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general and ancillary users in particular will have read with interest the statement of
the secretary of the Standing Joint Committee, in „your issue dated April 24, that collaboration between railwayowned hauliers and other professional carriers is both natural and logical.
Now it would be equally logical for the largest pro fessional carriers in the country, the four grouped railway companies, to be represented. on the S.J.C., and for a start collaboration could partake of a consideration of the law relating to motor road transport now under review by a number of special committees.
I would appreciate an invitation from Mr: Quick Smith to enter the innermost sanctum as an observer when consideration is given to the licensing system and traffic-court procedure. I hope the "providers" of transport will• not speak with divers tongues.
Birmingham, 32.
UNFAIR USE OF MEAT TRANSPORT POOL VEHICLES I AM desired by my Executive to take the strongest possible exception to the views expressed under the above
heading in your issue dated April 17. It had been anticipated that a reply would be forthcoming from the Ministry of War Transport, which is now responsible for the Meat Transport Pool, but in the absence of this I am asked to bring the following facts to your notice :— (1) At the outbreak of war meat-transport operators at once placed their vehicles unreservedly at the disposal of the Government and surrendered completely their right of directing the operation of their vehicles; this is in striking contrast to the support so far given to the general haulage scheme by the rest of the industry.
(2) They accepted the principle of limitation of profits long before there was any suggestion of Excess Profits Tax, and at a time when large profits were being earned in general haulage.
(3) County transport managers were appointed to do a job which brought no reward beyond a nominal payment to compensate for the additional expense to which they were put; in many cases their own vehicles are amongst those which come under their own control, but their vehicle earnings are in no way affected by the work done, whether for the Ministry or otherwise. The question of their "obtaining a monopoly" cannot therefore arise.
(4) Whether the vehicles in any locality are in fact surplus to requirements and, if so, whether they should be used on kcal work or returned to London, are matters entirely for the Ministry of War Transport. The whole principle of the Pool is that the vehicles should be used to the best advantage without regard to the desires of individual operators.
(5) Hiring also is a matter for the Ministry. From time to time criticism is directed against the Meat Pool. Sometimes it is merely ill-informed; sometimes the matter is rank jealousy, and sometimes criticism arises from a refusal to recognize that the national interest must come before priiate gain. Seldom is it remembered that meat operators embarked on an experiment without thought of private gain—an experiment which I am bold enough to say has succeeded
beyond even the hopes of those who undertook the heavy responsibility a developing it.
Mistakes have undoubtedly been made, but it must be remembered that there were absolutely no pre6dents on which to act. Safety First is an excellent motto on the road, but it is useless for winning the war. The faith of those operators who had the courage to embark on so hazardousA venture has been fully justified; the country has benefited both financially and otherwise, and the industry has learned of one way at least in which it can organize itself. Destructive criticism is ill-conceived and quite unwarranted.
G. W. Quicx Smrrm, Secretary, Wholesale Meat and Provisions Transport (Defence) Association (Meat Transport Pool).
London, S.W.1.
TRAFFIC LIGHTS AND FUEL WASTAGE AAANY drivers are being summoned for allowing their VI engines to idle for a matter of minutes. Surely this is farcical in view of the great quantities of fuel that are consumed by vehicles held up needlessly at traffic lights. To my mind these lights are an expensive luxury in times of peace, but a real absurdity at the present moment: The advent of automatic traffic control, in most cases, merely moved the position of the person who previously did the job from the centre of the road to a point on the side-walk, so I cannot see that man-power can enter into the matter. Wm. F. CARPENTER. Hijyton, Liverpool.
BRITISH VEHICLES SHOW THEIR STAMINA ALTHOUGH, under present conditions, it is necessary to extract the maximum service from road-transport vehicles, we, as repairers, can pay tribute to the remarkable way in which they have stood up to the demands made upon them. Operators have overcome the difficulty in obtaining spare parts by making even greater use of scientific welding for the restoration of worn and damaged parts, and some of the components that have passed through our hands for this purpose belong to road vehicles that have covered incredible distances during the past few years. This is particularly true of those with engines of the compression-ignition type.
It would be interesting to know the actual mileage covered by some of these vehicles. One oil-engined bus engaged in difficult country has completed over 400,000 miles, and although the bodywork is dated, the engine and chassis are in amazingly good condition.
Even this is not claimed to be a record, but it is a clear indication gf the stamina of British oil engines, and the robust constructon of the chassis of British vehicles.
C. W. BRETT, Managing Director, London, S.W.6. for Barimar, Ltd.