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Flat Service In Norfolk
I NOTICED with interest the very nice eight-page advertisement for Mercedes-Benz vehicles in the October 18 issue of Commerical Motor. However, I would take issue with some of......
Qualitative Error
A MISLEADING error appears under the heading Quality Counts in your News Digest (November 1). As is quite clear from both that heading and the main item on page four, the RHA's......
Reading Between The Lines
HOW HEARTILY I must agree with the Hawk in his comments on advertising by the motor industry of late (CM, October 25, p29). We seem to have become conditioned to accepting......
Someone's Happy With Lt!
HAVING recently returned from the USA I have only just read the October 4 issue of Commercial Motor. Full marks to London Transport (p24) for launching a Heathrow to London......
Voice Of Quality Seldom Heard
WITH REFERENCE to your editorial of November 1, I must point out that the RHA's directorgeneral's comments at the Scarborough Conference on the subject of quality as opposed to......
We Start Them Young
I THOUGHT I was an early rez of your publication when father bought me a copy wh was 12 years old. But my son astounds me; only 20 months' old and alre it is his favourite book!......