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Local authorities who believed that their public servic( obligations put them outside the normal constraints of thi law have...
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'desperate' situation by CM reporters I Commercial vehicle manufacturers evealed to CM this week their acute oncern over the...
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'old boy' attack by Martin Hayes INDUSTRY REJECTS 'WILD' STATEMENT • Strong condemnation was voiced this week by all sides of...
a transport manager by kin Sherriff • The report of the Association of Municipal Transport Officers (page 49 this issue)...
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• Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen AG— reported to be Europe's largest manufacturer of specialized transmission equipment -has...
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• Members of the RHA have received this week a letter from the chairman, Mr John Wells, recommending an immediate investigation...
from a European correspondent • The European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday steered around the problem of the 40-tonners...
• Operators can now have their fleets washed, serviced and maintained at Southern British Road Services' Long Lane branch in...
THE JUNE 15 issue of CM is our special Tippers Number with information and advice on a host of tipper topics, including: •...
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to a £1.2m profit in 1972 Record year for Contracts company, a good result by BRS Parcels but NCL loss exceeds budget and...
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• Norman Singer, as a result of his performance at Aberdeen at the weekend joins an earlier champion, Reg Tooze, in the...
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city buses by Martin Hayes • Proof that "environmentalized" versions of conventional diesel engines are the most economic...
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• The French city of Dijon has ordered six Leyland Nationals for its fleet. This order, forecast in CM, May 18, is the first...
• The 12 Daimler Roadliner single-deckers operated by Darlington Corporation Transport are this week in the centre of a major...
• Delegates to the Public Road Transport Association's annual conference, to be held in Brighton on June 12-14, will hear two...
• Bus-only lanes in London will bring added congestion and delays, the Royal Automobile Club has told the Greater London...
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• In, five written judgments issued this week, the Transport Tribunal has upheld in part two appeals, dismissed one and...
• A Manchester family doctor last week urged the Government to appoint its own doctors to judge whether drivers are fit to hold...
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• The incompetence of the two directors of a Shoreham transport company was blamed for the trouble in which it found itself by...
• An appeal by Hunter the Bakers, of Berkeley Square, London, W, against conviction by Darlington County Borough Justices last...
• Glasgow agent James Law criticized the DoE's failure to be explicit on the requirements of documentation on preventive...
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DTI and Shell claim lead for Britain in battle against petrol exhaust emissions • A new technology for substantially reducing...
• Amendments to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 are proposed by the Department of the Environment in...
• Crane Fruehauf has opened a new servicing depot at Hull. The new centre is situated at Popple Street, Hull (tel Hull 223892).
• Daimler-Benz and the Austrian company Steyr Daimler-Puch have decided to extend their co-operation together to the...
• Middlesbrough Transport and Engineering Co is to move next year from its Douglas Street Middlesbrough premises to...
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from Michelin by Glbb Gram • The XZA, a new tyre from Michelin, has been developed specifically to meet the needs of the...
gives variable valve timing I/ Improved torque and fuel consumption, ogether with a reduction in oxides of iitrogen and...
• Scania has entered the very competitive 24-ton-gvw market with the announcement of its latest LBS 85 H 6 X 2 model. The new...
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James Millen, deputy editor of Accountancy, reports on an interview with the chairman of the expansion-minded Dundee, Perth and...
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Municipal transport officers recommend new structure— with £9,000-a-year director to oversee freight and bus services. EACH...
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by Gibb Grace TOY° KOGYO Ltd of Hiroshima, Japan, is well known in the car world for its successful Wankel-engined Mazda cars...
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view by the Hawk • United returns Nice to see that in troubled times for various publicly quoted transport companies, somebody...
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The emphasis is on compaction for refuse collection vehicles and members of the Institute of Public Cleansing will find that...
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by Paul Brockington Propanel dery "mix' in operational service with public utility COMPLETE FREEDOM from diesel smoke, a...
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0 New ideas in public cleansing THE disposal of domestic and industrial waste will be the main theme of an exhibition and...
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by Paul Brockington Moving off from cold on full throttle within less than a minute of a call is a test of machines as well as...
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Magirus Deutz: a denial With the authority of the governing board of Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG, manufacturers of Magirus...
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Economic and monetary union MOST ASPECTS of Common Market policy are affected by the very different monetary and taxation...
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Paper tiger TO ACCOUNT for the continued survival of the lorry when everybody is so much against it, the opponents put up for...
Michael Hemphrey • During his year as chairman of the Eas Midlands area of the RHA, Michael Hemptire will be making a...
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vehicle driving licence and the heavy goods vehicle driving licence were distinctly separate licences and neither was...
less efficient than one with direct injection because of the pumping losses which result from the traneer of gases from the...
air drag offered by fairly simple streamlining, such as rounding the bodywork corners of a van, I was interested to hear from a...
with an unladen and taxed weight of 2 tons 9ewt and a gross weight of 7.1 tons. However, I have a removable livestock container...
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rnatters by John Darker, AMBIM 'ow Calor runs its ransport divLsion EW ROAD TRANSPORT organizations Britain can have a more...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE Tyre s No. 1 in a three-part series THE RAISING of the standards at which tyres...
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Details to save down-time (24) Despite arguments to the contrary, automatic lubrication is considered well worth while on a...
Stanwick Transport Ltd. Cap: £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors. etc. Subs: G. A....
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I. Equipment has been appoinUK agent and distributor the range of Dan-Clean highssure hot and cold-water aners. Included in...
A range of coloured dampproofing materials introduced by Flamenco (Safety Products) are water-based and can be used in...
Considered particularly suitable for loads such as tyres which do not freely align under their own weight, the rotational...
Electric buzzers for 12V and 24V electrical systems designed primarily for operation in conjunction with low-pressure warning...
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Improved electronic circuitry is a feature of the series 6290 Soniclean 25kHz automatic generator announced by Dawe Instruments...
A security alarm system developed by AFA-Minerva (EMI) is said to obviate spurious alarms caused by inanimate objects flapping...
An electronic balancing relay from Control Ability is suitable for controlling air-conditioning systems via Thermister sensing...
Marketed by Handling Engineering Services, an American adjustable rack system, the Adjust-A-Arm, provides for up to 28 levels...
A four-page folder from Hai Electric describes the compel range of vehicles for St sweeping and overhead clE sing and...
undercoat Undercoat paint (P545 which does not need san before top-coat application been introduced by ICI spel ally for use...
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I improved version of the lalwyn diesel engine shutwn valve has been introduced. e principle of operation nains the same, but...
by Trevor Longcroft 'plant tyre protectors are not iv, but I still get enquiries from ders about them. A booklet led by the...
Truck and trailer air-brakes and associated electrical equipment plus spares for ROR 'R' and 'M'type suspensions are available...
The Notabox foldaway notepad and pen has a self-adhesive backing which grips most clean surfaces — for instance, the dashboard...
A range of Britt-Tech component parts for high-pressure washers is now marketed in the UK by Automations International (UK)....
A method of lining tank interiors to prevent damage from toxic cargoes to the steel walls has been devised by Holyhead...
A range of portable Kleen King high-pressure washers introduced by Automation international (UK) comprises four models with...
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A range of FM mobile radiotelephones has been announced by Storno — the Stoma 700 Series. The units are of the solid-state type...
An all-round lighting system introduced by Joseph Lucas is described as a significant advance in safety; it ensures that the...
A hot-water high-pressure cleaning machine introduced by Psimat has guaranteed cleaning force at the nozzle, with the gun open...