts of the modern motor vehicle. Already much upholstery has been converted from the type employing coil springs and horse hair to......