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Michael Hemphrey
• During his year as chairman of the Eas Midlands area of the RHA, Michael Hemptire will be making a determined effort to foste co-operation between operators. His aim is t( give indfiridual operators sufficient confidencE to resist panic acceptance of low rate: because of the spectre of vehicles standin( idle. Michael gives the example of just wha some operators will accept. In his area then is a tipper operator charging 40p per ton for i short-haul job who lost the traffic to a clearinE house. The clearing house had quoted thi customer 38p per ton and then hired in th( tipper operator to do the job at 36p per ton This is the kind of situation that Michae Hemphrey will be attacking.
The East Midlands chairman is just the kin( of man to inspire the operators to fight an( then to lead them in their fight. Within a year of leaving Nottingham Higt School, Michael Hemphrey was training as bomber pilot in the RAF. Later he pilote( Can berras and at the end of his .flying caree 15 years ago when he was 25 he was a flyini instructor in Vampires. He describes his life ir the Air Force as a good preparation fo accommodating himself to the world in whicl he would have to five and work. The lack o rank distinction out of hours in the RAI combined with a strict but easy disciplin( during the working day gave him an insigh into what could be achieved by teamwork.
Between school and the Air Force he spen his time as a general dogsbody in his lati father's haulage company of Garratt A Hemphrey {Haulage) Ltd, of Nottingham, o which he is now managing director.
Mrs Hemphrey is a director of the compan. and there are two children, a boy of 13 and . girl of 11. If Michael's son decides on haulagi as a career he will be encouraged to qualify a. an accountant before taking a job witl another haulage company, big or small.
Michael Hemphrey has a theory abou company structure. A medium-sized com pany, he says, should have a team comprisini an accountant, an engineer, and a traffi, manager — led by a qualified manager. H. believes that at first sight haulage, with it history of uncertainty, does not appear to bi the place for the graduate with an eye to th. future.. Nevertheless he is encouraged by th. kind of men who are now being recruited t,
transport management. P.B