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Northern Scotland.
ARRANGEMENTS for to-day's Aber deen sitting include the hearing of more than a score of applications for new stage and express services, as well as excursions. Practically no opposition is announced, and the routes embrace many of the scattered villages in the North of Scotland.
To-morrow will be devoted almost entirely to the hearing of backing applications for excursions and tours, a number of these being from English operators. The variation of certain licence conditions also will be_clealt with.
NEXT week's Newcastle sitting has
now been arranged in detail. Quite a number of new stage services will be applied for by independent operators, there being competition to serve a circular route from Ashington. Messrs. T. Allen and Sons, as well as -United Automobile Services, Ltd., will apply for new groups of excursions and tours, and one or two other operators are asking for fresh facilities this season. Mainly seasonal and excursion licences will be dealt with at Carlisle on Thursday week.
• Yorkshire.
TuE list of applications to be heard next week at Halifax is now published. It includes a large proportion of excursion applications, decisions on which will no doubt be announced before Easter. There is a large amount of railway opposition to excursions of all kinds, as well as to certain stage and express services. The L.N.E.R. Co. is objecting to express-service licences for the Middlesbrough-Leeds and Scarborough-York routes applied for by its associated company, United Automobile Services, Ltd. Fingland's Hire Cars, Ltd., is 'meeting strong oposition in respect of its express-service backing between Manchester and Scarborough. The Yorkshire Motor Coach Owners Association is opposing certain of the
numerous applications made by the Yorkshire Traction Co., Ltd.
West Midland.
SITTINGS are arranged for the com ing few days at Worcester, Hereford and Shrewsbury. An important case at Worcester will be the application of Black and White Motorways, Ltd., for backing to continue its London-Aberystwyth express service. At Hereford next Monday an extensive list of excursions, new, modified and unmodified, will come up for consideration and will include a large proportion of applications by the Bristol Tramways undertaking. At Shrewsbury, again, excursions will be the main task, and a great deal of opposition is . expected from railway companies, the "Midland Red" concern and others.
East Midland.
NOTTINGHAM will be the centre for next Tuesday's sitting, lists for which are now printed. The Commissioners will endeavour to dispose of a large number of excursion backings required for the opening season. Some stage-service applications by the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., United Automobile Services, Ltd., and some independent concerns, also will be taken.
F LILL details are now available of the arrangements1 made for next Tuesday's Cambridge sitting, which is expected to last until about Thursday. Except for certain rather contentious excursion cases, the large number of applications by the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., will not afford much difficulty. On Wednesday, non-combine operators will be heard concerning their stage and express services in the Eastern Area, and certain excursions will be opposed by the associated companies. On the following day, the application of Southend Express Carriers, Ltd., for a new stage service between Southend and London will be opposed by Green Line Coaches, Ltd., and others.
South Wales.
AT Newport to-morrow and the follow. ing day, applications by Newport Corporation, the West Monmouthshire Omnibus Board, Red and White Services, Ltd., and others will be taken, such services (including many for workmen) occupying practically the whole of the programme. The Commissioners will net have much difficulty With these services.
A SITTING is to be held at Taunton
to-morrow when, apart from the Bristol Tramways, Southern National and Western National undertakings, several private operators will appear in connection with stage and excursion services.
On the following day at Weston-superMare, Burnell's Motors, Ltd., will be opposed by the Great Western Railway Co. in connection with a modified application for excursions, and will have to face the Bristol Tramways concern as regards its new stage services in the town.
list of excursions to be dealt with at Reading on March 17th includes nearly 20 applications by the "Midland Red" undertaking, whilst a large number of private operators also will receive a hearing. A few odd express and stage services will be dealt with, including the London-High Wycombe express service of Green Line Coaches, Ltd., which apparently, is not being opposed.
South Eastern.
ONLY brief details have so far been. published by the South Eastern Commissioners as regards their plans for next week's sitting in London. The names of applicants to be heard include several smaller independent operators, as well as companies like Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., Fleet Transport Services, Ltd., Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd., etc. More details will be given next week.