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Tomato Growers Prefer Motors.
The use of lorries by the tomato growers in the island of Guernsey is rapidly increasing. They are operated mainly by the growers whose vast greenhouse properties are some five......
A Question Of Speed.
Isle of Ely County Council has suggested that a speed limit should be imposed upon vehicles travelling along a certain road near the cathedral, but the Minister of Transport......
Royal Show Entries Soon Closing.
Concerns that propose to exhibit their products in the implement section of the Royal Agricultural Show, which is to be held at Southampton from July 5th. 9th, are reminded that......
An Opportunity For A Sound Goodstransport Concern.
A well-known transport organizer with exceptional traffic experience and connections is seeking active and financial participation in a thoroughly sound goods-transport concern......
Coach-parking Charges At Bolton.
A rate of .f.50 per annum and 6d. per vehicle per visit is to be charged by Bolton Corporation for the right to erect booking offices and waiting-rooms, and for the exclusive......
The Cycle For Oil Engines?
An interesting booklet has recently been produced by Petters, Ltd., :Westland Works, Yeovil, which is specially intended for purchasers of oil engines, and it sets forth the......
For Re-magnetizing Magnetos. .
The General Electric Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, announces that it has placed on the market the Witton-Kramer magnetizer for re-magnetizing magnetos. It is......
C.m. Personalities Mr. William A. Smith, A.m.i.mech.e.,...
is known throughout several engineering and commercial circles as Whirlwind Smith, was appointed general sales and service manager of Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd.,......
Official Orders In January.
Few official orders for motor vehicles were given out during January last. The Air Ministry placed one for Crossley six-wheelers and the War Department purchased Mann, Egerton......