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Midlands To Get Roads For Recove
THE GOVERNMENT'S first priority is towards roads which will aid economic recovery, according to Junior Transport Minister Kenneth Clarke. Addressing the Midlands regional annual......
Avis Desert Rate War
AVIS Truck Rental has accused cutting and says it is not going to Managing director of Avis Truck Rental Bill Johnston said last week that the competitors in the truck rental......
One Way Green Light
A £2.3M ONE-WAY traffic scheme near Willesden junction has been given the go-ahead by the Greater London Council's North Area Planning Committee. The scheme will centre on the......
Br Looks For A Sign
BRITISH RAIL is looking for firm commitment from the Gin ernment on the BR/French Rai ways plan for a single-bore rai only Channel Tunnel. The Board's member for fir ance, Derek......
Dover Booster
IN AN ATTEMPT to boost it cargo transhipment business a the port, Noblett and Un derwood has opened a Dove office and will now use th existing facilities of Dover Clem once......
Uk Tops Injured List
DRIVING a commercial vehicle in Britain is a comparative!) hazardous occupation, according to accident statistics compiled 13) the United Nations. The figures show that though......