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.t Threat To Independents Continued From Page 41 This, Said
Mr. Fay, was competition not m some newcomer to the industry but from at was probably the biggest passenger nsport operator in the world. "To have - npetition from this enormous......
Absent Company Inivited To Inquiry
• The section 174 and 178 inquiry into the fleet of Grey Motors Ltd. of Bethesda which commenced in September (CM September 20 1968) and was continued in December (CM December......
Applicant Cautioned
• An applicant was cautioned at a public inquiry in Chester last week that he need not answer certain questions if he felt he might incriminate himself. D. Roberts of Holywell......
Change Of Load Granted
• Continuation and modification of a B licence was granted to G. Slowe. Manchester, by the North Western LA in Manchester, on Monday. The existing licence allowed for the......