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THE YEAR of the ten per cent pay award will soon be over, and now the future looks uncomfortably uncertain. Already the Prime...
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IITAIN has been granted :emptions from the aorious EEC regulation 3/69 for milk hauliers, livesck operators, animal waste id...
THERE will be no further cuts in road 'maintenance. This pledge was given in the Commons last week by John Horam, Under...
THE SECRETARY of State for Transport has announced an increase in plating and testing fees which will be payable on all...
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• no' jobs bloodbath' SUGGESTIONS of massive redundancies at the Bathgate plant of Leyland Vehicles have been discounted. It...
A CO-OPERATIVE has been formed by ground transport operators at Heathrow Airport. Pan Express chairman Peter Charalambos has...
DRIVERS diverted up to five miles to have their vehicles tested should be able to add the tir taken to their working day...
The Greater London Council was to discuss the proposals this week, following a report from its consulting engineers...
THE DODGE 100 series ( mando cab has under; some minor changes in aj rance and fittings. On the side, wiper arms and blad( now...
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COUNTY surveyor's claim that British motorways are being damaged by heavy ehicles and not by poor maintenance has drawn...
EE IVECO Group is begin to challenge Daimler nz as the leading producer commercial vehicles in rope — and D-B is also inasingly...
THE ROAD Haulage Association has told students that they should study properly for Certificate of Professional Competence...
FULL details of the coming merger of the Freight Transport Association and the British Shippers Council (CM last week) will be...
THE BARONESS Stedman is a maid-ofall-work. As a Baroness in Waiting—a Government Whip—in a House where there is not a Minister...
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)F acc idents E POLICE are to get new ident forms on which deof lorry weights can be mded. his was announced in the nmons by...
Duth :DUCED fee young permembership grade has launched by the National of Transport Managers attempt to attract young e to the...
ON Atkinson has ened the scope of its ity scheme for 200 and ies lorries. July 1, warranty cover provided for 12 months' .ed...
A TWO year ordeal for two former directors of a Blackburn haulage company was ended by a judge last week. At the Inner London...
The board claims that the study, intended as a basis for its annually updated strategic training plan, is the most...
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A CHANGE of venue for the Auto Accessory Retailer Trade Show has been ruled out and it will remain in London. The accessory...
WINNER of the i Refinisher of the Year aN by Berger Paints and Vel Builders and Repai Association was Gel Rogers of McGregor'!...
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LEPARATIONS for this year's CM Lorry Driver of the Year als at Cranfield on September 3 are surging into top gear, : . ording...
TRANSPORT Secretary William Rodgers has announced proposals for increasing the MOT test fee for cars and light vans. When last...
IF ALTERNATIVE employment offered in a redundancy situation is the same job on the same terms, an employee is not entitled to a...
THE RECENT upsurge in confidence amongst employers in the road haulage industry is beginning to tail off, according to a survey...
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AN HYDRAULIC dam towing ring developed Socol Powerline Ltd of C mercial Road, Totton, Ha has been shown to red snatch and...
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I JANUARY the Secretary of ate for Transport told the ssenger transport industry at it would be sensible to ye a six-month...
TEEN surplus Leyland Atlanteans could fetch nearly £40,000 Greater Glasgow PTE. he vehicles, built between 1962 and 1967, have...
1 NATIONAL Bus Corny research office at rborough has published pring bulletin, giving deof specific research at ?.nt being...
GREATER Manchester Transport has had its application to increase fares by about 11.7 per cent agreed by the North Western...
TYNE and Wear Transport is to offer a special tour as part of its celebrations for one hundred years of transport. Two...
DERBYSHIRE County Council has issued a weight restriction order forbidding vehicles of more than 3 tons from using the A625 at...
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LONDON Transport has submitted its planned capital expenditure programme for the years 1978-88 to the Greater London Council....
PLAXTONS (Scarboroug Ltd has announced that it h secured a large number repeat orders for coa bodies for the 1978/79 seaso The...
GREY-GREEN Coaches London are to sponsor first-ever London Bus Rail? be held at the Lambeth SIT in South London on July and...
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Here is CM'S chance to help us with our problems. I have just read the most fascinating paperback. It is the Department of...
We welcome the interest in thE Design Council Award for the Jumbo Legs (Dear Sir, CM, June 9). We agree that there ir "nothing...
I am interested in transpor and have read much gener information but what I nee is practical experience. I would like to work...
I refer to the article "The legs we need" (CM, May 19). I enclose a photograph showing that both Mr Mousley and the Design...
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he veek is South-East's Labour MP it get the prize for this , k's ill-informed statement. T Transport Under-Secretary n Horam...
I'm obliged to the Economist Intelligence Unit for this piece. Apparently one of the unit's senior consultants went along to...
Glasgow never struck me as the place that German and French tourists would want to take in on a tour of Scotland. I must be...
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IT LOOKS as if the Japanese will have to man the defences against an invading Eastern bloc country. No, it's not the start of...
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Dr nearly ick Ross and Mike Loveridge, CM's staff lotographers, cover about 40,000 miles ich year. They tell some tales about...
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failures save brass TWO OF the surest ways to attract the attention of the transport antagonists are to allow your vehicle to...
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oy John Durcn oy Harry Rooet ALTHOUGH those sections of the M5 and M6 designated the Midland Links Motorway are the most...
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LAST WEEK at Frankley service area on the M5, a large expensive heavy goods vehicle suffered a minor mechanical malfunction....
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MOST drivers of cars or heavy vehicles who regularly use the motorway network will probably find themselves irritated by...
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T IS easy to become emotioial about the A74 CarlisleDasgow road, the so-called 'killer highway" which links he motorway...
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VEHICLE operators faced with the imminent phasing-in of the eight-hour driver's day are having to look hard to see what changes...
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-10SPITAL patients suspect that the doctor who gives such a Kief glance to their bedfoot charts is looking only for...
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Smyth has been promoted to product manager (general distribution). He will be responsible for all aspects of marketing NCL's...
Transport Ltd. He spent 46 years with the company, most of them developing the company's road trailer, container, and ro-ro...
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CM we have tested a id cross-section of the nmando (now known the 100-Series) range n the non-hgv G08 at tonnes gvw up to the I...
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DODGE 100-Series Cornmando vehicles were designed at the outset to be easy to maintain and service. Although a non-tilt cab was...
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range irysler incorporated into the 'anned Maintenance Schetle book issued with each shicle, a report from which e operator...
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The lack of adequate heater output in the winter, which appeared to be mainly confined to turbo-charged units, especially in...
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AMONG the big tractive units making regular runs to Continental destinations is the comparatively small Chrysler Commando G08...
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ARLSBERG, they say, is - obably the best lager in le world. Mike Fisher, ansport manager of arlsberg Distributors d, Old Oak...
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by Brian Chalmers-Hunt JNRAY CARRIERS have ten in business for five ;ars; they have learned at there's plenty of oney to be...