Training report is welcomed
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'HE ROAD Transport Industry Training loard welcomes the Manpower Services :ommission's recent report, Outlook on 'raining, and believes that if it is accepted nd implemented it will help solve some of :TITB's financial problems.
The Board thinks it is essential that indiidual industries are responsible for the irection their training schemes should 3ke, and says that operating costs must be nanced in some way other than by the ommission if the Board is to be free from tate interference.
RTITB recognises the difficulties of addional financial commitments for industry at us time and considers that some equivamt financial support is possble, for xample, by allocating public funds to cer]in forms of training which is now funded .am levy.
In any event the board believes that at the loment it would,be wrong to raise its levy bove the present one per cent.
The Board backs the recommendation lat Industrial Training Boards should no longer need to get Government approval of the terms and conditions of employment of their own staff, and, if this requirement was removed, it believes it could operate more effectively and economically.
Restructuring of financing and staff must be done quickly it says, so that the Board will not be hindered in its provision of proper training arrangements.
The RTITB says that the definition of the roles of the MSC and the Boards is a top priority and that the recommendation that a review should take place of the boundary between ITB and non-ITB sectors is important and welcome. It also claims that this could give the opportunity for dealing with the long-standing problems concerning responsibilities for training hgv drivers and vehicle mechanics.
Meanwhile, the Road Haulage Association has confirmed that if it is unable to arrange a meeting with the RTITB over fundamental differences, it will go direct to Employment Secretary James Prior.