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Pd Wharfage And Transport Re-shapes
• Reorganization within the Portslade and Shoreham based company of PD Wharfage and Transport Ltd. is about to be carried a stage further. The company, part of the Powell......
Lancs Hauliers Lose Appeal In £3,000 Lorry Fire Action
• Three Appeal Court judges last week dismissed with costs an appeal brought by Storey Brothers and Co. Ltd.. White Cross Mills, Lancaster, which lost L3,016-worth of fabric in......
Townsend's New Ferry Launched
• Free Enterprise IV (5,250 tons), which will be the biggest ship of her kind on the short sea routes from Britain, was launched in Schiedam, Holland, on Saturday and will be in......
'operation Moondrop
• The lack of success of "Operation Moondrop", the Greater London night-delivery scheme which ran from January to June last year, could be attributed to cost problems on the......