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L AST week our erudite contributor, "Tantalus," referred briefly to the many irritating cases in which summonses are issued...
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Tyres to be Branded r r 'HERE is a belief in the to Prevent " RustI U .S.A. that the rubber ling" situation may result in tyre...
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• That Sankey steel wheels are not moody. Of someone wanting to know the number of wheels on a price cycle. That tread...
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THE SEARCH FOR STANDARD CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE n NE of the difficulties confronting IL/the haulage industry is the differences...
THE President of the Board of Trade / was asked, in the House of Commons last week, by Mr. De la Bere whether he would consider...
the Road 1 Transport Section of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce that although it is the custom of the Port of...
F INES totalling £100 were imposed by Sheriff Gibb at Dundee on Mr. David Horsburgh, contractor, 98, Albert Street, Dundee, on...
A N assurance that petrol supplies for farm tractors would, not be so reduced as adversely to affect the production of...
operators' pool which carries Government wool from the ports to the • Yorkshire wool textile manufacturing area, have be,en...
W AS the Parlian - ientary Secretary to the Ministry of War -- Transpert aware, asked Mr. Parker in Parliament last week, that...
DOCGMENTS.—A printed booklet containing the main documents relating to the Scheme (except the Mtnister's Conditions of...
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A PARLIAMENTARY question, last week, addressed to the Minister 'of Supply by Mr. Glenvil-Hall related to an alleged practice of...
OFFICERS ELECTED MORTH-WESTERN Area (Liver! ' pool) Committee of A.R.O. has elected the following officials for the ensuing...
T HE acquisition of new and unregistered motorcycles, except under licence, was prohibited as from last Monday, to ensure that...
UNIFORMS A USEFUL task has been undertaken foi the Board of Trade by the Public Service Transport Association. Under the...
i- r 0 the public utilities committee of Edinburgh Corporation it was reported that the gas department of the municipality...
D ESPITE the cancellation of the C.M,U.A, luncheon which would have marked the 3Sth anniversary of this body, the annual...
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T HE Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport was asked in the House last week by Mr. Mander, whether he had...
AANY tons of paper are still wasted Ylin acknowledging unimportant communications, in covering letters for self-explanatory...
P OLICIES that retard development .I. of road transport in Australia, in order to protect Government-owned railways from...
WIE regret to learn of the recent W sudden deathof Mr. Leonard Murphy, at the early age of 59 years. The deceased was the...
("LOSE team work between Ameiican . steel makers and transport operators recently enabled a British plant producing Tank...
F IVE removals operators have participated in an American official evacuation scheme which has cost in the neighbourhood of...
O WING to enemy action, the Norwich depotof Giles and Bullen, Ltd., is closed, but the company has arranged with Eastern...
A T a meeting of the Council of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, held on April 14, it war decided...
A NYONE who has tyres which he does not require for immediate use, and which are fit for substantial further mileage without...
that season tickets on buses in the area will be rationed. The decision took effect on May I. Sir John stated that season...
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succeed Mn, W. F. BISHOP as general manager of Henley's Tyre 1 and Rubber Co., Ltd. Mr. W. F. Bishop will continue to serve as...
S UGGESTIONS that tyre users should receive payment for surrendered covers which are sound enough for retreading; that...
C ONSTRUCTION of larger busn, standardization of design to reduce vehicle cost and facilitate maintenance, establishment of...
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Result of an Agreement • _Reached at a Meeting of • Representatives of the Air Ministry and of Roadtransport Operators T HE...
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for public service H ITHERTO it has been illegal to operate articulated passenger vehicles on the road. Readers will remember...
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f PRODUCER-GAS FORCES Two Events of Major Importance in A Motion by the Duke of Montrose as Proposed by Lord Leathers, was was...
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Wheeled and Track-laying Machines for Arable, Orchard and Woodland Work Give Outstandingly Good Service to a Sussex Concern...
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of Reducing the Number of Classes to a Minimum but Still Retaining the Disadvantage that All Goods Must be Listed and Placed in...
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By " Tantalus " Trenchant Views on the Feeble Efforts Which Have Been Made to Develop the Use of Fuels Alternative to Petrol...
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general and ancillary users in particular will have read with interest the statement of the secretary of the Standing Joint...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications CERVO steering gear forms the sub. ject of patent No. 543,682, which...