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. T HE plot thickens ! The representatives of the four leading railway companies have had a further interview with the Minister...
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From Mr. P. J. Pybus, C.B.E., Minister of Transport I HOPE that this Special Municipal Number of The Commercial Motor will...
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The 34th Annual Couferenm of the Institute of Public Cleansing, Sefton Street, Blackpool, will take place at Manchester between...
The report of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co,, Ltd., for the year ended December 31st, 1931, shows that revenue amounted...
The directors of the Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co., Ltd., have issued a notice to the shareholders intimating that they have...
The recent cold spell has resulted in the cylinders and cylinder heads of many engines suffering damage through frost...
At the annual meeting of the BlackPool and District Motor ,Coach Owners' Association, Mr. Eddie Taylor was appointed the...
At the annual general meeting of the Underground Group of companies, Lord Ashtield, who presided, said that the paralysis in...
Business at the summer shows should be more brisk this year if the hopes entertained for agricultural improvement, as a result...
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The use of lorries by the tomato growers in the island of Guernsey is rapidly increasing. They are operated mainly by the...
Isle of Ely County Council has suggested that a speed limit should be imposed upon vehicles travelling along a certain road...
Concerns that propose to exhibit their products in the implement section of the Royal Agricultural Show, which is to be held at...
A well-known transport organizer with exceptional traffic experience and connections is seeking active and financial...
A rate of .f.50 per annum and 6d. per vehicle per visit is to be charged by Bolton Corporation for the right to erect booking...
An interesting booklet has recently been produced by Petters, Ltd., :Westland Works, Yeovil, which is specially intended for...
The General Electric Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, announces that it has placed on the market the...
is known throughout several engineering and commercial circles as Whirlwind Smith, was appointed general sales and service...
Few official orders for motor vehicles were given out during January last. The Air Ministry placed one for Crossley...
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The strong combination of the Midland Motor Cylinder Co., Ltd., and the Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co., Ltd.,...
to have a new bus depot erected at a cost of £10,800. In Oxfordshire, last year, there were 1,324 accidents in which motor...
The Paris Universal and International Fair, which is held in May each year in the Exhibition Park, at the Porte de Versailles,...
It is interesting to learn that, during a recent week, Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., received orders for over 50 motor vehicles...
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Although he took over his duties some time ago, it is not generally known that Mr. li. Morton Batchelor is now controlling...
According to a recent report from Berlin, there is a steadily growing use of containers in connection with rail and road...
ILFORD Corporation is to buy a motorcycle with box sidecar. The health committee of SOUTHPORT Corporation is to obtain tenders...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Plea for More Consideration —for Railways. MEE Minister of...
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The Growth of Motorbus and Trolleybus Services Portrayed by Statistics. Comparable Figures Covering a Number of Years. Past...
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Combustion in Oil Engines tAN page 83 of our issue dated March let we gave a lldigest of the paper by Mr. C. D. Dicksee, of...
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CLEANSING.. CONTRACT The Workings of a Unique Service Which, at Agreed Prices, Effects the Cleansing of Gullies,...
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BY MODE N MEANS Simple and Ambitious Designs of Refuse-collection Vehicle that Are Now Offered on the British Market T HE...
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Satisfactory Results Obtained from Replacement of Tramway System by Trackless Vehicles. Some Other Details of the Corporation...
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Designing with a Watchful Eye on Ease of Access and Egress and on Hygiene. Current Practice in Ambulance Construction....
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many-sided TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES How a Tyneside City Operates Its Fleets of Fire Engines, Ambulances, Police Vehicles, Buses,...
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E ASTBOURNE, with Its resi dential population of some 60,000 and its great Inflow of people during the holiday season, has many...
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MUNICIPAL Bus SERVICES Our Annual Statistical Compilation, Based Upon Official Returns, Giving Details of the Composition of...
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MBE latest type of prison van de_ Signed for the Metropolitan. Police and including special features patented by Captain Allen...
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CONVERTIBLE MUNICIPAL VEHICLES A Modern Investiga tion of an Old Sub ject. The Problems Involved in Produc ing an Interchange...
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T ELE annual report of the Commercial Motor Users Association, 50, Pall Mall, London, $.W.1, has just been published. It refers...
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for municipal garages Appliances which Make for Speed and Economy in Dealing with All Classes of Motorized Public Service M...
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Passenger Transport MBE new coach station, in Bucking,' ham Palace Road, S.W.1, of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., will be...
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T HE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each...
Northern Scotland. ARRANGEMENTS for to-day's Aber deen sitting include the hearing of more than a score of applications for...
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Meeting of the South-Eastern Fares Committee. W ITH reference to the announcement on page 95 of our issue for last week, at...
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Striking Economies Effected by the Use of Oil-engined Pagefield Refusecollection Vehicles in the Area of West Ham Borough...
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BUSINESS A Feature Which Hauliers will Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances for Obtaining Contracts B USINESS...
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Simplify the Road Traffic Act. The Wis. doin of Using Modern Garage Equipment. The W.D. Convoy Progressing A Plea for...
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Incorporating Standardized Units S OMETHING distinctly unusual in body construction is about to be pat into production by H....
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The Economical Use of Mechanical TransPort in a Compact and Comparatively Congested Area. The Methods Employed by Wood Green...
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A Well-equipped Morris-Commercial Vehicle Recently Built for the Education Committee of a County Council W HAT is believed to...
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NEW THREE-WHEELER The Tatra Parcelcar has a 528 c.c. Single-cylindered Air-cooled Engine, and the Chassis Consists Mainly of a...
I N a Department of Overseas Trade report which has recently been issued dealing with trade in India, particulars are given of...
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name of H. Sinclair, already associated with the Fluid Flywheel, appears in patents Nos. 365,998 and 360,081. The former deals...