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lertional research

7th July 1978, Page 23
7th July 1978
Page 23
Page 23, 7th July 1978 — lertional research
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1 NATIONAL Bus Corny research office at rborough has published pring bulletin, giving deof specific research at ?.nt being carried out by ■ IBC.

e unit's activities are the ction and dissemination formation, internal liaicontacts with outside and the carrying out co-ordination of Lrch projects.

present the unit is rtaking research into: effects of fares and service levels; service rationalisation; traffic management schemes; buses in central city areas; park and ride schemes; rail links; busways (reserved tracks for buses); limited stop bus services; small town bus services; rural and community buses; travel by children and the elderly; pricing and reduced fares; publicity schemes; family tickets; area-wide period tickets and ticket issues; leisure and bus services; fare collections.