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Olchneadow Road, King's Lynn, Norfolk.
THIS company is the concessionaire in this country for the wide range of brake servicing equipment produced by the AMMCO company of America. The range includes six brake lathes, five brake shops (three of which are mobile), two drum/disc lathes, a drum /disc grinder and a drum /disc lathe, two brake-drum lathes, three braRe shoe grinders and six grinder clamps and a brake-shoe groover.
Brake lathe models 3000, 4000, 7700, 4100 and 9000 are designed for turning the drums of light vehicles and for disc facing and grinding, while the 5000 heavy-duty model caters for the turning of heavy vehicle drums and for the facing and grinding of flywheels, clutch plates and discs. The brake shop models are based on one or other of these brake lathes and incorporate a brake-shoe grinder and brake-drum micrometer. Optional equipment includes alternative versions of facing and grinder models and a full range of ancillaries.
Known as the Safe-Turn drum /disc lathe, the Model 4000 is designed for servicing the brakes of cars and light trucks and the drums of trucks in the medium-weight category as well as all types of disc rotor. Operational features include spindle speeds of 90, 115 and 150 rpm and positive belt tensioning. The motor is completely enclosed. It is claimed that switching from drums to discs occupies 15sec. A heavy-duty version of this model, the 4100, is designed for machining drums of up to 28in. diameter and 10in, deep as well as all sizes of disc rotor.
Designed for use with drum /disc lathes the Model 8350 Safe-Swirl disc grinder gives a disc finish of the cross-hatch pattern similar to that obtainable when an engine cylinder is honed. A brake drum and disc dresser, the 4050, is operated by a +hp motor. The Little Giant brake-drum lathe caters for a range of drums of Sin, to 16in. diameter and for depths of up to Sin. A grinder attachment is available that clamps in place of the boring bar.
Designed to cater for machining the drums of all types of vehicle from cars to heavy trucks, the Model 5000 Giant Safe-Turn drum lathe is capable of turning drums with diameters up to 40in. and depths up to 13in., the maximum wheel diameter and twin-wheel assembly weight being 56in. and 1500Ib respectively. The machine can turn and grind at the same time on rough-cut and finish-cut.
Safe-Arc brake shoe grinders are available in three models. The Model 880 is recommended for high-volume work, while Model 890 is recommended for car dealers, brake specialists and so on. Model 8000 is designed to facilitate work on a wide range of UK and foreign vehicles. Six brakeshoe-clamp models are available together with a brake-shoe groover. The groover enables grooving and grinding to be done at the same time.
Measuring tools include an extendable brake-drum micrometer with a range of 6in. to 16in., a brake-shoe-adjusting gauge and a "safe gauge" brake cylinder set. A disc-brake caliper hone has a range of 1+in./3in., while the ranges of two brake cylinder surfacing hones are .in./2,+in. and in./1in., a variety of brake cylinder hone kits being available.