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Mr Bernard Carroll. Transport Manager/ Ivens, Kelletts & Childs/ Part of WavyLine Group/ started in 19001 One of the oldest grocery wholesalers in business/ Now largest grocery wholesalers in South/ Depots at Worthing and Farehaml Uses Rigids, T.U's and Trailers/ Fleet mileage 15,000 miles per month; Fleet tonnage 1,200 tons per month/ Delivers to Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire/ Mr Carroll joined company 7 years ago as driver/ Keen bird fancier/ Sussex rep. for British Bird Breeders Association; Keen Kelly Truck Tyre User. • 41=. Mr W. G. Johns. Transport Manager; Dor-to-Dor Carriers./ Started in 1921 with one Model T. Ford/ Largest 'smalls' operators in S.E./ Using artics and rigids; Fleet mileage 200,000 miles per month! Fleet tonnage 1,700 tons plus 4,000,000 packets of Kelloggs products per month/ Fleet delivers from London to Surrey, Sussex, Kent and Hampshire/ Hauls across North and South Downs/ Mr Johns joined company in '53 as Warehouse Manager/ Keen amateur photographer and rose grower/ Finds Kelly Truck Tyres utterly reliable and safe. ERE IS NOTHING quite so dead and useless a vehicle with a flat battery. When it will -t the vehicle is almost a living thing, but non-starter is just so much old iron.
n recent years there have been great adces in the design and development of tery chargers. It is not so long ago that needed to set aside a vast portion of
workshop to house the battery house. the charger was a great cumbersome ig that required a skilled electrician to rate it. But there are now many small 3 that will do all that these monsters of the t could do, many having built-in safety ices to prevent overcharging or reversal polarity. They will in many cases provide instant boost to enable a vehicle to be -ted and will carry out fast or tricklerging duties.
East Barnet Road, v Barnet, Herts.
E latest Wulco battery chargers to be inluced by this company are improved veris of the BC 5/36 and BC 8/24. The lpany also makes a larger model and a ster/starter while two others models of rger/starter are the Twelve and Twenty he biggest charger from Cooper Wallace he BC 8/72 which is designed to charge ie to 36 2V cells at up to & and inles such features as a specially designed vy-duty transformer and non-flash rotary tches. Overall dimensions of the model are n. by 13in. by 25in. and the price is 10s.
he main improvements in the new models in a restyled, attractive case and the 5/36 will handle three 12V or six 6V bat3S at a charging current up to 5amp. It is ortable unit with a carrying handle at the and the price is £20. The model BC 8/24 loused in the same case as the BC 5/36 designed specifically to meet the requireits of diesel-engined vehicles. It costs I 15s and will deliver up to 8amp at 12 or he Wulco starter/booster when used as an me starter will provide a current of Neen 150 and 250amp to 6 and 12V uits. By changing over the output leads the becomes a straightforward booster rger capable of 20 to 25amp output at 2V or 12/24V. This also is a portable lel and has a top carrying handle.
he final two models are normal boost rger/starter units. The Twelve has an me starter output of 150 to 200amp with ster charger current of 20 to 25amp at 12V. It measures 12in. by 9.25in. by 7in. costs £36 while the Twentyfour has a ter output of 150 to 250amp and a ster charger current of 20 to 25amp is at 12 or 24V. This model measures i. by 11 in. by 9.5in. and costs £59.
tol Road, lgwater, Somerset.
:RE are four combined battery chargers engine starters in the range of equipment le by this company. In addition there is a battery booster which like the three smaller chargers/starters is available with an alternator protection device. All these models are mounted on a pair of wheels with a forward stand to make them mobile.
The Chargemaster AF40 is the smallest model and is suitable for 6 and 12V batteries. It gives fast charges at up to 100amp on 6V and 60amp on the 12V and will slow charge up to 12 batteries at one time. There is an instant engine-start facility and safety devices fitted include automatic overload protection for the charger and thermostatic protection for the battery. Like all the CryptonTriangle units the AF40 has selenium rectifiers. It weighs 83Ib and measures without its handle 28in. by 13.5in. by 15in, The basic AF40 does not have alternator protection but when the model becomes the AF40/1 this device is fitted.
