Notes on the Government _Road Haulage Scheme
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DOCGMENTS.—A printed booklet containing the main documents relating to the Scheme (except the Mtnister's Conditions of Carriage, which are to be printed separately) will be available next week at (a) Area offices of the Road Haulage Branch and branch offices of the Hauliers' National ,Traffic Pool (b) Regional offices of the Ministry Emergency Road Transport Organization.
CARGO.—The general traffic carded in the week ended April 17 shows a further substantial increase, with a total of 67,900 tons.
DEFENCE LINES.—A survey of the " Defence Lines " throughout the country shows that the distribution of enrolled vehicles is still distinctly patchy. If every Region had the same -percentage of its total vehicles enrolled as has Southern -Scotland, for example, the would be little room for improvement, This Region has now increased
Al8 its lead, with London, North-Eastern and Northern as the runners-up.
TRAFFIC POOL—There appears to be an impression among some hauliers that before they can undertake work for the Pool the!' must first register with a person or firm authorized to -Sub-contract Pool traffic, This impression is, of course, quite wrong. Hauliers wishing to participate in the scheme are required to register only with the Pool. Copies of the form of application for registration can be obtained either through their national associations or from area and sub-area offices.
IDENTITY CARDS.—In order to facilitate the movement of chartered vehicles (and drivers) on the roads in times
of extremeemergency, it is suggested that all drivers of such vehicles and of those belonging to operators registered with the Hauliers' National Traffic Pool who have not obtained special 'green identity cards, should now apply to their local National Registration Offices for the special identity cards (NR 107)-.COUNTY AGENTS.—County agents for the Supply and control of vehicles •for the removalof scrap have now been .. appointed throughout the country. Appended is a further list:—
North-Western Division,—Liverpool Are-a, Denbigh, Flint and Cheshire : A, E. Handscouthe and Co., Ltd., 427, Tower Buildings, Liverpool, 3.
Manchester Area.—Lancashire: Wellington Haulage' Co., 77, Wellington Street, Manchester, 11. T. Marden and Sons, Ltd., Lime Kiln Works, AO:, wick, Manchester, 12.
South-EaStern London Area Surrey: Berfjarniti
Dapflime• Croft, William Road, Guildford.