£292,500 By-pass Grant by Minister
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AGRANT of £292,500 has been made to Essex County Council by the Minister of Transport towards the cost of a new by-pass of Rayleigh village on the A130 Chelmsford Road. The total cost-is'
estimated at £390,000. • The road, more than 11 miles long,-will enable traffic on the Chelmsford Road to enter and leave the A127 Southend Arterial Road without going into Rayleigh.
Two 24-ft.-wide carriageways, separated by a 10-ft. reservation, will run north from a two-level junction on the A127, 1+ miles west of the Rayleigh Weir roundabout. They will cross under the railway to a new roundabout on the A129 Billericay Road. From this point to Rawreth, the Chelmsford Road will be rebuilt on a modern alignment. Work has now started on the construction of the Runcorn Spur, which will form the southern approach road to the new Runcorn-Widnes Bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal. The Minister has made a grant of £450,000 to Cheshire County -Council towards the cost of the _Spur, which is estirnated at £600,000.
The road will start at Doctors Bridge on the A577 at a roundabout junction with the bridge approaches. A flyover junction will carry it over B5310 Heath Road, to which it will be linked by slip roads. An underpass will take the Spur wider BostOn Avenue, and it will end at Northwich Road (A533) near Hallvvood, The Runcorn Spur will be about 21 miles long and will be 60 ft. wide with a single 33-ft. carriageway.