The next charger/Starter in the range-the AF42-is suitable also for 24V and maximum outputs are 100amp for 6V, 50amp for 12V and 25amp for 24V. It has the same size cabinet as the AF40 but weighs 41b less and the general construction and appearance is similar to that unit. It will give fast and slow charging as well as instant starting and with the alternator protection feature the model becomes the AF42/1.
The AF42 is called the Chargemaster Major and a unit which embodies the design features of the Chargemaster but with an additional high output for 24V is the Batterymaster AF50. There is the same fast-charge output at 12V and 6V as the AF42 but with the rate for 24V batteries increased to 50amp. Like the other two units 10 12V batteries can be charged at once and 1min or less is taken to start an engine. The AF50 is a bigger model measuring 291n. by 181n. by 15in, and it weighs 1061b; with alternator protection the model number is AF50/1.
The bigger Crypton-Triangle charger/starter is the AD52 Dieselmaster which is specially designed for use on trucks and buses and so on. The model is completely weatherproofed for outdoor use and a 100amp output is provided for fast charging at 6 and 12V with 50amp at 24V while 200/300amp is provided for engine starting. Again, up to 10 12V batteries can be charged at once. Outside dimensions are 36in. by 25in. by 20in, and the weight is 2011b, A useful extra for the chargers is the ASP.1 panel which provides a convenient means of utilizing the slow charging facilities of all the fast chargers and there is the AF40 AutoBoost battery booster which will charge 6V and 12V batteries at up to 60amp and 40amp respectively with two-step control of the charging rate. A 60min time-switch is provided for controlling the charging period and the Auto-Boost measures 19in. by 13in. by 14, Sin. with a weight of 521b.
THE CYTRINGAN WELDER CO. LTD. Market Hill, Rothwell,
Kettering, Northants. MAIN products of this company are arc welders but two of these-the Minor Booster and the Bantam Booster also provide facilities for battery charging and battery boosting.
The Minor Booster is suitable for 6, 12 and 24V circuits, while the Bantam is designed for 6V and 12V only. The Minor can give up to 55amp on 6V and 12V while the limit is 15amp on 24V. In the case of the Bantam the maximum charge is 55amp on 12V and 60amp on 6V.
Audio Works, 2a Commercial Road, Staines, Middx.
THE Model 2410 battery charger made by this concern is suitable for use on 6, 12, 18 and 24V batteries at a maximum of 10amp output. It has a double-wound transformer and selenium rectifier and the controls include a four-position switch for the selection of the particular charge rate required.
The Deltranic charger has a carrying handle on the top and a heavy-gauge steel case with outside dimensions of 12in. by 10in. by Sin. Net trade price is £27.
F. C. HEAYBERD AND CO. LTD. Greenwich South Street,
London, S.E.10.
IT is likely that the Heayberd 7000 range of battery chargers will be of particular interest to commercial vehicle users. There are two ver sions of these, one requiring a 5amp input and the other for use on 15amp mains.
There are four 5amp models which can be used for slow charging up to six 12V batteries (or their equivalent) depending on the model at a charging rate of from 1 to 5amp. Electrical equipment is contained in a steel case measuring 14.75in. by 17.5in. by and the price varies from £28 net trade to £39 5s net trade according to model.
The 7000 Series requiring a 15amp input includes six models and is also suitable for charging up to six 12V batteries at the same time; charging current in every case is from 5 to 15amp. The two smallest models have the same size case as the 5-amp models but the four larger-output designs have cases measuring 30in. by 20in. by 13.5in. The net trade price of the smallest model in this category which can be used on only one 12V battery is £33 18s and the biggest costs E87.
The Model 66 battery charger from this company covers a wide range of requirements, from single 12V battery chargers up to models which can recharge six 12V batteries at the same time. Charging rate varies according to the model, being normally up to 8 or 12amp maximum but one of the smaller-size units gives a rate of from 5 to 30amp. Net trade prices of these designs range from E10 19s for the smallest to £82 13s for the biggest.
All these Heayberd chargers have selenium metal rectifiers.
Norfolk Buildings, Upper Bristol Road, Bath, Somerset, A SMALL battery charger for the one-vehicle user is made by this concern and it is rated at 1.5 to 5amp on 6 and 12V. But the concern is currently introducing a completely new range of industrial models with outputs from 6 to 60amp and suitable for charging up to six
The Marinair charger is made in various ratings.
12V batteries. Special models to customers' requirements are to be offered including chargers for electrically operated handling equipment and time switches and/or ballast units can be incorporated.
