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M OB mentality is causing the wastage of millions of pounds worth of capital assets. This wanton extravagance to satisfy a whim...
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Villiam Birch HAT could be more auspicious than to be born with a silver spoon in ones mouth? Ask Raymond William Birch. He...
By The Hawk IUIR. F. WILLIAMSON, chairman of the North Western In Traffic Commissioners, is among those who deprecate the...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Budget has removed the last hope of saving unremunerative rural bus services. The municipal...
nISAPPOINTMENT was expressed by operators' associations after the Chancellor of the Exchequer made no concessions to the road...
L'XPRESS, excursion and tour services operated by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., from Liverpool, will be run from a new "...
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A FIRM who appealed to the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on Tuesday, suffered the suspension of one of their vehicles for...
I N a reserved decision issued on Wednesday the Transport Tribunal allowed an appeal by Mr. Charles Hewitt, of Annan,...
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A LETTER addressed to Mr. S. W. 1 - 1 , Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, which made observations against an applicant but...
MR. FRANK B. FORD has joined the board of Plaxtons (Scarborough), Ltd., as sales director. MR. B. L. SMITH has been appointed...
T HERE were 37 entries for the first North Western coach rally organized last Sunday at Wigan by the Wigan and District...
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A N applicant for a new B⢠licence told Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, at Bristol on Monday, that when he...
THE working week will be reduced L from 44 hours to 42 hours, and hourly rates of pay increased for members of the National...
H OW a piece of machinery weighing 5 cwt. fell from the back of a lorry . travelling on the Colchester by-pass was described to...
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BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT QTANDARD penalties for obstruction. kJ introduction of the ticket system of fines, and the...
A NEW list of inadequate road facilities throughout the East Midlands is being prepared by the East Midland Division of the...
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BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT R EMINDED that there had been a further reduction in rural bus and railway services since last...
A SHORT-TERM A licence for one .1 - 1 articulated and two rigid boxvans was granted to Atlas Express (Birmingham), Ltd., by Mr....
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MUMEROUS new traffic regulations 1 came into force in central London this week. Parking meters were operating throughout the...
A GRANT of £292,500 has been made to Essex County Council by the Minister of Transport towards the cost of a new by-pass of...
Trams Abandoned: Buses replaced trams on Sheffield Transport Department's Meadowhead Lane route last week-end. Newport Office:...
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increasing importance of market T 1 1-1 1 distribution facilities in Britain and the contribution that " through-rate " links...
T HE railways might do little more after modernization than retain their existing traffic, and gain hardly any new business...
QPIOPKEEPERS in Putney, Rochford 1 .---.'and Folkestone have been sent forms by the Traders' Road Transport Association on...
EXAMINATIONS in road transport subjects organized by the Royal Society of Arts last year attracted a greater proportion of...
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OURTEEN hauliers withdrew their objections to an application by British Road Services, Coventry, for an A licence for 20 car...
S IX vehicles, originally designed for earth-moving work on the Kariba dam project, and since adapted, are to be hired out on...
A PPEALS⢠to the Government for an increase in the maximum permitted length of public service vehicles, and an increase in...
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A MONG the vehicle producing countries of the world, Japan is unique in that it produces more commercial vehicles than cars. In...
A PROTOTYPE iron-ore carrier fitted 1- 3. with .10-ft.-diameter self-powered wheels has been demonstrated in the . U.S.A. The...
TWO Atiantean buses are to be shipped L to South Africa by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for tests and demonstrations. Both will have...
A MORRIS LE11 built for a big bakery organization has been modified " - I so that the cab can be directly entered from the...
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T WO demonstration vehicles of the Bulkfeed type now being built by Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., Cromer Road, Norwich,...
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T "spare parts department of Vauxhall Motors. Ltd., has installed a telephone answering machine which, during the night and at...
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New Midland "Red" Double-decker Shows Admirable Handling and Comfort on Test : High Standard of Hill-climbing Ability,...
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"A.E.C. 'Mercury's' power-to-weight ratio is best yet"' âMotor Transport "A.E.C. 'Mercury' thrives on hard work"...
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which 75 per cent. of its valuable capital equipment was idle for the greater part of the working day. Yet this is the...
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concerning the unladen weight of a special-A-licence vehicle owned by Mr. John Scott is placed by the Transport Tribunal on K....
A NEW vehicle designed for the bulk carriage and low-pressure pneumatic discharge of sugar to overhead storage has been built...
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THE latest three-wheeled goods vehicle to be produced by W. R. Pashley, Ltd., 140 Chester Street, Birmingham, 6, is designed to...
in⢠A NEW two-storey building recently completed at the Luton factory of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., is to be devoted solely to...
r 0 new subsidiary companies have b r een formed by Standard-Triumph International. Standard-Triumph (Liverpool), Ltd.. which...
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H AULIERS who have been convicted for carrying stolen goods in vehicles should be opposed by the police when seeking the...
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A BASIC principle of commercial-vehicle costing is the division of expenditure attributed to individual vehicles, into standing...
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have put into production a'converter unit to allow fluorescent tubes to be run from a 24v. D.C. supply. At present a prototype...
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A DISC brake in which the actuating force is amplified by movement of the disc is shown in patent No. 829,866. (Minister of...