The firm also produces a booster charger, a 6 and 12V model giving 25 to 30amp for 5min as well as normal charging and there is a 12 and 24V version which gives the same characteristics.
Leafield, Corsham, Wilts.
THE JD Autocharger is a small single-battery charger introduced towards the end of last year. It can be used on 6V or 12V batteries and has a red warning light to show when the charger is on: the intensity reduces with the charge as the battery condition improves.
The model has built-in safety features including a special temperature-limitation device which will cut off the current if a faulty battery is connected and there are no fuses: incorrect connection causes a cut-out to break the circuit and after correction of the fault, charging is restarted by depressing a reset button.
Sheffield, S8 OJY, Yorks.
THE Laycock fast battery charger is suitable for use on 6, 12 and 24V circuits and is supplied trolley-mounted or as a free standing unit. It gives a maximum output of 120amp on 6 and 12V anti 60amp on 24V.
The rate of charge is controlled by a sixposition switch and the charge duration is controlled by a time switch with the facility for selection of charge times in a range up to 60min.
The charger has the usual protection features and is supplied with 10ft main leads and 10ft battery-connection leads.
Hullard Street Works, Manchester 16.
TWO TYPES of boost charger are made by ManMag. One of them is a mobile unit with wheels and front support while the other has to be carried to the vehicle if it is to be used in this way.
Both models are made in three versions and in the case of the mobile unit there are two for 6 or 12V with maximum output of 35 and 60amp and costing £40 and £55 respectively. The third charger is suitable for 24V as well and has a maximum charging rate of 30amp with a price of £ 55. The non-mobile design is made in similar versions with two for 6 or 12V with outputs of 20 and 30amp and costing £25 and £30 respectively while the third for 24V has an output of 20amp and costs £45. All these charges have a ratecontrol system which can be used to reduce the output to about one-third of the maximum figure.
ManMag also makes two versions of benchtype garage battery chargers and two small chargers which are suitable for the one-vehicle operator requiring facilities to bring the battery to its full charge overnight.
Barnet, e rts.
MOST of the battery chargers made by Meritus are specially designed to customer specification and the only types made are static units. The rectification medium depends on the application for which the unit is required and selenium, germanium or silicon are employed.
Singleor multi-circuit outputs can be provided with manual or automatic control and a typical large-size charger is one that will charge 10 12V batteries at from 1 to 8amp. A single-circuit charger made by the concern gives an output of 3-15amp and can be used on up to six 12V batteries
387-389 Chapter Road, Willesden, London, NW2.
THIS company has recently introduced portable equipment which combines the functions of a normal or booster battery charger and engine starter with an arc welder. It is manufactured by Stoneleigh Electronic Ltd., of Romford, and has the name Pocket Star.
Sufficient current is available for immediate engine starting and 6. 12. 24. 36 and 48V batteries can be charged at a normal or fast rate. Overall dimensions are 11.75in. by 9.5in. by 10in. and the Pocket Star weighs 451b.
PARTRIDGE, WILSON & CO. LTD. Davenset Electrical Works,
Evington Valley Road, Leicester, LE5 5LR.
THE NAME Davenset is used for batterycharging equipment supplied by this firm and a comprehensive range is available.
There are nine commercial battery chargers carrying trade prices of from £21 to £88 and giving a charge rate on full load of between 3amp and 12amp. The smallest model can charge two 12 or four 6V batteries while the biggest is capable of five 12V or 10 6V. Features common to all these models are silicon rectifiers and push-button switches which give a wide range of control from zero to maximum output with a full load of batteries. Three of the chargers—the larger ones—are two-circuit designs and each circuit can be operated independently. The chargers have automatic over-load protection and a singlepole mains fuse is mounted within the charger.
There are two Davenset battery boosters both of which are designed for use on 6 and 12V circuits. The smaller has a changeover switch for selection of either high rate15amp—or low rate-8amp----and is fitted with a polarity-protection relay, automatic overload cut-out and a fan-cooled selenium rectifier. Recommended price is £21 trade.
The second battery booster also provides facilities for engine starting and in addition can be used for normal charging at a maximum of 10amp. For quick charging the rate is 40amp and engine starting is said to take between 3 and 5min. A rotary control switch provides selection for 6V or 12V batteries and a separate toggle switch permits a fast or slow charge.